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    garyshipwright got a reaction from popash42 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Grant and Mark.
    Sort of got tired of working on the cannons so decided to work on something different and this time the rudder. I built a rudder earlier from a plan I got from the NMM and unlike the TFFM rudder this one is a little different. I sort of built two of them and this is the second one. The first one I ended up having a knot in, which the main piece is made of boxwood and figure that the knot would end up in the waste, at least that's what I thought. ( O well, it was fun making another one. Have finally got a chance to really use my little smith torch and it's a blessing to have it. Don,t believe that soft solder would have stood up to the abuse of all the cutting, filing and twisting that it took to finally come out with the finally braces. Still have some clean up to do, due to the metal work. Funny how even small metal work makes a mess. Any way hope you enjoy the photo's. I didn't add any small planks under neith the braces and to me it doesn't look to bad.

  2. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Richard Braithwaite in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Hi Guys and thank you.
    Guy,your very welcome sir and glad that you are enjoying the photo's hopfully more will come.
    Thank you Chuck,the hooks and blocks are a nice addition to the gun's. Thank you for them and should be ordering some more in the next couple of weeks or so.. Am sure you told me this but can you remind me of what type of metal you used? They seems to have a lot of strength.
    YaRus, According to the contracts I have, it gives the height of the orlop deck to the gun deck as being 6 foot 6 inches from the beam of the orlop deck to the bottom of the gun deck planks. The gun deck from the upper deck as 7 feet, which was from the top of the plank of the gundeck to the top of the upper deck plank. The upper deck height was at the quarter deck as 6 foot 9 and at the forecastle as 6 foot 6 1/2 inches which was taken from the upper part of the deck planking to the top of the quarter deck and forecastle deck beams.
    Remco your cannon's was a big help sir in the way that you rigged them. Your's gave me some thing to shoot for.
    Thanks Brian, do hope she is of some help to you as you build yours. I take it that you are following the practicum by Romero. It does give one good ideal's but I sort of went down a different path of building Montagu. For me I wanted a more accurate Montagu then what you would get using Harold's and Romero to build one. If you have any question along the way let me know sir. I do take it you will be framing it using Harold's type of framing and jig? Good luck and look forward to your build log.
    Well folks here is another update on Montagu and this time it's in making rope for the cannons. I have had a rope walk which was built by a good friend, of mine, Tom Nance, and purchased it from his wife after he passed away. It sort of been stowed away until I have had a need for some rope and after spending some time expertmenting I manage to make some rope for the cannons along with the messenger that you saw in the last post. It is based on the same rope walk that Frolick used in his book The art of shipbuilding. Another one of the photo's shows the pile of parts and pieces setting on the work bench waiting to be installed on the gun carriages, that is as soon as I have a little time to work on them. As you can see in another photo, my rope walk can be any length which at the moment is about ten feet long. .

  3. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from tkay11 in Starting a Shipbuilding library   
    Just to help out those in the hobby and new folks coming in to the hobby, here is a list of books that one may look in to getting for your library, or for those new to the hobby just starting to build up one. Weither it be PDF on the computer or hard back books that one just enjoy holding and reading. This isn't my list but one that Portia Takakjian figure would help others in the hobby. It is a list that I followed and since then have added even more books but does give one a base line to go by. Some are a little on the costly side and other's probably long out of print but do hope its of some help to you, it was for me. Gary 

  4. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from trippwj in Starting a Shipbuilding library   
    Hi Wayne. Sorry for not getting back sooner. Believe they came from the orginal Ships and Scale back in the 80's. Hope that helps sir. Gary
  5. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Farbror Fartyg in Starting a Shipbuilding library   
    Just to help out those in the hobby and new folks coming in to the hobby, here is a list of books that one may look in to getting for your library, or for those new to the hobby just starting to build up one. Weither it be PDF on the computer or hard back books that one just enjoy holding and reading. This isn't my list but one that Portia Takakjian figure would help others in the hobby. It is a list that I followed and since then have added even more books but does give one a base line to go by. Some are a little on the costly side and other's probably long out of print but do hope its of some help to you, it was for me. Gary 

  6. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from flying_dutchman2 in Starting a Shipbuilding library   
    Just to help out those in the hobby and new folks coming in to the hobby, here is a list of books that one may look in to getting for your library, or for those new to the hobby just starting to build up one. Weither it be PDF on the computer or hard back books that one just enjoy holding and reading. This isn't my list but one that Portia Takakjian figure would help others in the hobby. It is a list that I followed and since then have added even more books but does give one a base line to go by. Some are a little on the costly side and other's probably long out of print but do hope its of some help to you, it was for me. Gary 

