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About Mldixon

  • Birthday 11/14/1950

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  1. Chapter 12 parts are now in hand....all I have to do now is finish.
  2. That is a ridiculous price...not realistic by any means
  3. 👍👍good luck Tony, and your welcome. I looked at your build logs, very impressive work...
  4. Yes that is the printer I used. The good news is, once you push print you can work on other things. Most printers are going to charge you a lot. Just buy the printer and resin. If you model a lot of parts it pays for itself pretty quickly. And yes it does have a learning curve, but it's not too steep
  5. I thought it looked pretty good considering the scale.
  6. So here are the results of the print of the stove. I primed it in black with an airbrush on about the finest mist i could produce. I did no post cleanup on this, an alcohol wash and blew it off with air compressor. It was a .01mm layer setting and it took 5.5 hrs to print. Cost was 1.5 Cents plus paint, 5 drops. With the naked eye (mine are 73 years old) it appears as a black sugar cube. You will need a magnifier to see any detail at all. And the paint tends to wash out details at this level of printing, so it's got to be very light coats. I'm fairly certain any type of brush on painting would obliterate the details at this size. This was your file as provided. If you exaggerated the details, they would stand out to the naked eye pretty good. I would think the print services are being ultra cautious because of the small size and customer satisfaction. Size verification🔻 Top of stove, Painted to reveal details🔻 Side shot
  7. If the advice is to give up, then I'll be happy to give the drawings to anyone who is interested Sure link me to your model stl or obj file and ill give it a whirl on my Anycubic mono and see if it works.
  8. I just 3d printed a latern for my Winchelsea model. It seemed an almost impossible task, but I was able to get a pretty good result. I draft in full scale, then scale down to model size. At that point you are correct, the parts are too thin to print. So i make things thicker to overcome this. When printed and viewed very few can detect the difference. If your a purist well none of this will work. Link to lantern https://modelshipworld.com/topic/22779-hms-winchelsea-1764-by-mldixon/?do=findComment&comment=926251
  9. Lantern This was modeled in Sketchup Pro 2021 from the drawings Chuck posted in his thread. It was adjusted for size based on the prints. Then I used a Anycubic Mono resin printer to get the final product. Airbrushed the piece to match the Alaskan Yellow Cedar ( which was by far the hardest part of the job) the interior parts were hand painted with a very fine brush to get the details of the candle and the floor. Mounted on the first side 🔻 Hinged Door shot 🔻 Here is what the sketchup model looked like🔻 and this is what the pre print file looked like 🔻 and what it looked like when it was out of the printer before the removal of the supports I really need to get a crappier camera, or boost my skills by a magnification of 10...but it really looks good when your just standing and looking at it. I'll post some nice white screen backdrop shots when I clean the model up at the conclusion to this build.
  10. Well we've been cutting through molding already in other areas. So I kind of like the way you drafted it, by the way those fenders are really intricate I'm not sure how you manage these surgically small cut lines....
  11. Working on front channels and chain plates, the billboard is being test fit for a template. Just a little progress shot
  12. I've been playing with these links, just inserted into place not permanent at this stage. Working out the issues.🔻 Front channels in place🔻
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