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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Lovely work Mike. It looks really nice but it does seem to be a tough kit if you want an accurate result. Alan
  2. Hi Mike, 1/44 is a new scale for me. I have one or two aircraft in that scale that I can't afford space for at 1/72 or bigger. I'm curious to see how they turn out. Alan
  3. Thank you Patrick. Something different for me Alan
  4. I always thought the Condors were graceful aircraft. The kit looks pretty basic so it will be mostly a painting exercise. Alan
  5. Beautiful work Mike with such small parts. They look very neatly constructed. Very interesting subject too Alan
  6. Thank you very much Andrew Now its time to mess it up with some rust. I hope all is going well with you Alan
  7. Thank you very much OC. Its a treat to paint although I need frequent rests to let the eyes cool down a bit. The nail brush suggestion has proved very valuable too Alan
  8. Thank you very much Jack. The green polishing compound arrived today so I might give the helmet one last polish but I think its not bad as it is. The collar under the head is a bit fragile and I am reluctant to break it off chasing perfection Alan
  9. Thank you wefalck. Everything I have found says that it would have been polished metal, no silver doped surfaces. Thank you very much for the input and links Alan
  10. I added further coats of yellow glaze to the jacket. I also notices a mould line on one of the legs in yesterdays photos so I filed that off and built up teh colour there too. I have added glaze to teh breeches and I think they are good so its onto the detail Following some very helpful input from @Jack12477 I used jewelers rouge tip on Q Tip to further polish the casque. Its coming up quite nicely. I may try one more iteration. I added some white primer to the face to bring up the details ready for the flesh tones. Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments Alan
  11. Thanks Jack I found what I think is a small stick of jewelers rouge in a box of Dremel accessories and used it to good effect. I do have one of those micro engravers and may do another attempt using that. Thanks for the great tips. Alan
  12. Spectacular work. You have built a beautiful model. Really lovely paint finish. Great photos too alan
  13. I masked the hull and sprayed the light grey upper hull colour. The masking produced a nice crisp line. I added the PE bilge keels which will need to be painted and then I will add some rust and washes to bring out the detail. I painted the seabed and that is now ready for submarine Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments Alan
  14. Thanks Mike The air brush did spit a little; I'm not sure if its getting too hot in the garage where the painting takes place. Maybe I need to add some retarder. Alan
  15. Thanks Oc. Its a nicely made kit and fun. More of a painting exercise really though. Alan
  16. Thank you very much Jav I really enjoy the seascapes but they take up too much room. I need to go back to just doing the model on its own. Maybe alan
  17. Q Tips! They are sitting on the work bench and I never thought of them. Thank you so much Jack. I just ordered a three pack of compounds from Amaon which has the rouge and the green polish so I will try them as soon as they arrive. Thanks again Alan
  18. I may be overextending myself here but I don't think the Holland class submarine will take much longer to complete. This will be the next kit, a rare venture into aircraft and the surprises of a Roden kit. The kit provides several alternative markings for "you know who's" personal aircraft from 1938 to 1943, ranging from civilian schemes through camouflage to Russian winter white. I like the scheme shown on the box art, The kit provides decals for the gloss black elements and the base is silver. I am trying to decide whether this should be a polished metal finish or whether it was silver paint. So far the photos suggest that teh fuselage and wings may be polished metal with silver painted fabric tail planes. More research need and any advice is very welcome. The kit looks very simple but teh painting may be interesting. Thanks for looking in Alan
  19. I air brushed Tamiya XF-24 Dark Grey onto the lower hull. I'll let this dry overnight and then mask and paint the light grey upper hull. I then added some terrain to teh base using some foam offcuts and toilet paper soaked in white glue. Thanks for looking in and teh likes and comments Alan
  20. I removed the arms and drilled them so they can be held on a cocktail stick during painting. I them started adding the first glazes to the jacket and hose. This is more of a yellow ochre than the deep yellow of Skinners Horse. It seems to build up more easily than the brighter colour. Following the thinking of others out there, it occurred to me that the casque is polished metal and the figure is metal so rather than trying to paint the helmet maybe I should try polishing it. I started with cut down very fine sanding pads and then moved to solver polish. It looks better in real life but I think I will give it another go with the polish. Its small and awkward to hold (and I am nervous about deforming the collar below). I think a gloss coat and then a black wash to bring up the details Thanks for looking in, the likes and kind comments alan
  21. Its great to have you along Ken. I just got an Aldi air fryer so I can serve all sorts of "healthy" fried snacks Alan
  22. Thank you OC. Its another lovely casting with well delineated details so I hope to make a decent job. Alan
  23. Great to have you along Jack, Looking forward to some expert advice. Alan
  24. Hi Craig, yes Art Girona make some beautiful casts. I think they will be seeing more orders from me. Their range of subjects is also very wide alan
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