  7. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from fatih79 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Well guys, after finally getting all the gun deck ports cut in and the framing of the gun deck done I went to work on the out side of the hull installing the main wale. Montagu main wale was four strakes of 8 1/2 inch thick planks, with the upper two being locked together and the bottom two being locked together. When I mean locked together am talking about a hook anchor type of plank. Peter Goodwin shows this in his book but I also found to primary plans of it one being the Elizebeth and ,Montagues. I like Elizebeth wale and also her other planking that Montaguplanking is taken after her. Being that I don't have any ideally of which type was applied, felt safe following her's. Now when it came to the thickness of this planking I decided to do it in two layers both being applied hook anchor type planking. Doing the first layer like this gave me a chance to practice before I layed the outside layer and once it was done,it was dyed black and given a coat or two of wax. I wanted a black wale but didn't want to mess with ebony and one can not tell the difference when you look at it with ebony laying next to it. Another one of those interesting items that was fun to do.



  8. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from popash42 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks guy's
    B.E. your right and Remco also told me about the size, which of couse I didn't do. I did go back and changed the breeching rope along with the tackles to a right  size and thank you both. The breeching rope is now .047 inch and the tackle is .017. Thanks for the infor on the gun and it's parts. As many times as I have looked at them and study all the parts to install on the carriage, you would think I should know them by heart. Here are some new photo's of the cannon but this time mounted on board Montagu . Enjoy the photo's guys. Gary

  9. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from iosto in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks every one, your words mean a lot. After some time I finally do believe I have a almost finish 32 pound cannon. There is just a few details such as the metal hoop that goes on the end of the axle's and maybe a tompions that goes in the mouth of the cannon yet to do.  I have not had a lot of time and had Chuck make me up some 5/32 blocks and hooks to rig the tackles. I tried the 1/8 inch blocks but they seem to be to small. Has far as the messenger cable I made a new one to replaced the black cable, and rigged it in place. Not sure how the two ends come together so I just may have to change that in the future, if its wrong. If any of you know how it was done let me know, will you please. Hopfully I find a few minutes to take a look. One thing that I though was neat is the small chain that hold's the trunnon key hanging down on the stbd side and it twin on the port side in place to prevent the trunnon opening up. Hope  you enjoy the photo's folks as much as I enjoy building the cannon's. Now I only have another 27 to go.
    The pumps are undergoing maintence on them. After looking at the hoods, thought just maybe I install all of the upper part's of the chain pumps and leave the hoods off. Believe Greg posted a photo showing one of the swan ships with this set up and thought that might be a good ideal on Montagu. Gary

  10. Wow!
    garyshipwright got a reaction from popash42 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Hi Guys and thank you.
    Guy,your very welcome sir and glad that you are enjoying the photo's hopfully more will come.
    Thank you Chuck,the hooks and blocks are a nice addition to the gun's. Thank you for them and should be ordering some more in the next couple of weeks or so.. Am sure you told me this but can you remind me of what type of metal you used? They seems to have a lot of strength.
    YaRus, According to the contracts I have, it gives the height of the orlop deck to the gun deck as being 6 foot 6 inches from the beam of the orlop deck to the bottom of the gun deck planks. The gun deck from the upper deck as 7 feet, which was from the top of the plank of the gundeck to the top of the upper deck plank. The upper deck height was at the quarter deck as 6 foot 9 and at the forecastle as 6 foot 6 1/2 inches which was taken from the upper part of the deck planking to the top of the quarter deck and forecastle deck beams.
    Remco your cannon's was a big help sir in the way that you rigged them. Your's gave me some thing to shoot for.
    Thanks Brian, do hope she is of some help to you as you build yours. I take it that you are following the practicum by Romero. It does give one good ideal's but I sort of went down a different path of building Montagu. For me I wanted a more accurate Montagu then what you would get using Harold's and Romero to build one. If you have any question along the way let me know sir. I do take it you will be framing it using Harold's type of framing and jig? Good luck and look forward to your build log.
    Well folks here is another update on Montagu and this time it's in making rope for the cannons. I have had a rope walk which was built by a good friend, of mine, Tom Nance, and purchased it from his wife after he passed away. It sort of been stowed away until I have had a need for some rope and after spending some time expertmenting I manage to make some rope for the cannons along with the messenger that you saw in the last post. It is based on the same rope walk that Frolick used in his book The art of shipbuilding. Another one of the photo's shows the pile of parts and pieces setting on the work bench waiting to be installed on the gun carriages, that is as soon as I have a little time to work on them. As you can see in another photo, my rope walk can be any length which at the moment is about ten feet long. .

