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Everything posted by garyshipwright

  1. Mark could the door have been on the inside of the beak head bulkhead. Thought I saw a photo or maybe it was the victory that showed this. If so wouldn't that given them a couple of more feet with a set of stairs to help get you in there. Think I see if I can found the door. Gary
  2. Mark thats a nice drawing. I have allways liked your drawing. Is it possible to see one of a head on view? Thank you sir. Gary
  3. Mark on that plan with the knees there is another lay out of the spirketting and quickwork of the Berwick which is what I used on Alfred. Gives you another choice which is allways a good thing. Look forward in to seeing your planking good sir. Gary
  4. Thanks Gaetan . Bruce I ordered one off of Amazon already sir. Should come in handy, and thank you. Pat sounds like you didn't have to bad of a time. I have heard other people say the same thing. Like you said they must have a good reason. Well maybe next time you go you will have a better time on the Victory. Gary
  5. On a different not I have this tool, had it for years and not sure what its called, maybe a depth/ angle gauge. Any ideals where I might get another one. Comes in real handy and would like to have a second one when this one is tied up. Thank you good sir's. Sorry guys already found one. Gary
  6. Hi Mark. No color/stain this time. Used Tamiya flat black thinned down and didn't come out to bad. Used the same thing on the stbd side for some of the upper works. Hope it doesn't peel off any time soon. Gary
  7. You are so right Mark. You figure after 30 years I would know what am doing but as the saying goes, you will allways be learning something new in this hobby. Gary
  8. Thanks Pat. Hope you had a good time and did you happen to get any photos of the inside of the gallery on the Victory. Maybe as your looking forward from the seat of ease. If not thank you any way and do hope you had a great time. Getting her lower parts of the gallery done is I believe a step in the right direction. Gary
  9. Thanks Mark. At the moment am working on the upper stool and getting it to look just right is just a tad touchie. Can't wait to see some of those knees and hope to get some ideals from you for doing my own. Gary
  10. Hi Mark. Good to see you back to making sawdust. Has far as the knee's go I have a drawing from the NMM of the Berwick that shows how every thing was laid out which when it comes to Alfred will be a big help. There is one hanging knee close to what you show but not quite that bad. As far as swaping it to the other side, if you look at the photos, they stuck to the side they were meant to go on. Should be a lot of fun making them. Gary
  11. Thanks druxey. I just may have to make a slight modification and round off the coner's. :0)
  12. Hi guys. I finally got the lower part of the quarter gallers and the counter all planked up. I didn't leave it bare and painted it to match the wales. One thing about it this time is it's easy on the eyes which makes me think that maybe just maybe I got it right or at least close to being right. Gary
  13. Thanks guy I take all of the info I can get. HJX there is a difference in the height of the lower stool that one has to take in to account with Alfred and that is the forward height of the lower stool when compared with her sister Warrior. If you go to the most forward upper edge on the lower stool and measure from there up to the top of the gun deck beams you get 18 inches and Warrior most forward edge is 14 inches. The stool on Warrior I do believe sets up from the wale by another 14 to 15 inches but don't hold me to that one. Believe thats what I came up with. Because of this difference you lower stool on Warrior is a lot closer to the top of the beams. I have attach a photo of Warrior stern and Alfred's stern so you can see this. I have also added another photo which shows the ceiling in the quarter gallery higher then what we are seeing making it possible to stand up.
  14. Thanks Gaetan and being careful is my middle name sir.
  15. Hi Siggi and HJX. Thanks for the information which is great and a big help. Some thing to think about, which I didn't till this morning is the placement of the lower stool. I have not measured it height yet compared to others but Alfred's lower stool sits on top of the wale it self but her sister's stool sit's above the wale, by how much am unsure but plan on measureing it when I get out to the shop. If the lower stool is raised as plans show, then this would also raised the upper part of the upper counter. Any way if the lower stool is raised then the space from the stool to the deck level would have shrunk. On a different note has any one been in the lower quarter gallery of the Victory, and looked at the angle of the deck? I understand things have changed with her but was wondering if hers go down hill or is level with the deck. Gary
  16. Hi Siggi. Thank you sir. Your infor makes a lot of sense and if you was to measure up in your one photo from where the stool line is to the bottom of the door it probably would come out to be about two feet. That is a big drop down only to have to climb out of the quarter gallery. To me it makes sense that they added a floor which would of be laid at the same height as the deck it self. This way all one would have to do is step over the sill on to the floor and use the bathroom. Being they were the higher ups the higher ups would do their best to make them fill comfortable and jumping down would have been a pain in the butt. Gary
  17. Hi HJX Thank you sir.I do believe that between what you have shown along with what Druxey said makes a whole lot of sense with the steep angle of the bottom stool. With the false floor shown in your drawing the steep angle had no affect on a person climbing down and falling forward. Gary
  18. Hi Allan. I believe what Druxey is saying is that there is a floor in the lower gallery above the stool which would have been at the sheer of the deck line and had the round up of the deck beams. Most of the time we think that like the upper stool which was not only the deck of the upper gallery but also the roof of the lower gallery. This also would keep the floor from having such a steep sheer to it like the stool. Make sense to me. Wish I had thought about the floor. Gary
  19. Hi Mark and thank you very much. Yes sir there are a lot of pieces that seems to be floating. The form and how accurate the gallerys look, are based on the lower stools and how accurate they are placed, which is depended on the rails of the counter along with the sheer of of her which is based on the curve or sheer of the wale and the planking . Once you get all that right, and all the angles, in that order starting with the wale then every thing else seems to fall in place at least for the moment. O boy is this a mouth full. I do believe that I finally some thing right but looks good to the eye. I got a couple more pieces to place then I post up a couple of photos of the lower stools and its parts and pieces. Gary
  20. Thanks druxey. Seems good sir, that getting the geometry right and looking good is the most time consuming and seems one moves at a snail pace when building this part. Of course you already know this. ;o) I thought building the head and its rails was a little on the hard side but working on Montagu stern has changed that. One has to have answer's to 50 question before shaping and cutting one piece of wood. Oops 30 pieces. On a question on the bottom lower stool that you and other good folks may be able to answer. The lower stool seems to set about 2 feet or so, have not measured it from the door but one would have to climb down in order to step on the stool. Is there a possibilty that a step was added? I looked in Boudriot 74 gun ship and its lower stool was just as low but didn't show a step for . Thank you
  21. Well good folks I have been working on Montagu stern, probably on and off for the last couple of weeks and looking back seems that from the photo's it doesn't look like much as been made, that is untill you look at the parts and pieces that have been discarded. Sorry but I didn't take any photo's of them but did want to make sure that I recorded this for others who might undertake the Stern of their own 74 with a balcony trying to figure out they parts that made up the stern. It does at time's seem like a total up hill battle and lots of research on what is what on the stern which I am still trying to figure it all out but have some good builders that with out them my understanding would be a lot slower. Hope you enjoy the photos, just remember it a work in progress. Gary
  22. Thanks Tim. Been working on the stern for the last couple of weeks and hope before to long to have a update. Gary
  23. here is a couple more showing work on the Stern and its quarter gallery's
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