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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Thanks for that Ken. I will give that a try. They certainly seen to have everything Alan
  2. Thanks OC. This is a whole new rabbit hole to dive down. It's a lot of fun though Alan
  3. I love those burly radial engined Sea Furies. Magnificent aircraft. A larger scale would really show it's presence off. Alan
  4. Its rather out of context but the link has an interesting selection of aero books. I'm already thinking about the Vampire book and the Harrier one Aerospace book choices for Christmas 2022 (aerosociety.com) Alan
  5. The postman brought a nice variety of Woodland Scenic items. I have no idea how that Sea Fury crept into the order😎 So I have been experimenting on bits of scrap with the various grass types and finally got brave enough to start adding some to the base. I used diluted white glue to hold the grass to the base. Its weird stuff; I was expecting something like coloured sawdust but its almost a spongy consistency and not easy to add evenly and it balls up easily if you over manipulate it. I ended up shaking it one and tipping off what wasn't wanted outside the glued areas. It actually looks a lot better than I expected and I'm sure the technique is something I will learn to improve on. I think its going to be important to resist the temptation to go crazy with this stuff and overdo the greenery. I have some weed clumps and stands of tall grass in mind but I want to keep it mainly a muddy little place. Thanks for looking in and all the likes and comments Alan
  6. My little one thinks she is a hunter but the bigger one is more interested in trying to work out how to open the refrigerator door.
  7. Merry Christmas Craig. My Maine Coon cats have thick fur between the pads on their paws to cope with the snow, bushy tails and thick coats to cope with the cold. Any they start complaining when the temperature in the house drops below 73 F. All that fur is purely decorative. Alan
  8. As a diversion from the mud around Ypres I returned to 1/700 (edible) scale for a snowy landscape. I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful Christmas Alan
  9. Have a great Christmas OC. Hopefully lots of good things to eat and something warming to dip in the evenings. Wishing you good health in the coming year. Alan
  10. Thank you very much Craig. I don't think a lot of people recognize the misery of living and fighting in such an environment. The heavy clay of the Ypres Salient is hard to slog through even now. The chutes on the side panels of the Whippet were an attempt to dispose of some of the mud caked on the tracks and prevent it causing damage. I want to try to add some caked mud if I can do it without going overscale. I also want to add "water" in the deeper ruts and the shell holes. Alan
  11. For some reason I seem to be mincing around with this build. Motivation is not very strong so only little bits get done between distractions. I've painted the initial colours onto the base using craft acrylics. After the paint was dry I air brushed a very thin black wash to merge the colours and deden some of the lighter shades The vehicles were placed temporarily in their spots I have ordered a large variety (but only a small part of their range) of Woodland Scenic products for grass, weeds and low bushes. The idea is somewhere behind the lines where there is still a bit of green around the mud. The Whippet has had decals applied and both the FWD and the tank have been detailed a bit with rust and bare metal. They will now receive a coat of dry dirt and dust. The markings on the Whippet are far too fresh. The Whippet in the picture has the canvas track guards fitted so I started making a set from card. They will get a base coat of buff and then be considerably dirtied and should look the part. The fuel tins and baggage needs to be created and I must get serious about painting the figures. Thanks for looking in, the likes and comments. Alan
  12. The snow and ice effects look really good on the models. Thank your for sharing your experience. Alan
  13. Moving forward in tiny steps here. I added another strip of LED lights to the workbench in an attempt to improve my chances with the figure painting. I painted the basic flesh tones to get them started. After the tight brush control it was nice to slop some plater of Paris onto the prepared base and move it around. The basic layout is a rutted road and a couple of shell holes, This will be enhanced with some foliage and a bit of a building, and probably a few other things. I'm deep in the Woodland Scenics catalogue and its a whole new world. Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments Alan
  14. Roden seem to make some really interesting models. I fancy some of the WW1 aircraft kits. Umm that is my third or fourth Christmas present to me and its only the 14th Alan
  15. I did rather better with the lighting today and although its stil difficult photographing through the case the pictures are better. As seen here, in softer room lighting the support rod almost disappears and the X craft appears to float in the case; an effect I'm quite chuffed about. Thanks for looking in and for all the likes and comments Alan
  16. The acrylic sheets from TAP Plastics arrived today so I built the usual case and fixed the sub permanently to the display and housed it. I'll try for some better photos tomorrow to finish the log off. Thanks for the likes and comments Alan
  17. Not much to see today. I laid out the various bits and pieces and cut the usual base materials to size. They then got a coat of gesso which is taking ages to dry because the garage is suddenly colder than usual = but I doubt I am going to get any sympathy for that. Its all the way into the low 70s for goodness sake😎 Alan
  18. Thanks Craig. I had seen them on the two stores websites. Lovely subjects. I'm sorely tempted but I'm not sure I could do them justice - but its nearly Christmas and I deserve a present. Alan
  19. Thank you very much OC. I'll look around on Ebay for some scenic materials and I probably need to watch some YouTube videos too. This will be a bit more than sand and rocks. Alan
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