  11. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from fatih79 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Hi Guys and thank you.
    Guy,your very welcome sir and glad that you are enjoying the photo's hopfully more will come.
    Thank you Chuck,the hooks and blocks are a nice addition to the gun's. Thank you for them and should be ordering some more in the next couple of weeks or so.. Am sure you told me this but can you remind me of what type of metal you used? They seems to have a lot of strength.
    YaRus, According to the contracts I have, it gives the height of the orlop deck to the gun deck as being 6 foot 6 inches from the beam of the orlop deck to the bottom of the gun deck planks. The gun deck from the upper deck as 7 feet, which was from the top of the plank of the gundeck to the top of the upper deck plank. The upper deck height was at the quarter deck as 6 foot 9 and at the forecastle as 6 foot 6 1/2 inches which was taken from the upper part of the deck planking to the top of the quarter deck and forecastle deck beams.
    Remco your cannon's was a big help sir in the way that you rigged them. Your's gave me some thing to shoot for.
    Thanks Brian, do hope she is of some help to you as you build yours. I take it that you are following the practicum by Romero. It does give one good ideal's but I sort of went down a different path of building Montagu. For me I wanted a more accurate Montagu then what you would get using Harold's and Romero to build one. If you have any question along the way let me know sir. I do take it you will be framing it using Harold's type of framing and jig? Good luck and look forward to your build log.
    Well folks here is another update on Montagu and this time it's in making rope for the cannons. I have had a rope walk which was built by a good friend, of mine, Tom Nance, and purchased it from his wife after he passed away. It sort of been stowed away until I have had a need for some rope and after spending some time expertmenting I manage to make some rope for the cannons along with the messenger that you saw in the last post. It is based on the same rope walk that Frolick used in his book The art of shipbuilding. Another one of the photo's shows the pile of parts and pieces setting on the work bench waiting to be installed on the gun carriages, that is as soon as I have a little time to work on them. As you can see in another photo, my rope walk can be any length which at the moment is about ten feet long. .

  12. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Cap'n Rat Fink in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Hi Guys and thank you.
    Guy,your very welcome sir and glad that you are enjoying the photo's hopfully more will come.
    Thank you Chuck,the hooks and blocks are a nice addition to the gun's. Thank you for them and should be ordering some more in the next couple of weeks or so.. Am sure you told me this but can you remind me of what type of metal you used? They seems to have a lot of strength.
    YaRus, According to the contracts I have, it gives the height of the orlop deck to the gun deck as being 6 foot 6 inches from the beam of the orlop deck to the bottom of the gun deck planks. The gun deck from the upper deck as 7 feet, which was from the top of the plank of the gundeck to the top of the upper deck plank. The upper deck height was at the quarter deck as 6 foot 9 and at the forecastle as 6 foot 6 1/2 inches which was taken from the upper part of the deck planking to the top of the quarter deck and forecastle deck beams.
    Remco your cannon's was a big help sir in the way that you rigged them. Your's gave me some thing to shoot for.
    Thanks Brian, do hope she is of some help to you as you build yours. I take it that you are following the practicum by Romero. It does give one good ideal's but I sort of went down a different path of building Montagu. For me I wanted a more accurate Montagu then what you would get using Harold's and Romero to build one. If you have any question along the way let me know sir. I do take it you will be framing it using Harold's type of framing and jig? Good luck and look forward to your build log.
    Well folks here is another update on Montagu and this time it's in making rope for the cannons. I have had a rope walk which was built by a good friend, of mine, Tom Nance, and purchased it from his wife after he passed away. It sort of been stowed away until I have had a need for some rope and after spending some time expertmenting I manage to make some rope for the cannons along with the messenger that you saw in the last post. It is based on the same rope walk that Frolick used in his book The art of shipbuilding. Another one of the photo's shows the pile of parts and pieces setting on the work bench waiting to be installed on the gun carriages, that is as soon as I have a little time to work on them. As you can see in another photo, my rope walk can be any length which at the moment is about ten feet long. .

