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Fernando E

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    Fernando E got a reaction from J11 in Perseverance 1807 by Fernando E - Modellers Shipyard - 1:48 scale - Colonial Brig   
    Update on a disaster at the shipyard....after a break from modelling due to work commitments and Christmas holidays I arrived back home to find that a fight between the dog and the cat and the subsequent dropping of the model from a first floor balcony, my build was, to say the least, unable to be salvaged .
    In disgust I threw the lot in the bin and sulked for a while before I ordered replacement parts (I was able to salvage some of the parts and all of the deck furniture yet to be built). Long story short, I will start on the Perseverance again but unless something crops up during the initial stages will not post any new pics until I start again on the second layer of planking Here are a couple of shots of where I was at before the disaster...

    I still can't believe it has happened but the moral to the story is to either get rid of the dog and cat (highly unlikely as we are pet lovers) or just keep the workshop under lock and key and put away all the work in s safe spot before heading off anywhere!
  2. Like
    Fernando E got a reaction from JayCub in Perseverance 1807 by Fernando E - Modellers Shipyard - 1:48 scale - Colonial Brig   
    Latest instalment...
    The first layer of planking has been completed and although not pretty , after some wood filler and a bit of sanding the hull has come up very nicely. Surprisingly not too much filler was needed. I had originally thought that the tuck of the transom would need a bit of plank bending and a number of them did split when putting them on. It's either the wood supplied or most likely the model maker! A few photos of the current status of the build....

    I've also started on one of the "jolly" boats which will be placed on the deck of the Perseverance as a break from planking. Putting it together is very straightforward , so no issues here other than cutting out the pieces as they have not been laser cut.The boat has been dry fitted at this stage as I will want to put some planking on all but the hull as this will be painted white.


    I will be starting on the deck planking next so will follow up with progress in the next few days.
  3. Like
    Fernando E got a reaction from JayCub in Perseverance 1807 by Fernando E - Modellers Shipyard - 1:48 scale - Colonial Brig   
    Another update.
    Started on the first layer of planking and so far so good.  No real issue but then again have not yet done the curves in the tuck of the transom. You can see that the plywood on the bulkheads were really starting to fall apart....very annoying but at least they will be hidden under two layers of planking. If time permits I hope to move quickly on finishing the first layer so that I can "enjoy " putting on the second layer then move on to the more enjoyable deck furniture!


    More to follow soon (hopefully!)
  4. Like
    Fernando E got a reaction from J11 in Perseverance 1807 by Fernando E - Modellers Shipyard - 1:48 scale - Colonial Brig   
    Next update.....a bit overdue!
    I've now put in the fillers which sit in the tuck of the transom. This took me a while to get right as the different shapes of the fillers needed a bit of sanding. After some time I am now happy with how it looks, although having to get the first layer of planking to fit around these curves is going to be interesting!

    I'm making a start on the first layer of planking later today and hope to post a couple of early pictures in the not too distant future.
  5. Like
    Fernando E got a reaction from J11 in Perseverance 1807 by Fernando E - Modellers Shipyard - 1:48 scale - Colonial Brig   
    First update on how the build is coming along.
    The false keel had a very slight bow to it but no real issue as this would be fixed once I built a simple jig to straighten it out once the bulkhead frames are in place. One good thing with this kit is that there are marks on both the bulkhead frames and the false keel keel to ensure that they are at least correctly placed (third photo below).



    This is where the first problem arose.... bulkhead frame 4 was way too short on the port side. The starboard side fitted in perfectly once I dry fitted the false deck (to make sure if this was an issue for any other bulkhead frames) but the port side was about 1.2 mm out!. As this will be covered by two layers of planking I was not too concerned (just a bit annoyed ) as I could put layers of  spare deck planking to pack the the frame out. I'll pass on this issue to Modellers Shipyard so that they can look at this for any future kits.

    Once all the bulkhead frames were square with the false keel these were glued into place then the false  keel was also glued on. Overall not a difficult process (other than the short bulkhead frame!) 

