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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. NOw to some serious hull working....I added the stem...stern post and the keel. I also reduced the stem width to a scale 9" and added the planksheer around the stern. I still need to contour the section between the planksheer and the rail moulding. I also added some more filler to complete the hull correction and to fix a few dimples. Rob
  2. Well here are some images....after some serious sanding/filling. Don't worry...things are not as they seam.....do not follow the strake lines...they are off....but no matter.....Speed Racer is here to save the day..... The stem will be cut back to accommodate the cutwater and more planks are still need to finish off the forecastle... Rob
  3. I worked a bit on the hull last night (forgot to take and post pics). (What a loser) Anyway....I worked on the planksheer as it terminates to the stern and I spent some time contouring the portion of the stern that is between the deck and the main rail. It has a different angle(Curve) then the section below and above. The closeup of her stern from when she was heading to Alaska will clue you in. Once I finished that task, I did some more filling of the hull and I ended by applying a thick coat of grey latex paint to the entire hull.....to seal it and permit me a contrast sand better. I'm also coming to a point where I will need to decide if I want to add the deck or hold off and finish up the gunwale , ribs and main rail first. I want to sand and even out the deck prior to install......if at all possible. Again....I hope to post images tonight of my progress (If I remember) Thanks for lookin in. Rob
  4. Right...I used veneer thin pine strips there are 2' wide to cover my Great Republic hull. It didn't matter what the planks looked like...paint, paint, paint....... Rob
  5. That's right.....Just remember to make sure you let the plank follow its natural path around the shape of the hull...... Then cut in the next plank. You'll see I did that on mine. Fast make for more fun IMO.....since I am not trying to showcase my planking prowess. Rob
  6. Vlad.....One thing I adhere to.....is.......if you're going to paint it....who cares what it is made of? I also plan on using styrene strips because they bend oh so sweetly and once painted.....they look just like wood strakes. so my thought is.....use whatever you can to get the job done. Steaming planks......? I don't need to steam no stinking planks........ Heeheehee LOL.... Sorry....I got emotional. Rob
  7. Indeed...glad you overcame the issues. Once I finish sanding the hull...I will begin carving the mid deck stern portion just beneath the poop deck. I think I will carve it instead of trying to bend planks around to get the right curve and camphor. I'll keep an eye out at your log as well for any updates I can glean from. fingers crossed.... Rob
  8. Great start Vlad. I see you are running into the same issues I did with the bulkheads. some are slightly indented to the curve of the hull....and others are slightly over extended to the curve. I see you are using plank to bulkhead dead reckoning....good move. It helps keep the hull fluid and smooth. I noticed yo had to remove quite a bit of material on the forecastle bulkheads...by way of your internal reinforcing. I was going to lay a sub deck as you are working up to, but I didn't want the extra added material to impede the height of the deck to bulwark ratio. So I am going to add the decking directly to the bulkhead headers....much like the Flying Fish model. The smaller scale will not directly effect the stability of the deck. Great progress...love it. I'm so glad you decided to begin. Rob
  9. Take extra time to verify that all your bulkheads are fared and are transitional. I noted that bulkhead #3,, #5 and I think #9 or 10 have some issures with their widths. Run some string along the bulkheads to validate their true flow from one to another. I had to make some drastic mods to correct these issues. I hope they did not translate to your scale. And yes..the waterway is the most difficult to bend at the bow..... Cut sections are probably your best bet. Good luck and let the fun begin..... Rob
  10. I've been watchin. It's kinda fun to be building the same vessel from the same bulkhead design...but being a fully scratch built model as well at the same time. We can glean from one another. Rob
  11. I had many family planned events this weekend so I spent no time working on Glory. While I was in hiatus....I did a bit more research on the structures of her stem , keel and stern post. Her keel was 16" but as it transitions to her stem it begins to quickly taper and from what I can gather her stem is roughly 9" wide along its length, up and to include its foot of the her figurehead. Many reproductions of models fail to correct the dimensional errors found in the models pre cut bulkheads....to truly mimic the actual scale dimensions of the keel and stem. If one looks closely at Glory's launching photo..you can make out the transition from her narrow stem to her more robust keel. I will be plaining down her stem frame to a more accurate scale proportion...before I affix it to her hull. I hope to return to her this evening and again....sand and fill her hull. You can from these images her transition(look close) and her stem up close to see its thinness. Rob
  12. Druxey...just wonderful. She is so very clean and ship shape. Very fine job indeed. Rob
  13. Just clipping along.....fantastic construction...on all levels. Rob
  14. After these images I added some more filler. Now it's time to dry. Here is an idea of the bow...I will thin out the stem to make it more to scale. this is the process I am following...to lay the strakes THEN add the stem and keel. Rob
  15. Spent a bit of time sanding and filling defects. Its a process...that has to be done to get a smooth hull and finish. We still have some time ahead on this process. Rob
  16. Pat....after agonizing (sic) over the selection of the plan....and now to enjoy your execution....is a thrill. This is in keeping with your acute attention to detail. Fantastic job! Victoria is looking awesome. Rigging her will be equally so. Rob
  17. Hang in there Keith. Along with experience comes confidence. You'll piece it together. The principles of standing and running rigging are generally universal.....so if you can grasp the simplistics of each group...you should be able to do well. We'll be here....if you need a hug. Rob
  18. I finished up the initial planking and began adding wood filler. I know it looks rough....but a goodly amount of sanding and several coats of filler aught to do the trick nicely. Rob
  19. Here we go....blocking it up and making its bulkheads true...... Guess the bug bit ya hard Vlad...... Glad you're making a go at it too. I'll be watchin closely. Rob
  20. Rich...it should be you who needs to be encouraged. Even though you have crossed this bridge before...it never is easy and I will continue to pray for a quick recovery and comfort for you and your wife/family. I hope, in some small way, I can provide a distraction from what is really a challenge. My techniques are generally unorthodox and in turn, produces their own special set of problems. Still....if I can point out any pitfalls with any process....I always will. The mess is always forgotten when the final result is achieved. And as is my habit....I'll use whatever medium is at my disposal to achieve my desired results. Cuz....paint covers a multitude of sins. Heal fast and stay encouraged. Rob
  21. I know I'm kinda late coming in here...but what kind of wood filler did you use...if I may ask? Rob
  22. I aided the planks by brushing construction glue over them..both inside and out. this way...when sanding the planks will not flex separate of each other and prevent a smooth surface. One thing I'm a bit concerned about is that not all the frame bulkheads transition smoothly to the next. When I flared the bulkheads I check each to its neighbor with a plank and assumed they all followed the same way. But I discovered that I should have gone the extra mile and laid out a string pattern across the bulkheads to check more closely the smooth transition between bulkheads. I'm sure the issue was not in design of the bulkheads but more in my assembly. Many of the bulkheads fit the keel plate somewhat loosely....and even after my aligning and squaring of them I could have misaligned the bulkheads in question when I assembled and glued them all together. All these small issues are associated with fit of the components and my misreading of it during construction. No matter......a goodly amount of sanding will copious amounts of filler compound and we will be smoothed out. Rob
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