  13. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from terjezahl in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Once the spirketting and water way was done I installed the 12 standand's per side according the the research I had. She really had 12 per side, and one at the stem and another one at the stern. They were used to strengthening the sides, and for resisting an violent or sudden shock. One thing is for sure, they will sure make installing the upper deck hanging knees a very interesting item to install.

  14. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from iosto in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks guy's
    B.E. your right and Remco also told me about the size, which of couse I didn't do. I did go back and changed the breeching rope along with the tackles to a right  size and thank you both. The breeching rope is now .047 inch and the tackle is .017. Thanks for the infor on the gun and it's parts. As many times as I have looked at them and study all the parts to install on the carriage, you would think I should know them by heart. Here are some new photo's of the cannon but this time mounted on board Montagu . Enjoy the photo's guys. Gary

  15. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from freewheelinguy in Starting a Shipbuilding library   
    Just to help out those in the hobby and new folks coming in to the hobby, here is a list of books that one may look in to getting for your library, or for those new to the hobby just starting to build up one. Weither it be PDF on the computer or hard back books that one just enjoy holding and reading. This isn't my list but one that Portia Takakjian figure would help others in the hobby. It is a list that I followed and since then have added even more books but does give one a base line to go by. Some are a little on the costly side and other's probably long out of print but do hope its of some help to you, it was for me. Gary 

  16. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from dafi in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks guy's
    B.E. your right and Remco also told me about the size, which of couse I didn't do. I did go back and changed the breeching rope along with the tackles to a right  size and thank you both. The breeching rope is now .047 inch and the tackle is .017. Thanks for the infor on the gun and it's parts. As many times as I have looked at them and study all the parts to install on the carriage, you would think I should know them by heart. Here are some new photo's of the cannon but this time mounted on board Montagu . Enjoy the photo's guys. Gary

  17. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from dafi in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks every one, your words mean a lot. After some time I finally do believe I have a almost finish 32 pound cannon. There is just a few details such as the metal hoop that goes on the end of the axle's and maybe a tompions that goes in the mouth of the cannon yet to do.  I have not had a lot of time and had Chuck make me up some 5/32 blocks and hooks to rig the tackles. I tried the 1/8 inch blocks but they seem to be to small. Has far as the messenger cable I made a new one to replaced the black cable, and rigged it in place. Not sure how the two ends come together so I just may have to change that in the future, if its wrong. If any of you know how it was done let me know, will you please. Hopfully I find a few minutes to take a look. One thing that I though was neat is the small chain that hold's the trunnon key hanging down on the stbd side and it twin on the port side in place to prevent the trunnon opening up. Hope  you enjoy the photo's folks as much as I enjoy building the cannon's. Now I only have another 27 to go.
    The pumps are undergoing maintence on them. After looking at the hoods, thought just maybe I install all of the upper part's of the chain pumps and leave the hoods off. Believe Greg posted a photo showing one of the swan ships with this set up and thought that might be a good ideal on Montagu. Gary

  18. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Roman in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks guy's
    B.E. your right and Remco also told me about the size, which of couse I didn't do. I did go back and changed the breeching rope along with the tackles to a right  size and thank you both. The breeching rope is now .047 inch and the tackle is .017. Thanks for the infor on the gun and it's parts. As many times as I have looked at them and study all the parts to install on the carriage, you would think I should know them by heart. Here are some new photo's of the cannon but this time mounted on board Montagu . Enjoy the photo's guys. Gary

  19. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Roman in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks every one, your words mean a lot. After some time I finally do believe I have a almost finish 32 pound cannon. There is just a few details such as the metal hoop that goes on the end of the axle's and maybe a tompions that goes in the mouth of the cannon yet to do.  I have not had a lot of time and had Chuck make me up some 5/32 blocks and hooks to rig the tackles. I tried the 1/8 inch blocks but they seem to be to small. Has far as the messenger cable I made a new one to replaced the black cable, and rigged it in place. Not sure how the two ends come together so I just may have to change that in the future, if its wrong. If any of you know how it was done let me know, will you please. Hopfully I find a few minutes to take a look. One thing that I though was neat is the small chain that hold's the trunnon key hanging down on the stbd side and it twin on the port side in place to prevent the trunnon opening up. Hope  you enjoy the photo's folks as much as I enjoy building the cannon's. Now I only have another 27 to go.
    The pumps are undergoing maintence on them. After looking at the hoods, thought just maybe I install all of the upper part's of the chain pumps and leave the hoods off. Believe Greg posted a photo showing one of the swan ships with this set up and thought that might be a good ideal on Montagu. Gary

