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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Nenad I don't know why but that was the only flag that is shiny may be it is the flash ??. Denis.
  2. Hi Wacko Thank you pleased you like the flags. It will soon be the end of the build, then onto the "RW" in about 3 weeks time. Denis.
  3. Hi all Sorry to bore you all with the flags ha ha. I have just finished the last of the flags, but they need a bit of improvement . Will try and take better photos when she is all finished :'( ha ha. Denis.
  4. Hi Back again. Some photos re flags. 1, is the can that has been bent. 2, is the flag with the little crocodile clips. 3, is the shape of the flag. Denis.
  5. Hi Steve Re Flags. This is for polyester type flags only ( not paper ones ). I cut a beer can or Coca Cola can, bent it to shape (please over bend the can, as when you take it off it tends to flatten out ). I then put the flag on top and sprayed it with hair lacquer till the flag was soaking wet. I then put some small crocodile clips to hold the flag to the can, stand the flag up to let the surplus hair spray drip off onto some paper. Leave to dry for 12 hours. What I did next some people will not like. I did try and put the flag on to some rope but it did not work, the flag just fell over. I got some 1mm x 1mm walnut from my stock and glued some each side of the flag, then trimmed the flag off. I then glued it to the flag poles. Will post some photos soon. Denis.
  6. Hi Frank Thank you, will do it when it is all finished. I have to get a name plate made first. Denis.
  7. Hi all Sorry I am back again but I just love this forum on MSW. I have just put the Union Jack on. 3 more flags to go. Denis.
  8. Hi all Yes I know I said I will have it finished today but as you all know things turn up ha ha. Started doing the flags. Denis.
  9. Hi Bindy First it's so nice to see you on my log again, thank you for dropping in. Also thank you for your words. You are a true friend also. Will send you an e-mail soon. Denis.
  10. Hi Visi What can I say but you are a true friend :'( you don't get many people like you , that is all I can say. You know my e-mail address don't you just feel free to ask if you need help and will do the best I can OK. Your friend Denis.
  11. Hi all Not long to go now ha ha. I robbed the "RW" kit for the stand, just one coat of varnish on it so far ( 2 more to go ). Done port side anchors, will do the starboard side today. All that is left is to do the flags. Denis.
  12. Hi Ron Wow just wonderful work my friend just wonderful. Denis.
  13. Hi Christi Thank you. Will you let me know when you start your log on the SOS please. Denis.
  14. Hi Steve I am not joking the SOS is my second build. The first one I finished the hull, but did not do the masts or yards, it went into the bin about a month ago. So the SOS is my first finished build. Denis.
  15. Hi all Ok you all win, but I don't know how to put photos in the gallery I am not good with computers ha ha. Denis.
  16. Hi Edwin Thank you for them words. I will e-mail you with in the week and sorry I have had not had time to reply to your last e-mail, so sorry. Denis.
  17. Hi Wayne I was going to do her in dry dock but the wife did not like the idea. Have you got any suggestions . Denis
  18. Hi Max No I will not put any photos on the gallery sorry. It is only my second build and I don't think it is worthy to be in the gallery. Sorry about that. Denis.
  19. Hi Popeye It is always sad to come to the end of a build, it is like a girlfriend that you love and she says goodbye , but you know that another is just round the corner and that is the "RW". Denis.
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