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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Mark Thank you again. It feels like I have put about 200 miles of rope on her ha ha. Not sure if I will put the sails on the "RW" or not but will see when the time comes. Denis.
  2. Hi Edwin Thank you also. Have you sorted your e-mail out ???. Denis.
  3. Hi All As I am getting to the end of the build of my SOS although it will be some weeks away yet. I wish to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to my MENTOR Vince P without him I would never have got as far as I have. So thank you Vince you are a good friend and well respected in the modelling world . Denis.
  4. Hi All Just some more rigging for you ha ha. I think about another 2 weeks and the rigging will be done I hope. Denis.
  5. Hi Vince Wow what can I say but very very nice work my friend. Denis.
  6. Yes the U shaped things are the handrails and need to be cut out with a lot of care. The long strips with the gun ports on are part of the second planking, you need to keep the centre of the gun ports as they are part of the gun port doors. Denis.
  7. Hi Cristi Welcome to the SOS club. I am sure you will find the kit a good build to do. Have a look at Vince P log on the SOS he is a fantastic model builder I think you will get a good idea on how to go about the build. Good luck I will also follow your build. Denis.
  8. Hi Popeye I have just looked at the Euro models web site, they do a kit Mordaunt. May be the flags are the same. Denis.
  9. Hi Brian I don't know yet but I don't think the admiral will not let me put it any place in the house with out one. I cannot find any display cases this large for the SOS and I am not that good at making that sort of thing. I may end up giving it to some one . Denis.
  10. Hi Visi Thank you so much for them very kind words. I do hope it will inspire you to carry on with your build of your SOS. The most important think is be patient. Denis.
  11. Hi Andy She is looking very nice my friend Re rigging I know what you are talking about Denis.
  12. Hi Bindy Thank you so much for them words but 'gasp' is taking it a bit too far ha ha. Denis.
  13. Hi Ron Also a big thank you. The "RW" will be a different story ( HARDER a lot HARDER ). . Denis.
  14. Hi Keith Very observant of you re yards/sails. This is the correct way of doing the yards when the sails are furled. Denis.
  15. Hi Popeye Thanks , the home stretch is about 5 weeks away ????????????. I am doing part of the mizzen rigging now that will take a week the way I am going . The flags will be the last job to do roll on that day. Then start all over again with the "RW" . Denis.
  16. Hi Brian Thank you, but rigging is not my favourite job as well but we have to do it . I would sooner be planking and sanding . Roll on the "RW" :) . Denis.
  17. Hi Ron She is looking fantastic. Just very nice workmanship my friend well done. Denis.
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