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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Interesting times Ken. Its got to be something to get into a totally clean jet. I was at Mac in 1993 and onwards so they had the F-15 lines going, the F-18, T-45 and the AV-8B. The jazzed up AV-8 may have been a warmed over version in the 1990s. P+W was offering up a new LP turbine and fan. RR was looking back over the PCB testing that had been done for the P1154 which was cancelled - but at least the RN got to fly F-4s instead. I'll see if I can find the picture Alan
  2. Thank you so much OC. I think I'm very close to being able to add the vehicles. Still a little way off with the figures. Alan
  3. I finished the tarped loads and the cans and attached them to the Whippet. I like the cluttered look. I think that is going to be all I add. The picture showed a couple of bags hanging off the back but I don't like my attempts at that. So now everything gets a coat of matt clear and can be added to the base. Thanks for looking in, the likes and comments. happy New Year Everyone. I hope 2023 is Happy, Healthy and Prosperous for all Alan
  4. The Harrier story is impressive from the P1127, Kestrel and into the Harriers. Its amazing that something that had its genesis in the 1950s would be rated as one of the top five weapon systems in Desert Storm forty years later. Not to mention the Falklands. An engine that grew from 9000 lb thrust into 23500 lb in the same space envelope. Lots of challenges to continue to develop it and to fly it. I was the engine field manager in St Louis in the early / mid 90s (the first step on a journey that took me eventually to Florida. It felt like a brotherhood working on the AV-8B / Harrier. USMC, McDonnell Douglas, BAe, RR, MoD everyone wanted to make it work and make it better. I am still very proud of being part of that team. MacAir had a supersonic version in advanced projects with a RR / P+W engine and new wing but JSF got into development and that was the end of it. I think I still have some concept images somewhere Alan
  5. I found a jr of Tamiya khaki and that looks a lot more like I think it should be. I brushed it on leaving the greener Mig paint in the folds and quite like the look. I did find that the puttees and 1902 webbing and pouches should be khaki too, I might lighten them a bit as I redo to allow for fading and washing. Details and washes to follow. Fun time. I mixed up some craft acrylic with white glue and some ceramic dust from my Aedes Ars castle kit and daubed it onto the wheels of the artillery train and the tracks of the Whippet. I plan to use some more of this to blend the models onto the base. I added some mud into the chutes below the upper track section I'm still playing with the tarps for the Whippet. I want to get them on before adding the cans at the back. They are going to make the tank a bit delicate. Thanks for the comments and the likes Alan
  6. Thank you Mike Its great for fiddling with. Maybe it needs a broken signpost, another tree, some wire ................. Alan
  7. You made a great job of a dodgy kit. Congratulations. Looks like you need a few AV=8Bs in there too Alan
  8. Thank you very much Jack. Its a big learning experience but fun. I'd like to do more but they do take up space. Alan
  9. I made up some small clumps of the Woodland Scenic tall grass material and dabbed one end in qhite glue and set them on a bit of parchment paper to dry Once dry they were easy to peel off the parchment paper and add to the base. The water in the shell holes has dried clear and looks reasonable although maybe a bit lurid from some angles. As discussed above I bought the Woodland Scenic premade clumps of prairie grass seen below as the somewhat bushy stuff to the right of the picture and the homemade tall grass tufts to the left And in use in other parts of the base I've started the base coats on the figures. I'm a bit concerned that the khaki is a bit too green. I was planning to use buff on the belts, puttees and kitbags / pouches but I find I have run out so will order more along with some different khakis. The transplanted heads seem to look natural which is a relief Thank you all for looking in and all the likes and helpful comments Alan
  10. Thank you very much EG Thats a whole lot easier than messing with their loose tall grass. Alan
  11. Thank you Ken I had discovered the Woodland Scenic clumped vegetation and bought the prairie grass version. I didn't read far enough to realise they also did tall grass too in that style. It would be a whole lot easier than messing with the loose tall grass material. I think I have made enough of my own for this project but will definitely get some for the next. Alan
  12. Thank you Ken I completed twelve cans and adding the PE handles left me suitably cross eyed. Alan
  13. Thnk you very much OC. I want to add some more tall grass but I need to find a better way to install it. It tends to go everywhere except where you had planned. I might see if I can make some clumps off the base and then place them. Alan
  14. I tend to agree with Edward. If the trooper had his mount knocked out from under him I am sure it would have made a lot more sense to join up with infantry units in the area rather than try to walk back to find his mates. Musket powder and shot would be there to scavenge or his new mates might share. Its too nice a figure to waste Alan
  15. A small amount of progress over the Christmas period, I added a little more grass effect and then the shattered trees, a fallen wall and some clumps of weeds. I tried using the Woodland Scenic tall grass and found it very difficult to work with but added some around the tree stumps and the wall A few small bushes were added and I think that is probably enough. I'm somewhat tempted to keep adding more vegetation but I think it will end up looking too busy. Some of the vegetation may be a bit over scale but I'll see what it looks like once the figures are in place. I made a first pass at the water in the shell holes and in some of the deeper wheel ruts. After experiments with white glue I used a thick layer of high gloss Mod Podge over a few dabs of green and yellow craft acrylics. Accounts of WW1 always seem to refer to the bilious nature of the water in the shell holes. It's still drying but it looks encouraging to me. I returned to the Whippet and gave it a spray over of diluted buff and brown to take the showroom look off it. The canvas track guards were added and dirtied up I have started working on the clutter on the tank. Some rolled tarps are in work and the cans that hang off the back. These are styrene rod with handles made of old PE frets of appropriate size. i think they will look OK with a bit of paint. Thank you all for looking in and the comments and likes I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Alan
  16. A 1/35 artillery train is going to look brutal. Can't wait. The Holt tractors look stunning. Alan
  17. Thanks; I had read that they had R artists working on the camouflage schemes Alan
  18. I may have to invest in the 1/48 kit. It occurs to me that a Sea Fury / Douglas Skyraider combo would make a great display. Another project in the wings Alan
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