    Once the glue dried it was time to start the fairing of the bulkheads as well as packing out bulkhead 4. Another issue then arose  in that the ply used was starting to fall apart when fairing. Again not happy with this but will continue with it and hopefully will not look too bad once finished...glad it will be covered by two layers of planking!
    More to come....
  6. Like
    Fernando E got a reaction from J11 in Perseverance 1807 by Fernando E - Modellers Shipyard - 1:48 scale - Colonial Brig   
    Hi Lou
    This is the third kit I have bought from them, the first was the HM Cutter Mermaid and the other was the Colonial Sloop Norfolk (which was my first build log on this site).
    The company sells a variety of kits as well as does it's own Australian historical kits (see the following website https://www.modelerscentral.com/model-ship-kits/).
    From my limited knowledge of kits available in the market I have found their stuff generally very good. I have completed a Panart kit (The Santa Lucia which I recently completed and did a build log on this site) as well as an Artesina Latina  small boat kit which started me on this great hobby a couple of years back. I would have to say that the Modellers Shipyard kits were way better than the Pannart and the AL in terms of wood provided as well as fittings and most importantly for me...great instructions including, if needed, you can buy a DVD of how to build your particular model. One other point I would make is that when I have had an issue with any faulty parts (not many at all) I have contacted them and they have immediately replaced it free of charge......no questions asked! Great service from these guys . Again, this is my personal opinion and others who have been doing this hobby much longer than I have will no doubt have a different opinion.
    Saying the above I plan to do the HM Endeavour next and I'm not sure whether to get the Occre Kit or the Caldercraft Kit.....whichever way I go it will be interesting to compare it to the Modellers Shipyard Kits!
  7. Like
    Fernando E got a reaction from JayCub in Perseverance 1807 by Fernando E - Modellers Shipyard - 1:48 scale - Colonial Brig   
    A huge apology for the very long delay in posting some pics on my second attempt on this build.
    I have been working on her for a few months (on and off....in between work,travel and grandson minding commitments) but time goes by quickly and despite my best efforts have not had an opportunity to upload some progress shots....so here goes. I finished the second layer of planking and despite some re-planking some parts I was happy with the end result. Work on the model so far has been relatively straight forward. The build plans are very easy to read and the photos are excellent. Parts have, generally, been easy to install with some minor sanding or adjustments on some of the smaller parts.
    I've been fitting some of the deck furniture and will be moving on to the masts and rigging in the next few days. Hopefully I will be giving a lot more detail and more regular updates as I progress to the next stage of the build.. 
    That's it for now....apologies for the lack of detail but I thought that I should update where I'm at before going further on the build.
    Cheers...............Fernando T
  8. Like
    Fernando E reacted to popeye the sailor in Santa Lucia by usedtosail - FINISHED - Panart - 1/30 scale - Sicilian Cargo Boat   
    awesome..........really like that color green  
  9. Like
    Fernando E reacted to usedtosail in Santa Lucia by usedtosail - FINISHED - Panart - 1/30 scale - Sicilian Cargo Boat   
    Just a quick update to show the starboard bulwark supports and mooring bollards glued into the hull. I just finished painting the port bulwark supports so they will be glued in tonight.
    I also started remaking the wheelhouse frame pieces using sheet mahogany instead of the plywood pieces supplied. I milled the square windows into the end piece and cleaned them up with a flat file. I'll have pictures when I have them completed.
  10. Like
    Fernando E reacted to FSXManu in Hello from Switzerland   
    Hello from Switzerland :D
    My name is Manuel and me and my girlfriend Tanja would like to get into ship modelling. I already have experience from building plastic models, however, I decided I want to try out wooden models like the HMS Bounty. My girlfriend likes to build models too and she has some skills she learnt at art school.
    We both have a lot patience but we know that a model like the HMS Bounty is quite challenging for beginners like us. However, we would still like to start this project together.
    We hope you can help us out if we have any questions regarding e.g. tools or good kits and we look forward to talking to fellow model builders!
    See you around,

    Manuel & Tanja
  11. Like
    Fernando E reacted to usedtosail in Santa Lucia by usedtosail - FINISHED - Panart - 1/30 scale - Sicilian Cargo Boat   
    Thanks Popeye. I didn't think of that. Luckily most of the bulwark is not curved. I did soak the couple near the end and clamped them to get them to bend slightly. I gave the deck planks a coat of wipe on poly too.

    After I cut a few of them, I sanded them and stuck them to some folder material with double sided tape, then gave them a coat of diluted gesso as a primer. The tape keeps them in the right order as I paint them. 

