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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Wow the PE 30mm guns are more complicated than the IBG ones. You did a great job of the folding but they are awfully delicate. I didn't like the flat barrels and thought of replacing them with wire but they are too small to even attempt it. The kit plastic ones are at the other end of the scale. I hang onto all the spare Flyhawk plastic guns for times like this. Alan
  2. Thank You for the kind comments Roger. I envy you your Baltic holiday; its a region I would like to explore. Your build sequence is broadly how I started out but now I seem to have installed the main parts of the superstructure and adding detail and paint as I work around each area. This was largely because I didn't think I would have enough areas to safely handle the subassemblies when the PE was on and thought they would be safer already on the hull. So far its working out but I suspect I'm going to get in difficulties at some point as the whole ship becomes delicate to handle. There is still a lot of off ship parts to work; gun turrets, life rafts and boats too. The flying small parts and PE is a challenge to me. I seem to spend too much time on hands and knees with a flashlight under the work table. I seem to be most at risk attaching the parts to the assembly under construction. I try and work over a white paper towel to reduce bouncing and aid visibility when the part falls from the tweezers but I don't know how you stop the escapes from the ping from the tweezers. There is still a huge amount of parts still to be worked on and installed so it is still going to take a long time for me to finish Geisenau Thanks for commenting and I look to your Bismarck log Alan
  3. Thank You OC It is a spectacular kit to work on. There is so much to detail that it is very rewarding to watch it come together. I still have a long way to go before I'm finished but its definitely not a slog Alan
  4. Thanks for the nice comment Craig. This is another great Flyhawk kit and I do like the way they really work on the details even if it complicates the production of the kits. The cranes are very neat even if they are getting grumbled at a lot. There are PE radar towers (I think) which are included if you want to build a later Geisenau instead of the earlier configuration. Alan
  5. Thanks Yves The shipyard superintendent cat saw hull section 5 come out this evening so another happy dance. One more hull section! Alan
  6. Thank You OC, It was very disappointing at first finding that the machine set up is so critical. I suppose its obvious in retrospect; its building layers 0.2mm at a time and needs to be precise where it puts them. Its also only a $200 hobby machine so its not as sophisticated as the top end machines but now that I am getting regularly successful prints I am very happy with the printer and pleased that I decided to embark on this journey. Alan
  7. I'm looking forward to watching this build up. Adding the Flyhawk detail to the Trumpeter base needs extra skills; the base model wasn't designed for the PE so the integration is harder but you have the skill in abundance so this will be great. I think its still hard working out where the Flyhawk PE goes on a deluxe Flyhawk model so it will be a while before I follow you on one of these. Alan
  8. I checked the print before going to bed last night and the filament was dragging hard as it came off teh reel. I unwound several yards of it onto the floor and found the filament was wrapped under several coils which I released and then wound it all carefully back onto teh reel. The printer was still happily chugging away when I woke up this morning and the filament was spooling off the reel with little drag. The ptint successfully completed this afternoon. Hull section #5 was sliced and started. To my huge delight the initial layers went down well onto the print bed and the section is developing. We have thunderstorms banging around the area so, with 23 hours still to go and 6 hours invested I am really hoping we don't have a power interruption tonight. Happy Weekend everyone Alan
  9. Hi Yves The spool holder is next to the screws securing the vertical pillars on the left hand side. The brass eyelet is in place. There is an all metal upgrade available for the extruder along with a better Bowden tube. I'm considering it at some point. In this case I'm thinking that the filament is badly wound onto the spool. It didn't look as neat as the last spool and after it broke I noticed it was feeding the filament from under some of the coils. I rectified that but after starting the last print I noticed that it was still spooling off teh reel from under coils. I unwrapped several yards and cleared it and i hope that fixes it. Thanks for the help again. It is invaluable Alan
  10. The detail work continues. I finished the four platforms that are hung under the bridge. The last two took hours mainly because I was struggling and deforming the platform as I tried to add the Y support. Eventually the inevitable happened and the railing broke away from the platform and split in two from too much bending. I managed to find a suitable bit of spare PE railing and glued it to the platform and added it to the structure. The Y structure was abandoned for that platform - so sue me! The final one went together quite easily for some reason and is the right hand of the two platforms in the photo below. Adding the first of the railings was almost relaxing after that As a bit of a diversion I started on the two large derricks. There are six plastic parts to each crane and a host of tiny PE. I decided not to use the PE parts that replace the supports for the top winches. The PE looked too delicate to adequately support the winch and then stay in place while the cables were added. I have no moral fibre I guess. These should look quite nice when finished i hope. Happy Weekend Alan
