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Everything posted by Schrader

  1. A friend of mine from Spain.... Ricard Llorens has this book Since has been too difficult for me to get it.... he is sending photos from some chapters for instance..... look these it is a box of surprises. Those are rudders all depends on where are they from. The “century” etc.... all differents or these..... anchors. Same thing.. now. To investigate which one is the most adequate ☺️
  2. I’ve been lucky ( a lot ) to have the possibility to be in contact directly with NICK BURNINGHAM the author of this one..... ...he has been so kind with me ( a lot of patience because I tending to be intense ). Since this is a ship that no one has seen before, we will need to bring a lot of imagination to complete it. Let’s start with the basic lines plan, this one came from Nick And from this.... I’ll need to bring our ship alive!!!!!
  3. The Quanzhou Ship is (from my point of view) like a break point of pretty much all the concepts that the people had about the ancient ships from China. In the Article CHINA’S QUANZHOU SHIP FULL OF SURPRISES article by Bob Holtzman we will find a lot of really interesting information.... http://indigenousboats.blogspot.com/2012/08/chinas-quanzhou-ship-full-of-surprises.html This ship is considered a large Ocean-Going ship. Was discovered in 1973 and as I mentioned before, forced a reconsideration of the Chinese shipbuilding history, and definitely so different from all modern examples of Junks. The part that was found, suppose to be the hull up to the waterline. I has 24 m Lenght and 9 m beam. Its projection could be a total of 34 m LOA and 11 m broad ( 112 x 36 feet). According with the article, could had 380 tons displacement, and had evidence about three Chinese lug sails. Comparing with the European standards, could be considered “HUGE SHIP”. Some of the amazing discovering were: Several layers and very complicated system of planking. According with Marco Polo, when a Chinese ship needed some planking work, the procedure was to add new layers of plank right atop the old ones. Some times put to six layers. It was built with a keel and V Shaped bottom, This is one of the most important one. Ever since The Europeans and Americans began studying the Chinese vessels (mostly in the 19th Century), the invariable norm had been Keel-less construction with flat bottoms Since then, the Chinese were using the bulkheads system. In this case there were 12 creating 13 compartments roughly equal size. This is the time to bring our old friend Marco Polo to the scene......according with him the compartments were used for different kind of merchant....like a modern containers!!! Today..... such compartments were always observed to have been watertight...... (today we still use this “technology” invented by the Chinese). In the Quanzhou the bulkheads were pierced with “limber holes” that would have allowed water to flow from one compartment to another, creating a possible advantage that the water could be popped from a singular point. Personally believe in the “container” theory. The ship was discovered in 1973 and excavated during the summer 1974. The parts above the waterline had perished but the lower parts of the hull have been preserved fairly well in mud and water. Is been located in the 13th century, since first.... is thought that in that time a shipping channel ran that area ( Quanzhou was one of the China major sea ports). Second.....and the main evidence to dating this vessel comes from 504 copper coins found inside the hull. Seventy of them date to Song Dynasty ( dated 1272 AC). Let’s remember that about that time the Song Dynasty fell to Mongols.
  4. Let’s start........ These are so far the documents I’ve been using..... The one as I already mentioned that had the initial and necessary information to star with is.... All those articles have been downloaded from internet free pages.
  5. By the way...... This article which is almost a book.....among others is the main fount of information I have found so far.... you all will see how I Use it 😀
  6. Thanks for being here. I’ll need all the help you can give me. the Quanzhou is a ship that nobody has seen ever..... just imagination and “ invented” prospects based in history and some images and relates... Let’s see how this evo😅lves
  7. In the last days, I’ve been studying a lot of things about the Chinese Junks at the same time, thinking about which could be my next project. Finally I reached the conclusion that the Quanzhou Ship, which was discovered in 1973 and dated from the 13th century, would be a real challenge, as well a really interesting way to understand these magnificent vessels. This ship contradicts several theories that were known for certain by then, and with this log, I’ll do my best to show them all to you I’ve chosen 1:54 scale, since (according with estimations) this ship was about 28 m length and 10 m beam. So with the convention the model will be aprox. 52 cm long, “matching” my preference about model size. Let’s start !!!!! Some Pictures
  8. Un Saluto desde las lejanas tierras en America Maravilloso!!!! wonderful!!!! Perfetto!!!
  9. As I promised here the ship in its new home 😟. It is sad to see it finished but it is so rewarding to see it finished 🙃. I’m going to miss you 😔. Ready for next one!!!!
  10. FINISHED!!! I’ll share more photos as soon a I have it in the showcase
  11. I have it on my list. I got the monography few years ago but I’ve been really scary to start it. the carving 😳 make me cry. congrats!!!! Really well executed
  12. Nop. I tried but it was hard to “stop” the cut un the cross. I did it with scalpel and..... a lot of patience
  13. Here we are again.....progress in the base..... First I made a stone simulation/distribution in the MDF Second I applied the stone-cast on top of it, making sure that the stones joints needed to be marked I installed the wood beams.... Third.... I brought the stone wall and the ship to see how the set is looking..... in the showcase Then. We need to age the stones and start installing the sand..... WE ARE REALLY CLOSE !!!!!!
  14. Really good Idea. I’ll try it next time. What I use to do is to join two pieces of wood with a doble side tape an work on them as they were just one. After you finished it you separate them and you have two identical pieces
  15. Dick What can I say???? Beautiful job!!! A lot of technics and tricks...... I can no wait to see your next job congratulations
  16. Starting the carving...... And.... let see the final result with the capital included...... I could not hold the temptation to see it beside the ship....
  17. Here I am again....... I just decided to add a couple of columns...... In the left one, I’ll go with King Sahure and his wife Meretnebery And in the right one will have god RA (sun god) and god Anubis (tomb guardian)..... Let’s see a little bit of the process.... Now let’s put them together and let’s see how is going to be in our base....
  18. Try with a blind-ribet this “method” is not mine. Take a look in Facebook - Liberto Amate Aguilar. His is a Spanish Modelist. Really good an has a Viking
  19. For the “first” floor I decided to go after a Egyptian shipyard....... this suppose to be the “original” It was not found in the Sahure tomb. It was found in a Tomb named “The Mastaba of Ty”. Also from the fifth dynasty. I took the first picture imported it to Autocad scaled it and....boom.... With a carbon paper I copied it in the wall..... And started the carving process..... Once I finished (one week later..., or at least I thought I finished.... this is the result Then the ocre washing process.... Final result!!!! Good so far
  20. Take a look this other idea I just took a sewing pin. I flattened in a belt sander. Made the head squared (very carefully) and blued. The sewing pin should be iron. Not steel
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