  12. Like
    Fernando E reacted to Jonny 007 in Hi everyone, a returning modeller now living in NZ.   
    Hi everyone,
    I was once a keen a regular newbie on here many moons ago. I had a build log for the HMS Bluebell (plastic) that I converted to RC, a couple of R/C yachts and tried my hand at a Sergal model frigate. 
    Unfortunately I fell for the classic blunder of biting off way more than I could chew with the Sergal kit. I still have the kit and might even finish it some day. But it’s not a great kit TBH.
    That was all about 10 years ago (or more 😮) and I was based in London at the time. Social Media was still in its infancy and forums were still the place to go to share hobbies.
    Fast forward to today and I see that something happened to the old forum. I see references to the big crash or a glitch in the matrix but it seems all of my previous information was lost.
    So I have created a new profile which is fitting as I am now based on the other side of the planet.
    I have a new kit that I intend to build and am currently looking through several build logs to help with this new endeavour.
    The kit I have chosen is AL’s HMAV Bounty Jolly Boat.
    From what I can see it will still be a challenge, but hopefully not a 2 year build.
    I have a spot set up and construction starts tomorrow.
    Wish me luck!
  13. Like
    Fernando E reacted to usedtosail in Santa Lucia by usedtosail - FINISHED - Panart - 1/30 scale - Sicilian Cargo Boat   
    I added the deck planks between the hatch coamings and sanded them for staining. I also started fitting the bulwark supports, but I will paint these white before installing them. I may also soak them and clamp them to the sides before painting them as there is a slight curve on the insides of the bulwarks.

    I stained the new deck planks and the coamings, then gave all the deck planks another coat of stain. While that was drying I made the four mooring bollards. The instructions said to make them from 5mm plywood but I knew they wouldn't look good, so I thinned down a 1/4" square piece of basswood down to 5mm. I first filed a V groove into the wood using a square file on a 45 degree angle. I then used the disk sander to sand in the 45 degree angles to the groove, then sanded the top to height. I finally cut them off the strip with the table saw. I haven't cleaned these up yet but I was happy how they came out.

  14. Like
    Fernando E reacted to usedtosail in Santa Lucia by usedtosail - FINISHED - Panart - 1/30 scale - Sicilian Cargo Boat   
    While painting the rudder I started making what the instructions call bulwark supports, which are the strips along the insides of the bulwarks. These have a taper at the top so instead of using strip wood and cutting the taper into each one, I planed down some sheet wood to the angle and cut them out on the table saw. Here is the set up I used to slice them off. The plexiglas guide came from the NRG Journal a few issues back. It worked great cutting 3mm strips from the 2mm sheet.

    I need over 40 of these so cut about 60. This turned out to be a practice exercise because I didn't pay attention to how the grain ran on the sheet and all the strips have the grain running across them, but worse is the sides are all end grain. I have another sheet sanded down with the taper across the end grain so that when I cut them out again the grain will run the same as if I cut them from strip wood. Another learning experience!

    I have also started making the hatch coamings for the two storage hatches. I started using the supplied laser cut parts, but I really did not like the end grain of the end pieces showing along the sides, as the side piece were too small to fit all the way along the hatch. So I cut new longer side pieces from some mahogany sheet I had, then cut the end pieces to fit between them, as shown on the right hatch. You can see the ugly end grain in the hatch on the left. I am going to stain not paint these coamings so this will make them look much better.

    Once these hatch coamings are done I have to add more deck planks between them. At that point I will probably give the deck and hatch coamings a coat of Wipe On Poly.
  15. Like
    Fernando E reacted to NovaStorm in Greetings from Nova Scotia, Canada   
    Hello from Halifax, I've been a stowaway here while working away on my first build, the Bluenose MS 2130. It gave me a lot of satisfaction building a bit of local history and I think I might have caught the bug from you guys in the process. Yes I've got the Syren now sitting on deck, go figure. Hoping to start it the second half of October, when the weather begins to turn and I have some more time on my hands. Great site you have here. Glad to see you don't promote kit's produced by theft. Big thanks for all the help you give
    Regards, Robin aka Nova ~

  16. Like
    Fernando E reacted to AntonyUK in Mayflower by AntonyUK - FINISHED - half-hull - as first built c.1600 in Harwich UK - all guess work   
    Hi David.
    Thank you for your kind words.
    I like building the unusual ships. Its somewhat more challenging when there is little known about the ship.
    Must post a update next week... Have been working on the Mayflower but not Posting... BAD me....
    Regards Antony.
  17. Like
    Fernando E reacted to usedtosail in Santa Lucia by usedtosail - FINISHED - Panart - 1/30 scale - Sicilian Cargo Boat   
    Working on mounting the rudder today. I nailed the gudgeons to the hull using the blackened nails. I first drilled a hole then pushed and glued the nails into the holes.
    Next I marked the locations of the gudgeons on the rudder then nailed the pintles to the rudder. The top pintles needed to be trimmed to length so I still need to drill another hole in them and add another nail.

