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Timothy Wood

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Everything posted by Timothy Wood

  1. After test fitting the instrument panel to the chart house I determined the chart house was 3/8" to short. I cut two pieces of scrap wood to side and glued them to the chart house. After they are dry I will fill the gaps and give it a coat of sanding sealer. Cheers, Tim
  2. Sweet, nice wok! Love the detail work..... Cheers, Tim
  3. Super work Sherry, it looks great with the lights! Cheers, Tim
  4. Ryland, I'll bring it to the meeting Saturday! That means you have to bring the Armed Virginia Sloop................ Tim
  5. Greetings, While visiting Wisconcin last week I stumbeled across a great place to purchase the wood for your model's baseboard. Some of you may have heard of it, they are called "Timeless Timber" I'll post their story below. I purchased a piece of Birdseye Maple for a half hull of the Shamrock V, I plan to build, the piece of wood is loaded with eyes, it's truly beautiful... If you are in the area stop in and look at their selection of wood. Timeless Timber 2200 East Lake Shore Drive Ashland, WI http://www.timelesstimber.com/index.php Timeless Timber uses premium wood which is milled from logs that sank during the logging boom of the 1800's and early 1900's. These logs were perfectly preserved by the icy temperatures and low oxygen content of the waters of the Great Lakes. This is a unique niche business that has attracted national and international attention. Timeless Timber products are all environmentally sound, created by recycling a squandered resource lost generations ago. Unlike other mills that cut wood from today's young forests, Timeless Timber uses antique quality wood that has not been available in any significant quantities for almost a century. Timeless Timber is proud to be an environmentally conscious company. All of the reclaimed wood we mill is ecologically sound, and carries the environmental Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) seal of approval for 100% reclaimed underwater salvaged recycled timber. This means that none of our reclaimed timbers were harvested from current old-growth forests. We are committed to educating wood product consumers of the importance of using "sustainable wood products" and the benefits of reclaimed and recycled lumber. Underwater logging reduces the negative impacts of commercial forestry by utilizing existing resources more responsibly. We currently recover, reclaim and process two million board feet of lumber each year without sawing down one single tree. By recovering and reclaiming the vast amount of logs that sunk during the logging boom of yesteryear, we are able to help reduce the need to harvest existing forests to meet the current demand for wood. Timeless Timber logs are reclaimed without damage to wildlife habits. Every site is carefully assessed to prevent disturbing existing fish and wildlife habits. Timeless Timber gives manufacturers, craftsmen and artisans the ability to utilize this fine, old growth lumber to create the "antiques" of tomorrow. Timeless Timber has the same fine grain and texture as the antiques of 100 years ago, because it's from the same forest. The fine designs of today will take on a whole new 'look' with the use of this rare, fine quality lumber. Through extensive research and development, Timeless Timber has successfully refined its proprietary drying technology to preserve this treasure for generations to come. The mill is unique because all wood is cut to customers' specifications, such as violin and guitar makers, furniture manufacturers, craftsmen, and artisans. Anyone who appreciates fine quality wood the feel, the texture, the color, the depth that is present in fine antiques, will appreciate this treasure. Cheers, Tim
  6. Thanks to everyone! The vacation was good, the Admiral and I were able to visit the USS Silversides (Gato Class Submarine) located in Muskegon, MI. If anyone gets near ther its well worth the visit! With luck I'll be able to bet back to worl on the Elco this weekend, I've been "Slackin-off" way too long! Cheers, Tim
  7. Benw, The quality looks good at this point, but I havn't started anything on the kit yet. Tim
  8. Thanks for the encouraging words Christian! And yes, I intend to enjoy the days off work to the max. Cheers, Tim
  9. I tried to stay there but got orders to the USS America (CV-66), spent four years on her then the rest of my twenty years here in the Norfolk area, I'm currently working for a medical company and have 7 years until I retire from there. Our long term goal/plans are to retire in Montanas Bitter Root Valley! (I'm a native of Michigan, so I like the cold and snow)... Tim
  10. Wayne, Have you been to Maine before? I was stationed at NAS Brunswick, at the Photo Lab for four years. Needless to say I loved it!.... Cheers, Tim
  11. Thanks Wayne, The admiral and I are going on vacation Saturday, we will be heading up to the Great Lakes. We plan on visiting the Apostle Islands and on the way back to Virginia Beach we plan to visit the USS Silversides at Muskegon Michigan, so it will be a week before I have anything new to post! Cheers, Tim
  12. I have been working on the instrument panel to get it down to the correct height, in doing so I lear ed I need to add some wood to the overall length of the cockpit chart house and to the aft end of chart house behing the 50 cal turret housing. Tim
  13. Thanks to my good friend Gene who made a set of Mk 6 depth charges for me. They are made from brass tube, the roll off rack is photo etched brass as well as the depth settings on the end of weapon. Cheers, Tim
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