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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi all Some photos of the full model. Still have to finish the rigging on the mizzen mast and yards. Denis.
  2. Hi Popeye If you thought that the main mast looked like a spiders web you want to see the mizzen mast lateen now I have put the rigging on it Denis.
  3. Hi all Just dry fitted the mizzen mast into the deck will glue it in place tonight. Sorry about the photos. Will take the model out of my work room and take better photos. Denis.
  4. Hi all I have removed the cross jack sail. Now fitted the Lateen yard and sail. Denis.
  5. Hi All Oh dear I have made a mistake I put the sail on the cross jack. Thanks to Vince pointing this out to me saying the SOS did not have the sail on the cross jack yard/spar. Again thank you Vince for pointing this out to me. Denis.
  6. Hi all More yards fitted to mizzen mast. Just the mizzen lateen yard to fit and will do that tonight. Next is glue to deck. Denis.
  7. Hi Vince Brian is correct on the red oxide paint ( it has a hint of brown in it ) . Denis.
  8. Hi all Just fitted the top yard but will improve the ropes when I have to tie them to the belaying pins. Denis.
  9. Hi Visi First thank you so much for them very kind words ( I don't deserve such praise ). I did not know you was building the SOS. I will send you my e-mail address so we can swop photos OK. I am helping a man in the Northern Territory's with his SOS. So don't be a stranger to my log. Thank you again. Denis.
  10. Hi Steve Sorry mate no secrecy at all. My wife was given 2 rolls of calico by the chemist at the place she worked as a purchasing officer. The rolls are about 1m in width. I cut about 2m off one roll, to make sure the calico did not shrink I washed it and let it dry then washed it again and let it dry. I cut the pattern of the sails out, then stitched them up. Next job was boil 1lt of water add 3 teabags leave for 20 minutes take teabags out let water cool. Put sails in for two and half hours, take out and lay flat to dry. Sew 1.75mm rope to the top of the sail with invisible thread. Sew to yard/spar with 0.30mm rope. Wet sail then furl and tie them off with 0.10mm rope. Mix PVA glue up with water 50/50 apply to sail let it dry. Denis.
  11. Hi Kevin My wife told me to get my own sewing machine :( . Are well things we have to do to build the models . Denis.
  12. Hi Ian Great part of my home country. You are lucky your wife will help you with the sewing ha ha. Mine said you are on your own it's your build you do it. Denis.
  13. Hi Kevin Thank you it was the wife that stopped me from starting the "RW" :( . Denis
  14. Hi Keith All the sails on the SOS are furled , this is the last set to do. I think about another 6-7 weeks and she will be all finished. Just the supports for the hull to do. Denis.
  15. Hi All Just finished furling the sails on the mizzen mast yards/spars. Next is to assemble them onto the mast. Denis.
  16. Hi Vince Wow that is looking very nice my friend . Thank you for the tip will keep that in mind . Denis.
  17. Hi Vince Nice workmanship once again. The cutter worked very well nice job. Denis.
  18. Hi Edwin and Urmilla Thank you for them words but I think I am learner more that a teacher. Yes the old team back together. Denis
  19. Hi Mark You are more than welcome to pull up a chair, just give me a week or two. Denis
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