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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Thank you Mike I think I have discovered another rabbit hole to dive into. Aan
  2. Thank you very much OC. He will be going back home shortly. My friend is a professor of Ancient History at Barcelona University and lives in Girona (and knows the shop). She did her post doctorate work on Nabopolassar so hopefully she will enjoy the figure. The sword is painted but I think it will be sent as a separate item and she can add it on arrival. I think it is too delicate to trust to the postal services Alan
  3. Thank you very much Jack for the very kind words. I used to paint the Airfix figures for wargames as a teenager and lusted after the 54mm Historex models but could never afford one back then. This is my very first attempt at 54mm white metal figures and I enjoyed it so much that I want to do more. I think 75% of the credit goes to Art Girona for producing such an excellent figure. The directional black / white priming and glazing colours demonstrated by Night Shift was a great help too. Alan
  4. They look great OC; especially with the campaign signs of wear and tear and dirt on teh uniforms. Alan
  5. Thank you Andrew. I dived over to the Trial log and I now want to go back and read it from the beginning. Thats a beautiful model you have created; it tempts me to try a wooden ship but I worry about my innate inability to cut or sand at right angles . I was sorry to read about your health problems but I'm glad you got great medical care and wish you all the best for a full recovery. hopefully the Great British Summer has arrived and provides you with plenty of opportunities to enjoy it. I'll be finishing off the miniature figure in the next few days and picking up the Flowers. I think Spiraea will go on the sea base. Zinnia will be displayed on a base. Alan
  6. Thanks OC. The Life Color paints are a useful addition. The IBG Hunt destroyers and the Mirage Flower corvettes all use variations of the three colour camouflage using the colours in the two Life Color RN WW2 sets.Thanks again Alan
  7. Thank you Jack. I touched up the small bleeds past the masks with a brush and the paint went on very nicely. Onto the fun stuff now. Alan
  8. Well after the usual expenditure of money and effort I seem to have beaten the real world back into its rightful place in the background of life. Doubtless it will be back at some point. I completed the masking and air brushing of the three colour camouflage and with great nervousness removed the tape. A few spots to touch up and I am happy with it. The mid grey / green doesn't quite have the contrast I wanted but I think I will live with it. The Life Color paints worked well and diluted with Tamiya acrylic thinner very nicely although I had to lift the airbrush pressure a tad relative to what I use for Tamiya acrylics. I don't think my masking was very different from the first attempt so I think the disaster resulted from using water to thin the AK paints. i think the longer drying time allowed the thinned paint to penetrate under the masks before drying. It was also colder in the garage then which also extended the drying time Thank you @Old Collingwood for the helpful tip regarding Life Color acrylics So forward at last and I can start adding the mix of details from the kit and the WE PE. Thanks for looking in and likes and comments Alan
  9. Hi Andrew. I hope all is well with you. I always enjoy your build logs. I'm gathering enthusiasm to finish this build Alan
  10. Suddenly I seem to have found the time and enthusiasm to get some solid progress on Mr Nabo. In fact I think I am going to call him done apart from a little work on teh base. I dry brushed gold over the light orange base for the cloak fringes and some of the gold cloth parts of the tunic to differentiate between the solid metal plates and pieces I think its fairly effective. The eyes are not quite perfectly aligned but I think for a first figure I am going to leave well alone. I have just realised that I still have his sword to paint and attach but I don't plan anything further on the main body. This one is actually easier that the daffadar - the sculpting is so good and the colour delineation is easy to work with. And of course I now see a couple of misplaced dabs of gold that need to be tidied up and then its back to the Indian trooper. I have really enjoyed working on these miniatures so another shipment is on its way from Girona. This does nothing to diminish the stack of unbuilt kits but hey its my birthday very soon and I deserve a gift (well as well as the new car I bought yesterday hem hem) Thanks for looking in and all teh helpful comments and likes Alan
  11. Thank you OC. This has been a huge learning experience but its a great figure to work on. Yep I remember the incentives to work a calendar year without taking a sick day - and thus exposing your coworkers to whatever was going around Alan
  12. Thank you Jack. Art Girona sculpted an impressive face to work with. Covid has departed and some enthusiasm is back Alan
  13. you do such beautiful work and describe it so well Alan
  14. After an interlude in the real world I'm back working on my Flowers. Not a lot to show. After the paint / masking disaster I stripped the paint off and resprayed the black primer. I took advantage of the rework to paint the lower hull black which seems to be correct for Zinnia rather than the hull red I used initially. I have sprayed the decks dark grey, masked and sprayed the light grey and grey / green. Now I need to mask and add the dark grey. Not much to show really - still getting back to the furthest point. This caught my eye. Some very interesting pieces up for auction if you have an interest in things Royal Navy. A lot of famous names there. The estimated prices suggest bidding might be a bit fierce Trinity Marine (irostrum.com) Thanks for looking in Alan
  15. It seems a long time since my last post. Life beyond the model work bench has kept me otherwise occupied. Some good and some not so wonderful \Work out at the test stand got rather frenetic with some high risk testing which ended as these things do - somewhat prematurely. That finishes my contract to support so my time is back to being largely under my control again. My cousin from North Wales visited for two weeks after Memorial Day. She chose her dates well. It sounded like she missed two weeks of rain in Wales and we had two weeks of sunshine. Admittedly a bit hot but the sea was clear enough for snorkelling and she went home with the requisite tan. I felt rather unwell driving home after dropping her off at the airport and found I had Covid again. The symptoms cleared up quite quickly this time but its taken ages to get over the tiredness and the lack of interest in doing anything remotely constructive. Today I finally found some momentum and made a start on the flesh tones on Nabopolassar. I put the basic shades down and managed to work around the eyes. I need a few lighter shades to highlight and some darker parts. The lips need to be darkened and then hair and beard etc. The nail art brushes are a great help for the small details and seem to hold their shape well Thanks for looking in and likes and comments. Its good to finally be back Alan
  16. Thank you Mike, DSPIAE products seem to be well made generally. I've bought a few of their tools and like the quality. I'm still learning to use the hand rest but its definitely a help with the miniature figure painting. I think it might help me place small PE parts too. Alan
  17. I always liked hussar uniforms. You did a great job on this one alan
  18. She looks very good. A great result from a less than average kit. Congratulations Alan
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