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Timothy Wood

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Everything posted by Timothy Wood

  1. Jack, It looks like you're off to a great start! My brother-in-law purchased the same kit a couple of years ago but hasn't started building it yet. (How do you like the kit and instructions so far?) Keep up with the photos, I look forward to watching your build. Cheers, Tim
  2. I have some photos of the Pride II, I'll see if I can dig them up for you! Cheers, Tim
  3. Hi ZyXuz, She looks great, like all the other comments l really like the paint job. Good selection with the colors. I look forward to following more of your build. Chers, Tim
  4. Thanks Jim, The trip to Battleship Cove is on my "Bucket List," I also want to visit the USS Salem and then head up to Mystic Seaport for a visit. Cheers, Tim
  5. Looks like you're off to a great start! Keep the photos rolling in.... Cheers, Tim
  6. It's been a while since I've checked in on your build, and I must say it's looking very good. Cheers, Tim
  7. Popeye, My original choice was to paint it gray, the color it was delivered to the Navy from Elco, but a "Little Voice" in the back of my heas says paith as the "Dragon PT Boat".... Cheers, Tim
  8. Popeye, What scale is your PT Boat kit? If it's 1/48 scale you should be able to get some parts from BlueJacket if you have any missing from your kit! Cheers, Tim
  9. Thanks Russ, It's been a joy to work on, BlueJacket Ship Crafters did a fantast job with this kit. I'm also currently working on their half hull kit of the Endeavor, that kit is also exceptional, which makes me look forward to building their kit of the USS Kidd. Thanks again for the kind words! Tim
  10. Thanks Wayne! With luck the weather will hold out, we are having a "Beach Wedding"..... Tim
  11. Greetings, As you can see, I didn't get the hull painted. It seems like you have been hearing the same old story, actually the weather hasn't been good for spray painting on my screened in porch. There has been too much wind blowing, and I really need a calm day to use the air brush. So, I figured I would go on to the next step. In my earlier post I was working the chart house and cockpit to the correct height, once that was completed I needed to make sure the chart house conformed to the camber of the hull. I accomplished this by placing a piece of sandpaper on the deck and slowly worked it back and forth until it had a snug fit to the hull. A word of warning, I probably wont be able to paint the hull this weekend, my daughter is getting married on Saturday and the Admiral has given me my marching orders... Cheers, Tim
  12. Great job, she really looks nice! You should be proud! Cheers, Tim
  13. Popeye, She is really starting to take spape, you are doing very nice job with the decking. Keep up those updates rolling in, I look forward to seeing your progress. Cheers, Tim
  14. I agree! Anytime you can do the actual work rather than simulating, always looks better in the finished product! Cheers, Tim
  15. Nice job on the planking! I look forward to seeing the second layer of planks on the hull, if you do as good of a job on the second layer she will look great! Keep up the good work!!! Cheers, Tim
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