  20. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Hi Mark. the beeching rope is tucked some what under the cannon itself sir for inspection. That's why the tackles are frapped, that and I think it looks better then having them going to the deck and coiled. Of course there isn't going to be a lot of deck to set things on any way. I just may have to play around with the breeching rope and see how it looks in different position. Gary.
  21. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Jeronimo in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks guy's
    B.E. your right and Remco also told me about the size, which of couse I didn't do. I did go back and changed the breeching rope along with the tackles to a right  size and thank you both. The breeching rope is now .047 inch and the tackle is .017. Thanks for the infor on the gun and it's parts. As many times as I have looked at them and study all the parts to install on the carriage, you would think I should know them by heart. Here are some new photo's of the cannon but this time mounted on board Montagu . Enjoy the photo's guys. Gary

  22. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from harvey1847 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks guy's
    B.E. your right and Remco also told me about the size, which of couse I didn't do. I did go back and changed the breeching rope along with the tackles to a right  size and thank you both. The breeching rope is now .047 inch and the tackle is .017. Thanks for the infor on the gun and it's parts. As many times as I have looked at them and study all the parts to install on the carriage, you would think I should know them by heart. Here are some new photo's of the cannon but this time mounted on board Montagu . Enjoy the photo's guys. Gary

  23. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from freewheelinguy in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks guy's
    B.E. your right and Remco also told me about the size, which of couse I didn't do. I did go back and changed the breeching rope along with the tackles to a right  size and thank you both. The breeching rope is now .047 inch and the tackle is .017. Thanks for the infor on the gun and it's parts. As many times as I have looked at them and study all the parts to install on the carriage, you would think I should know them by heart. Here are some new photo's of the cannon but this time mounted on board Montagu . Enjoy the photo's guys. Gary

  24. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from harvey1847 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks every one, your words mean a lot. After some time I finally do believe I have a almost finish 32 pound cannon. There is just a few details such as the metal hoop that goes on the end of the axle's and maybe a tompions that goes in the mouth of the cannon yet to do.  I have not had a lot of time and had Chuck make me up some 5/32 blocks and hooks to rig the tackles. I tried the 1/8 inch blocks but they seem to be to small. Has far as the messenger cable I made a new one to replaced the black cable, and rigged it in place. Not sure how the two ends come together so I just may have to change that in the future, if its wrong. If any of you know how it was done let me know, will you please. Hopfully I find a few minutes to take a look. One thing that I though was neat is the small chain that hold's the trunnon key hanging down on the stbd side and it twin on the port side in place to prevent the trunnon opening up. Hope  you enjoy the photo's folks as much as I enjoy building the cannon's. Now I only have another 27 to go.
    The pumps are undergoing maintence on them. After looking at the hoods, thought just maybe I install all of the upper part's of the chain pumps and leave the hoods off. Believe Greg posted a photo showing one of the swan ships with this set up and thought that might be a good ideal on Montagu. Gary

  25. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from freewheelinguy in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks every one, your words mean a lot. After some time I finally do believe I have a almost finish 32 pound cannon. There is just a few details such as the metal hoop that goes on the end of the axle's and maybe a tompions that goes in the mouth of the cannon yet to do.  I have not had a lot of time and had Chuck make me up some 5/32 blocks and hooks to rig the tackles. I tried the 1/8 inch blocks but they seem to be to small. Has far as the messenger cable I made a new one to replaced the black cable, and rigged it in place. Not sure how the two ends come together so I just may have to change that in the future, if its wrong. If any of you know how it was done let me know, will you please. Hopfully I find a few minutes to take a look. One thing that I though was neat is the small chain that hold's the trunnon key hanging down on the stbd side and it twin on the port side in place to prevent the trunnon opening up. Hope  you enjoy the photo's folks as much as I enjoy building the cannon's. Now I only have another 27 to go.
    The pumps are undergoing maintence on them. After looking at the hoods, thought just maybe I install all of the upper part's of the chain pumps and leave the hoods off. Believe Greg posted a photo showing one of the swan ships with this set up and thought that might be a good ideal on Montagu. Gary

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