    The instructions said to use a small nail as a pin but they were way too small, so I cut two lengths of brass rod and glued them inside the pintles. I need to do some clean up of the paint and mask the rudder to paint the bottom black to match the black on the hull.
  18. Like
    Fernando E reacted to usedtosail in Santa Lucia by usedtosail - FINISHED - Panart - 1/30 scale - Sicilian Cargo Boat   
    I painted the tops and sides of the rails the same green as the trim pieces and touched up the white paint on the inside and outside of the hull.

    I have painted the rudder white and will add the black when I know where it will be mounted, so it will match the black on the hull. I made the tiller from a 1/4" square piece of basswood. The plans included a top and side views of the tiller so I copied them to the right scale then glued the side view to the wood. I cut the shape roughly on the scroll saw, then glued the top view on and cut it out. This was very roughly shaped and I used files and sand paper to get the final shape. I then used the mill to cut the slot in the top which I squared up with a square file. I filed the top of the rudder to fit the hole, then gave the tiller two coats of primer. I will finish it with white paint.

    I will be mounting the rudder next.
  19. Like
    Fernando E reacted to Rick01 in HM Cutter Mermaid 1817 by JamesBhm - Modellers Shipyard - Scale 1:48 - first build   
    Carronades now fitted to carriages and installed. Purchased from Cornwall Model Boats https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000001.pl?WD=carronade&PN=RB-Model-Fittings-Carronade-20mm-RB01123.html#SID=1251 . They had to be amended slightly as the extension on the rear of the barrel just didn't seem right. So this was removed reducing the overall length to 20mm after re-fitting the button, much nearer the 17mm I was hoping for. 
  20. Like
    Fernando E reacted to Heinrich der Seefahrer in LE TERRIBLE 1693/1670 by Heinrich der Seefahrer - 1/92 - based on the Heller SR   
    At first I will do some political statement:
    Hello friends of the sunbathed baroque shipbuilding!
    Okay I have clearly overestimated my abilities to reconstruck a complete transom artistically from scatch in a believable baroque manner. So I now have to turn the boat towards some realistic goal. At TERRIBLE this can only be the First Navy's version. 
    Contributed to Marc's knowledge* we do have got FOUR contemporary drawings:

    Van der Velde

    vdV believable TERRIBLE official named ROYAL THÉRÈSE.

    The bow portside view of RTh - so we got a second view on TERRIBLE as we trust in Marc. 

    If we do so than this is also a vdV contemporary drawing and ink of the first TERRIBLE so this comes closer to faith in Marc than he ever believed to become a theological figure... (duck&cover).
    (...pic will follow haven'tgit the book at hand...)
    N°5 is the Pierre Puget drawing of the luxuriant transom with figures and one obelisc - as we see on the upper drawings this concept wasn't realized (I think due to the ROYAL LOUIS list problems by the heavy figuration of transom and balconies). But I think the exentric artist will habe saved some of his ideas into the built version. Due to this three as built drawings and the artconcept we have some as good database as with ROYAL LOUIS 1667.
    With my oldschool method of transparent paper and pen I hope the catch as much detail out of the vdV-pictures az possible

    There is really trouble in front of my to identify  what is the real figure 
    behind some flourish curlicule. VdV were both masters in the light imitations ofof details.

    But we have some very clear parts we can copy and place! 
    As often some decoration was recycled at the rebuild I imagine the 1670 TERRIBLE wasn't so devastated that some of her woodwork to sculptures was rescued and reused... So my drawn invest into the 2nd TERRIBLE wasn't wasted work and time. 


    If we compare the Heller hull to the VdV drawing we can lean back and smile. The interisting features are the combat cloth hiding material covering the men and blocking enemy's line of sight. Battleships allways collect the most modern inventions and the shipbuilders did pick out the redest cherries they could get.

