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    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Thanks Chuck
  2. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well guy's after a couple of weeks I finally finished the build board and the Center keel. The plywood for the bulkheads should be here tomorrow  and I can get started on them. Between the two, the Winchelsea and the Montague,  they  should keep me busy.  

  3. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    I took a look Ben and must say am impressed. You building board reminds me of the one on my 74 as far as the outside rail's. I didn't have them for the longest time and if I had them when I started her, would of come in real handy. Think it was 19 years ago, maybe a couple of year's after I finished Richard up which I believe it was 98. Probably spent the in between time to figure out what I wanted to build next. 
  4. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Thanks JJ, working on the progress part as we speak. Was wonder what other's such as your self was using and what size's.  That's one of the thing's that I wish I did with Alfred's build board  and made the build table 4 to 5 inches longer. I purchased a Rockler T-Track table top, which is 28"x 40" and was wonder if the length would work.  Had it for awhile and couldn't figure out what to use it for untill now.  Been sitting on the work bench  so hopeful I won't have to go out and buy another build board. With the track's built in should be a big help with keeping it all squared up.  Also thanks for the welcome. 

  5. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well after looking through a few build logs here It seems that I have found a lot of very good  build's to look through which should help me answer all the question I will have.   Gary
  6. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Thanks Trussben and Chuck.  Don't mind using your size Trussben but what thickness is it? Chuck this will come in very handy and very helpful. Also, was wondering where I can find some good  photo's of the Stern before any planking is put on. Hope that some of the member's show me the way. Very curious about how you or other member's built it up. One thing about the stern it can make you have a really bad day. Seems am like a fish out of water and if you must know have never really built a plank on bulkhead model. Tried once but that ended up in the round file. Thanks. Gary
  7. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well I have finally pulled the plug and decided to start a build log on building the Winchelsea while also working on my 74. Why some will ask, some  times it's nice when you don't have to make all the parts and piece's, but she still have a lot of parts and pieces to make along with the ones that Chuck makes for her. Some call her a kit but I would say 50 50, and  to me it still takes as much skill and understanding to build her as well as a 74.  May take a little time to get her up and running but am working on that.  I can't seem to find the answer to how long , wide and thick does the build board need to be? I came across that the hull length which is 38 inches so a  length of 42 to 46 inches would be just about right. Tomorrow I plan on going to have the plan's blown up to a 100 percent which should help me figure out the size of the build board along with other question I have, and then I can start cutting and make the bulkheads along with the her Bulkhead former.  Glad to be aboard. Gary
  8. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Thanks Glenn. You are right and the plank's joints should follow a consistent pattern along with a pattern for when they installed the nail's along with the treenails  in to the planks, which depended on the width of the plank. As far as the bow cap rail templates, I printed them out and glue them to some pear wood to see if the bow was right. One good thing about adding the balsa blocks, one has more of a choice on where the joints go. One thing am wondering about is what is the length of the strakes them self? Well time to open a book and research  that one. Again thank you. Gary
  9. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Hi Chuck and thank you very very much. Hope so, should be interesting. One thing is for sure it sure was a lot of sanding on top of sanding. I know,  I know, if I hadn't added all the wood in between the bulkhead's, the sanding probably would have been done in half the time, but does make for a better landing for the planking and allow's one to put the joints in a few different places. At least that is my opinion Now it's time to get to work on the planking. The counter planking fit perfect so good job on the parts and pieces.  They  really do make thing's go a lot faster. 
  10. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Hi Dusan and thank you. At this point am looking forward to that part, the planking and probably plank her in boxwood. Thank you and all the other's for all the nice comments and thumbs up. Gary
  11. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from BenD in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well good folk's if any one is interested do believe that I have finished chapter one and taking a good look at chapter 2 which should be very interesting. Hope you like the photo's of her as she stand's.  Didn't post to much of the gun ports and other item's with all the ones already being shown in the other member's build log's. Hope she up to you good folks very high level in your build's. She has been a joy so far in her build. Gary

  12. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well good folk's if any one is interested do believe that I have finished chapter one and taking a good look at chapter 2 which should be very interesting. Hope you like the photo's of her as she stand's.  Didn't post to much of the gun ports and other item's with all the ones already being shown in the other member's build log's. Hope she up to you good folks very high level in your build's. She has been a joy so far in her build. Gary

  13. Wow!
    garyshipwright got a reaction from FrankWouts in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well here is a update on my Winchelsea if any one is interested. I filled in between all the bulkheads with balsa wood and started to send the bulkheads and balsa down to shape. Once I got it close enough to the finally shape, I made some water line templates with height stand's to help put the template at its right height and then marked for sanding down. Take's a little longer but help's keep me from sanding off to much. 