  11. The Flyhawk plastic masts look quite good - but then you put the brass ones next to them and there is no way you can use the plastic ones. It is impressive that they actually tapered the brass masts. Alan
  12. Thank you for the compliment OC. I hope Craig and others don't feel offended by having me lumped with their masterful efforts. 😄. I really enjoying the 1/700 scale ships Alan
  13. I think its a skill to be able to work out the sequences and sub assemblies that allow the most efficient and best access for painting and detailing a ship model. I used to think there was a strict formula for it but I'm increasingly of the view that there are almost infinite options depending on techniques and preferences. This time I tried to9 paint the basic structures and hull and then refine it as I add the detail. I suspect I'm going to find myself in a corner at some point but I think with a complex model like this one that might be inevitable however you plan it out. I completely forgot to paint the masts during the major painting sessions but I expected I would overlook a few things. The boats will need work at some point too. Alan
  14. This morning brought a disappointment. I checked the printer when I got up knowing it would still be running. It was but it wasn't printing anything. The filament had snapped during the night so a potentially good print had to be scrapped. This spool of filament doesn't seem to be as well wound as the last one and i have found the filament feeding from under other coils as I have checked throughout the day. I have been assisting it to try to reduce the drag but its going to have to fend for itself overnight. It still has 15 hours to run to finish hull section #6 Alan
  15. Thank you Yves, It is feeling a lot better now that the strike rate of producing good parts has improved. The cat is indeed the test piece that comes with the printer. I had just a handful of filament left on the spool and didn't think there was enough for another hull connector so I thought I would see how it came out. It is small and prints in the centre of teh bed and just came out well with no adjustments. I'm looking forward to getting past the hull pieces. Alan
  16. Thank you so much Craig. Its still fun even if it gets a bit frustrating. I'm guessing you had the same parts to deal with on Scharnhorst? Even with magnifiers threading into that slot and gluing is about at the limit of my eyesight. alan
  17. Today was spent deep in the world of PE. I made and fitted the bridge wings. With the bending tool it went quite easily. The brass masts are interesting. Flyhawk doesn't just provide brass rod for the masts. The pieces are turned. The masts taper and there are rings on the yards. The mast is a two part piece just to make life interesting with a tiny locating peg on one piece and a corresponding hole in the other. I used the plastic mast (which is quite nice but doesn't compare to the brass one) t set the locations of the yards. The rest of the day was spent getting frustrated with these pieces. They make up small underhanging platforms under the bridge structure. There are four of them. The "Y" shape threads into the slot in the larger piece and forms some of the structure. The main piece is easy to fold but it goes downhill from there. Adding the Y piece was very difficult both to place and glue. I made a lot of repeat attempts and called it a day with only two fitted. My eyes were beginning to cross attempting to position the Y structures. Tomorrow i another opportunity. They can just be seen above the gun mount. Thanks for looking in. Alan
  18. Thank you Mike. Very kind comments. Flyhawk almost overdo the PE sometimes. I find myself struggling with parts that probabl;y don't really enhance the model too much. But the challenge makes it interesting. Alan
  19. Hi Tony I had the bed off the machine when I changed the levelling springs and forgot to look at the heater element. The sensor is in the centre so its entirely possible that the corners are cooler. The bed is magnetic so steel and should conduct reasonably well. I'm tending let the bed soak for a while after the panel tells me it has reached temperature to try to let it even out. Part of my voodoo developing to achieve a good print. I may be wrong but I think this project is challenging the printer a bit. I think printing small stuff in the centre of the bed is comparatively easy but working at the edges requires a greater levelling accuracy and tighter control in retaining it. Its been a steep learning curve but I'm hoping I am learning where the sensitivity is and how to deal with it. I think I am doing better not using the paper feeler gauge but using a test print and tweaking the screws relative to teh results. Thanks for the interest Alan
  20. The doors look great. The dust really adds depth to the timber and looks like honest farmyard muck. Does it stay in place on its own or do you have to seal it? Thanks Alan
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