    ...and the artillery is all bronze cast so no mixture lower decorated iron and sophisticated sculptured bronze ordonance is to be done. (Also the panier is right for me: I also do not retreat even outnumbered {one man and four hulls}

    ...and b.t.w. my coffeypot says "Daily Dose" not the whiskey bottle[she must be empty fore some future ship in the bottle project for Christmas.)
    Thanks for your interest, patiente, engagement and kind reaction.
    Yours Christian Heinrich

    If we turn the picture just a little bit everything comes back to order...

    *Do your colleagues at work not believe what your hobby is or have you got a modelship in your bureau?

  21. Like
    Fernando E reacted to Heinrich der Seefahrer in LE TERRIBLE 1693/1670 by Heinrich der Seefahrer - 1/92 - based on the Heller SR   
    Thanks Phil and druxey - I was lucky... a friend of mine said that sounds like a stroke hurry into the emergency room of a hostital and not to your eye-doctor... it was at the very end of the spinalcanal. So I'm happy to lie here and being able to draw and write.
    But now it is going towards the LE TERRIBLE again. As I tried to  begin at the very top over the bars between the lamps I decided to combine two given elements. The catfish(?) and the dragoon.

  22. Like
    Fernando E reacted to Heinrich der Seefahrer in LE TERRIBLE 1693/1670 by Heinrich der Seefahrer - 1/92 - based on the Heller SR   
    Here the drawings of the side gallery of LE TERRIBLE I am not a defeatist saying it is not my brst work being done on transparent paper.
    This is the prominent monster over the windowss top. 

    Here drawn though the transparentpaper 
    The ugly result - not really happy with this.

    The hole work in progress. 

    The shipcat looking on my drawing board and equipment.
    Then I was able to photocopy the transparent paper in two A4 whitepaper parts  for further colouring it...

    It isn't yhe blueish greygreen I am looking for

    but it is some green at all. And I hopefully added the correct shape of framing of the window into the open round. What do you think... beside I am not fast (I have a lot of time in here and I am awaiting in my room to get picked up for therapies.) This luxourious times will be away in the next days when therapy hours are inforced. But my right hand isn't the preciseliest at all!!! The fleur-de-lys are so doodled the French will dehead me... 
    There will to be made some detalling in the next days to fix the troubles and to get all the roughness out of the drawing. 

  23. Like
    Fernando E reacted to Steve Harvath in another new member   
    Hi all,  Glad I found this group.  It looks like a great place to learn.  I model in 1:48 scale to match my O scale model railroad stuff. I am building a diorama of a waterfront scene set at around 1900.  So my ship and boat models are waterline and pretty grubby from all the coal smoke and other industrial scum.  I also build model boats for the pure fun of it.  My latest model is a Florida sharpie from a Howard Chapelle plan.  I ran out of the silk material I was using for sails.  I want to show them furled.  Any recommendations? I have attached some of my models including the sharpie, a San Francisco Bay scow schooner called the Crockett, the Grand Banks schooner Lottie Haskins, the steam tug Philadelphia which is towing the railroad transfer barge D&I No. 1.

  24. Like
    Fernando E reacted to Niallmhor in Greetings from North Yorkshire, England   
    Hello Gentlemen,
    My name is Neil Scarbro Aka Niallmhor , I live in the Riding of North Yorkshire, England. Been a modeller since I was a nipper , but only built.maritime subjects when I was serving in Germany with HM Forces . Now I am retired , with time on my hands ( unless our lass finds me something to do) I'm going to get back into maritime models . I'm building the USS United States (1812) 1/96  version having built the USS Constitution in Gutersloh, Germany, my room looked like a shipyard with Aircraft Carriers,  Distant water Trawlers , USS Constitution, Cutty Sark and the odd ship in a bottle. If you are wondering why I built ships while been in the military I originally came from Kingston upon Hull , a City on the River Humber East Yorkshire so it was only natural to build ships, and been a Military Driving Instructor it helped me to relax after a busy day . The photo is what I used to teach people to drive

  25. Like
    Fernando E reacted to usedtosail in Santa Lucia by usedtosail - FINISHED - Panart - 1/30 scale - Sicilian Cargo Boat   
    After a week of relatives visiting, I finally got some time in the shop the last couple of days. I finished thinning down the rails and primed them with diluted gesso. I am going to paint the top and sides of the rails green but I will leave the bottoms white. I fit the gudgeons to the stern post and the pintles to the rudder, then blackened them along with some nails. The upper gudgeons and pintles will be painted white, but I blackened them because I find the paint sticks better and they have the same texture and the lower ones. I also started priming the rudder.

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