  14. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from westwood in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well good folk's if any one is interested do believe that I have finished chapter one and taking a good look at chapter 2 which should be very interesting. Hope you like the photo's of her as she stand's.  Didn't post to much of the gun ports and other item's with all the ones already being shown in the other member's build log's. Hope she up to you good folks very high level in your build's. She has been a joy so far in her build. Gary

  15. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from pjofc4 in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well good folk's if any one is interested do believe that I have finished chapter one and taking a good look at chapter 2 which should be very interesting. Hope you like the photo's of her as she stand's.  Didn't post to much of the gun ports and other item's with all the ones already being shown in the other member's build log's. Hope she up to you good folks very high level in your build's. She has been a joy so far in her build. Gary

  16. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from JpR62 in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Hi Chuck and thank you very very much. Hope so, should be interesting. One thing is for sure it sure was a lot of sanding on top of sanding. I know,  I know, if I hadn't added all the wood in between the bulkhead's, the sanding probably would have been done in half the time, but does make for a better landing for the planking and allow's one to put the joints in a few different places. At least that is my opinion Now it's time to get to work on the planking. The counter planking fit perfect so good job on the parts and pieces.  They  really do make thing's go a lot faster. 
  17. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Trussben in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well good folk's if any one is interested do believe that I have finished chapter one and taking a good look at chapter 2 which should be very interesting. Hope you like the photo's of her as she stand's.  Didn't post to much of the gun ports and other item's with all the ones already being shown in the other member's build log's. Hope she up to you good folks very high level in your build's. She has been a joy so far in her build. Gary

  18. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from JpR62 in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well good folk's if any one is interested do believe that I have finished chapter one and taking a good look at chapter 2 which should be very interesting. Hope you like the photo's of her as she stand's.  Didn't post to much of the gun ports and other item's with all the ones already being shown in the other member's build log's. Hope she up to you good folks very high level in your build's. She has been a joy so far in her build. Gary

  19. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Hi Chuck and thank you very very much. Hope so, should be interesting. One thing is for sure it sure was a lot of sanding on top of sanding. I know,  I know, if I hadn't added all the wood in between the bulkhead's, the sanding probably would have been done in half the time, but does make for a better landing for the planking and allow's one to put the joints in a few different places. At least that is my opinion Now it's time to get to work on the planking. The counter planking fit perfect so good job on the parts and pieces.  They  really do make thing's go a lot faster. 
  20. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well good folk's if any one is interested do believe that I have finished chapter one and taking a good look at chapter 2 which should be very interesting. Hope you like the photo's of her as she stand's.  Didn't post to much of the gun ports and other item's with all the ones already being shown in the other member's build log's. Hope she up to you good folks very high level in your build's. She has been a joy so far in her build. Gary

  21. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from VTHokiEE in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Hi Chuck and thank you very very much. Hope so, should be interesting. One thing is for sure it sure was a lot of sanding on top of sanding. I know,  I know, if I hadn't added all the wood in between the bulkhead's, the sanding probably would have been done in half the time, but does make for a better landing for the planking and allow's one to put the joints in a few different places. At least that is my opinion Now it's time to get to work on the planking. The counter planking fit perfect so good job on the parts and pieces.  They  really do make thing's go a lot faster. 
  22. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Edwardkenway in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well good folk's if any one is interested do believe that I have finished chapter one and taking a good look at chapter 2 which should be very interesting. Hope you like the photo's of her as she stand's.  Didn't post to much of the gun ports and other item's with all the ones already being shown in the other member's build log's. Hope she up to you good folks very high level in your build's. She has been a joy so far in her build. Gary

  23. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from VTHokiEE in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well good folk's if any one is interested do believe that I have finished chapter one and taking a good look at chapter 2 which should be very interesting. Hope you like the photo's of her as she stand's.  Didn't post to much of the gun ports and other item's with all the ones already being shown in the other member's build log's. Hope she up to you good folks very high level in your build's. She has been a joy so far in her build. Gary

  24. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from dvm27 in HMS Winchelsea 1764, by Gary B   
    Well good folk's if any one is interested do believe that I have finished chapter one and taking a good look at chapter 2 which should be very interesting. Hope you like the photo's of her as she stand's.  Didn't post to much of the gun ports and other item's with all the ones already being shown in the other member's build log's. Hope she up to you good folks very high level in your build's. She has been a joy so far in her build. Gary

  25. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to matiz in HMS EURYALUS by Matiz - FINISHED - scale 1:56   
    Hi, another pictures:

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