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About tlevine

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  1. I would apply the finishing wood last. That way it will cover up any dings that occur along the way.
  2. Another place to look is the Half Hull Planking Project. This was designed for novice modelers.
  3. The first post is the hardest. Welcome to MSW!
  4. I have no experience with this wood. How hard is it? I would probably use it for things like hatch covers rather than pillars.
  5. At the top of the deck plan there is the comment "the ticked lines and those in green are proposed alterations, the others are as she is now". Also, look where the magazine lantern is in location to the faint word "magazine".
  6. The updated version has been added to the Resources section.
  7. I use Danish Oil for all of my models. My Hannah was made from pear (not swiss pear). It darkened the wood slightly but brought out the character of the grain.
  8. I find size 10 crochet hooks to be very useful with rigging. Readily found in sewing stores and Amazon.
  9. Take a look at the build log for the NRG rigging kit. The second fanciest tool is a fan showing the distance between ratlines. The two things you need to acquire are information about which lines are served and a serving machine. Of the ones commercially available today, Syren's is the best by far.
  10. First, welcome to MSW. What is your interest? Kits come with sufficient materials to make the boat. As a novice, learn the skills first, then concern yourself with the "best" materials. That is a concern for kit bashers and scratch builders.
  11. Like your taste in moral support. I would suggest going low tech... Hold the material in your hand and shape it with a file.
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