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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. The added length also was one of the factors that allowed for the extra speed. In virtually all cases the Japanese destroyers were faster than their American counterparts, but in the case of the Shimakaze, she was possibly the fastest Destroyer in the world at the time. And the most heavily armed, at least in torpedoes. Luckily for the allies I suppose there was only the one built. It is interesting that with all of her firepower, (Read Torpedoes) and speed she was mostly relegated to convoy type duties and never really used in line of battle type engagements like so many of her slower, more lightly armed sisters that caused so many losses to Allied cruisers with their Long Lance torpedoes.
  2. Even at 1/350 the Cat is a nice looking aircraft. Quite capable for it's day. Your renditions capture it as well. Your pictures could be "Blackcats". Planes that mostly just flew night missions. Fairly common in the Solomon's and Guadalcanal. Not so certain about the early months in the Pacific.
  3. I doubt that the pilot and observer would agree! Somehow I don't think that if they were trying to take off that they ever made it.
  4. Nice to see it coming back together Alan. Now you need to test it like this guy did on his 3D tug build: He does two tests in the video. One @2:38 and the other @5:39 He also has some fun with it in part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50CKuTlSi80
  5. Looking forward to your opinion. Most times the slower the cure time the better the bond. I think it is because the epoxy has a longer time to flow into the bonding area and also sets to a little more flexible bond. Could be wrong though. It's been known to happen.
  6. Has anyone looking in on this build tried JB Weld, https://www.amazon.com/J-B-Weld-8265S-Cold-Weld-Reinforced/dp/B0006O1ICE/ref=asc_df_B0006O1ICE/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198093606370&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16722993280447711505&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9060507&hvtargid=pla-320192516391&psc=1 As a possibly stronger epoxy?
  7. My mistake then. I was under the opinion that they were a little scarce in the western and south Pacific at that point in time. But photos don't usually lie.
  8. Great progress Greg. Planes, guns, boats, and at last PEOPLE! I do have one question though. Did you find some reference that the Langley carried any Kingfishers before she was sunk? They were very hard to come by in 1940 and 41. I know that there were several squadrons of SOC Seagull aircraft assigned to the Asiatic fleet along with the Catalina's at the opening of WWII. and of course the cruisers were still using them but I thought that the only ships and units that had Kingfishers were training units and battleships at that point. My favorite flying boat: ........Well possibly:''''''' But that would be the wrong time wrong place as well. As always your build is becoming a work of art.
  9. I got their flyer as well. With their new lady specializing in Bofors mounts it looks like they are looking to put a big dent in the PE world.
  10. https://www.hobbylobby.com/Art-Supplies/Painting-Supplies/Palettes-Tools/Krylon-Gesso-Spray/p/3344?gclid=CjwKCAjwhOyJBhA4EiwAEcJdcfaMr1OUGkCjYI8MgoElZM-ZUGFmGJrWnoFsI0ZOGTPPXyCSX1H9GhoCaF0QAvD_BwE Problem is that it is almost as expensive as the spray gun if you use much of it.😞
  11. Something like this: https://www.harborfreight.com/20-oz-hvlp-gravity-feed-air-spray-gun-62300.html Should get the job done if you thinned the Gesso up and made sure you got it good and clean each time.
  12. I have not done it myself yet on the 3D USS Olympia I received from Haze Gray, but he has told me that after some sanding with an orbital sander, he likes to apply a thin coat of Gesso, as a filler rather than relying on sanding alone. https://www.amazon.com/Liquitex-BASICS-Gesso-Surface-Medium/dp/B000KNDMLG/ref=asc_df_B000KNDMLG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167148482147&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3973154835594336567&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9060507&hvtargid=pla-162268632052&psc=1 I have seen some of his other completed hulls and if a couple of them are any indication it appears to do the job. Nice to see you making some relatively painless progress at last.
  13. Great looking model Alan. Like Mark I find it hard to grasp that in real life this is such a tiny model. Congratulations.
  14. Never mind I found a plan view drawing online and answered my own question. Yes, both turrets could crossfire although the damage incurred as I thought was not popular.
  15. I had not noticed it before but your pictures show the forward main gun cross firing over the deck so it is clear that gun had the ability, (although I can't help but wonder what the blast effect was like in nonessential areas like the bridge and wheelhouse) but it looks like the stern gun could only train over the port side limiting the starboard main gun broadside to just two guns. I this the case?
  16. For all those who have not been able to see the real thing, I have, and the pictures do not do then justice! All of the above boats and fittings are very delicate and precise down to the last detail. True gems of workmanship. I know they are printed but Haze Gray created the program from a few documents and phots available for these items and boats. The Main also had a very successful launch and has a very impressive presence on the water even when not going at "Scale" flank speed as in the pass by above. There was even a few people from across the pond who stopped to take pictures. She is certain to even more impressive when she becomes more complete.
  17. Don't know if it is considered a "source" but here was someone's interpretation.
  18. If you want to go a little bigger and have a bit more scratch building you could try this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/284379947441?hash=item42365da1b1:g:BiUAAOSwdmlbw8Rq
  19. I always thought it was unfair when they outlawed sonic booms in the US. Every time we heard one when I was a kid we would stop what we were doing and look for the aircraft! We thought it was cool and didn't bother us at all!
  20. If it was the Arizona, Huston, or several of the US DDs and DEs ,I could help you with plans, but I have nothing on the Iowa's.
  21. What scale are you looking for? https://freetimehobbies.com/1-700-niko-model-us-navy-light-cruiser-helena-cl-50-resin-model-kit/ https://www.scalehobbyist.com/manufacturers/Atlas_Brush_Co/Ship_Models/uss-helena-cl-50-1943/YKM00035122/product.php http://ironshipwrights.com/pages/Nashville.html (Would take some mods)
  22. Are you going to go RC Bill? Or are you just using the glass to make it easier to make a strong/smooth hull?
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