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Timothy Wood

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Everything posted by Timothy Wood

  1. Timmo, Thanks that helps a bunch! I never thought to set the pedestales against the full sized plans, thats a great idea. Cheers, Tim
  2. Thanks Jim, I wish I could work on it "Full Time" but the real world keeps getting in the way! Cheers, Tim
  3. It's been a couple weeks since I had a chance to get back to the model bench and it felt good to be back! My next step was to shape the instrument panel. The instrument panel takes the form of a truncated triangle in cross-section. It is shaped from a 3/2" x 1" x 1 1/4" block. I had to take roughly 33 degrees from the forward edge of the instrument panel to get the correct slope, this pretty much matches the rearward a angle of the forward chart house, and the rear instrument panel has a little steeper angle. The first couple of photos show the angle if the sander settings for the instrument pane, the remaining shots shows the sanding process. Cheers, Tim
  4. Is there a rull-of-thumb so to speak for the distance apart, of the pedestals for a specific scale model? 1/3 third looks abut to me, but I don't know if it's correct or not. Thanks, Tim
  5. Bob, Richard and Popeye, Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. My next step, which I jumping ahead to, is to make sure the area/cut out for the 50 cal. mounts fit properly before I add anything to the chart house and day cabin. Thanks again! Tim PS: Richard, if you want a good PT Boat movie watch "They Were Expendable".....
  6. Alfons, I hope I don't disapoint you if I choose to paint the boat gray, as they were painted by Elco.... I still havn't made the discision which way I'm going tyo go with her... Tim
  7. Thanks Russ, It was tricky because the basswood wanted to split at the forward leading edge where the chart house meets the deck. I had to glue one one piece back onto the leading edge, if you look close you can see it. Cheers, Tim
  8. Chart house shown on the hull to check camber of the mating surface. (This photo shown earlier in the build). Cheers, Tim
  9. My next step is making the chart house & cockpit from the supplied basswood in the kit. The chart house has a slightly cambered roof, I have sanded it to the desired shape and correct height shown on the plans. I also needed to match the camber of the hull to match the underside of the chart house and cockpit, I accomplished this by gouging out the underside of the chart house block to a depth of 1/8" and to within 1/8" of all four sides of the wood block. I then placed a piece of sandpaper on the deck and proceeded to work the block back and forth until it matched the angle of the hull. Cheers, Tim
  10. One question Cap'nBob, Does the guy in the dory have a Fishing Licence? Cheers, Tim
  11. Jack, She looks great! I hope everything with the family and the medical issues are working themselves out for the better! My brother-in-law was up for a visit this weekend, and I showed him your build log. He was very impressed with your build, with some luck we may see a build from him before too long! Cheers, Tim
  12. Popeye, There are many places which cary PT Boat parts, the only problem is most don't carry 1/48th scale. Tim
  13. ZyXux, Im glad you found the bell, a ship needs her bell, and I must say the lighting is way too cool.... Cheers, Tim
  14. Davis, Looks great! I really like the selection of clamps you use... Cheers, Tim
  15. A very nice job Ray, I'm looking forward to seeing more of this. Tim
  16. Mark, Finding a drawing isn't too much of a problem... All I need now is the dimensions, it looks like I have plenty if time to them them down, because there I have several steps to complete before I need them. Thanks, Tim
  17. Thanks Mark, I had thought of something along those lines, but I run into a little different problem when it comes to the roll-off rack they were mounted on, I guess I could find a set of drawings and build it from scratch! Tim
  18. Thanks David, I plan on building her as one of the early 80 footers. I'll keep all for tubes on her, if I can fine 1/48 scale depth charges I'll add them also If anyone knows where I can find 1/48 scale depth charges I sure would like to here about it! Cheers, Tim
  19. Greetings, As stated earlier in my build log, my wish was to get a coat of primer on the hull this weekend, it finally happened, Victory! (Well any way a small victory for me...) I used a sanable automotive prime that would take either Acrylic or an Enamel top coat. Cheers, Tim
  20. Richard, You are doing a super job, it's always a joy to drop in you your build log. I hope I can do 1/2 as good of a job on my Skipjack as you are doing on your kit! Tim
  21. Adeline, It's looking great! You're doing and excellant job.... Keep the post coming in, its a pleasure watching your progress! Cheers, Tim
  22. OK, my dayghters wedding is behind us, now the only delays I can see in the future is "Yard Work and honey Do's"...... Cheers, Tim
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