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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Thank You Andy The IBG Hunt class kits are nice little projects. I enjoyed building it and I am interested in the Polish history that is part of it. I also have the IBG HMS Harvester and HMS Ithuriel kits to build. They look rather more finely detailed than the Hunts; the mast in particular is a much more delicate piece and nearer scale. Alan
  2. After a frustrating morning trying to get the 3D printer to behave I made the first faltering steps with the Geisenau. There is so much stuff in the box it is quite an exercise finding the required parts. The metal bits are in a small box but that turns out to be packed with small bags with barrels of various calibres and rod to the masts. Its all a bit daunting but I plan to narrow the focus and work on one bit at a time. I removed the rain brows and filled the portholes below the upper tier and removed the tip of the prow asd indicated in teh instructions. I assume the kit shares a common hull with Scharnhorst. I added the metal barrels to the 280 mm guns and then the PE to the turrets. It was a bad afternoon (in keeping with the day) and Three small sections of the handrail pinged off the tweezers and lost without trace. I have made scratch parts from 0.2 brass rod and I think they will be indistinguishable once painted Thanks for looking Alan
  3. Yes. It will be another couple of weeks but it's moving at last. Grossman will keep me amused until then at least Alan
  4. BE, thank you for the very kind comments. I have the utmost respect for the crews of the worlds warships who carried out their duties in the face of explosions, inrushing water and fires. The "black gang" of the engine room were especially vulnerable with all the watertight doors closed and they had no idea what was going on topsides other than the noise. Very much a special breed. I have a copy of "The Ship" but had forgotten the dedication. Thank you very much for reminding me. I have put it on my pile to reread. Its one of the classic great sea books. Its in my top five of those books with "The Cruel Sea" the outright best for me, and "The sea shall not have them" Alan
  5. Hi Craig I had a quick look on line and the Wiki people and a couple of other sites all show photos of three triple gun turrets on Geisenau so hopefully Flyhawk got it right. As you say - there are refits and I need to read up some more on her history Thanks Alan
  6. I see a lot of print levelling kits and also off the shelf auto levelling set ups. A lot to explore here - and I have a ship to build too Alan
  7. Yves Thank you very much for the video information. That's exactly what i was looking for. The levelling was very frustrating given the limited information that came with the machine but I think I finally got it set and the test piece printed OK last night and I didn't gouge the bed or wreck the nozzle. This looks like an exciting detour for me with a lot of new stuff to learn to keep the old brain ticking over It looks like Creality are well set up with spares and accessories which is reassuring although hopefully not needed Alan
  8. Well, I disappeared down the rabbit hole. My Ender 3 v2 arrived this afternoon. I assembled it in a couple of hours - actually several times thanks to the less than stellar instructions so rails were installed the wrong way round at first amongst other mistakes. I found the thumb drive after clearing up packaging afterwards and the included video would have helped quite a bit. It eventually got assembled and I was thrilled to find that it worked. I wasn't brave enough to dive straight into a corvette so I started it on one of the included test files. I am glad I did because I found that after a few minutes the flow of PLA stopped and became erratic and then the nozzle clogged. So I learned how to clear that and I think the problem was the PLA feeding off the spool with too much resistance and messing up the feed. It seems to be behaving itself now. I know two Ender owners and they love their machines so thank you so much for providing the impetus for me to get one and a Flower corvette to build Alan
  9. Not much progress today. I scanned the build instructions into the laptop and then printed them out at a larger size. There is a lot of information packed into the small diagrams. I then marked up the parts that will be replaced by the PE items so I don't inadvertently assemble some of the plastic parts. I'm afraid the rest of the day was lost as I disappeared down another rabbit hole. My Ender 3 V2 arrived. The lure of a corvette was too strong The idea is too use it as a background activity while paint and glue is drying elsewhere Alan
  10. Many Thanks for the kind comments Yves. The resin really made the diorama pop. I was a bit nervous about using it; it has the capability to ruin the whole diorama but I'm glad I tried it. Thank for the kind comments and support Alan
  11. Thanks Mike The diorama was an experiment for me, enjoyable and I am quite pleased with it. Your PE tips and tools suggestions were a big help too Thanks Alan
  12. Thanks for the great comments Craig. I'm still learning a lot as i progress though the builds. The diorama was fun and I would like to do more but they take up room. I need to get a display cabinet or something instead of using individual cases I hope I can live up to expectations with the Geisenau. It looks like another very detailed Flyhawk kit. Thanks Alan
  13. After the small IBG Hunt Class destroyer I thought it was time to move up in size again so I opened this box. The Flyhawk 1/700 Geisenau deluxe version with all the PE and brass barrels. I added the Flyhawk wooden deck to complete the upgrades. Its quite a contrast after the IBG kit with a few lonely sprues of parts in the bottom of the box. This is packed with bags of sprues, sheets of PE, boxes of metal barrels and a lot of instructions that look quite daunting. Its going to be a big model; nearly twice the length of Penelope. This will be a slow build as I think my way through it. I need to study the instructions in detail to work out where the PE replaces the plastic before doing anything else and then work out how to break it down into a series of assemblies. I may have over reached myself with this one. It might be time to hide Thanks Alan
  14. I painted the resin anchor chain (great help from RGL - Gregg - dark blue with dry brushed brown and a rust wash) and installed it on the foredeck. It is a little oversize but it is so much better than the flat PE and it is about the same size. I fitted the anchor chain into the hawse holes and down to the water where a little gloss Mod Podge was used to simulate a little water movement. The edges of the diorama were painted matt black and after the photos were taken the display case lid was installed. Thank you all for the support and tips, likes and kind comments. This is the biggest model I have attempted and I learned a lot. Thanks Alan
  15. I returned to the rigging and with the aft mast stabilised I was able to complete the basic rigging as far as i planned to go. I still have some learning to do there. Unless the model is seen against a white background and in good light the rigging is almost invisible. I added the ships number and I think that completes this build. IBG has the three Polish Hunt destroyers as well as Zetland and Badsworth so I may venture into a few more. The basic kit is nice and the included PE (especially the railings) makes it a pleasing model. The main mast is the only obviously nasty item. A few more depth charge racks and throwers would be good. Thanks for looking Alan
  16. Thank you Popeye, the masking was a bit rudimentary but it came out quite well. I was going to try Blutack but whenever I use it I seem to get little bits sticking to the subject when I remove it. Alan
  17. Black woodwork and White washed walls throughout Thats how I remember our farm too Alan
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