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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Re blocks, I have just ordered some new blocks from Syren"s. Denis.
  2. Hi Edwin Yes I know the song and I love it. Did you get my e-mail. Denis.
  3. Hi Visi Pleased you have liked the journey with the build. The new girl in town don't look bad at all ha ha. Denis.
  4. Hi Brian I have not had time to look at all of the kit yet. Denis.
  5. Hi Brian I am not getting at Euro Models at all I do like this kit. Like I said before I do think that ALL kit manufacturers should take a good long look at themselves. What ever happened to Quality Control , yes I know you cannot get every hole in the blocks correct but when some are 1mm out from the others it makes you wonder. Denis.
  6. Hi Brian Yes I agree with you the Deadeyes and Violin blocks are OK. It was the rigging blocks 1 and 2 hole blocks that I was disappointed with. I have some of Chuck but not used them yet so will have a look at what I have and order more. Denis.
  7. Hi all Ok yes I know it has been a long time ha ha. Now that the SoS is all finished it is time to turn my attention to the "Royal William". As I had a bit of time on my hands last night I thought I would sort all the deadeyes and blocks out as in the kit they all come in one bag. I was a little surprised that some of them need to be replaced but hey that is nothing new with kits as you all know. So it is chin up and just carry on with the build. Denis.
  8. Hi Steve Sorry my friend no glass case at all. She will end up on top of the TV cabinet so no one can touch her. I have a magic cleaner its the wife . Denis.
  9. Hi Mark I agree with you as it is my first complete build she does need a place of honour . Denis.
  10. Hi Brian She is in the lounge but will be moved to the other side of the room tomorrow as I cannot stand the mahogany cabinet making eyes at her just joking. But she will be moved. Denis.
  11. Hi All Ok this is a sad day for me as my girlfriend of 2 years + has just left me for a mahogany cabinet. I don't know what I did to upset her, may be I pulled her ropes too tight or sanded her bottom to hard. But the day did get better a new girl is in town. ALL FINISHED. Denis.
  12. Hi Edwin You are to kind my friend but thank you for them words. Denis.
  13. Hi Popeye Ok yes still the critic ha ha. But thank you for them kind words. Denis.
  14. Hi Bindy Thank you, no you did not play a small part in me finishing the SoS you played a VERY LARGE PART in me finishing the SoS , for this I will have to thank you again. As for the name plate my very dear friend Sammy gave me a seed all I did was add water to make it grow, and yes I think Sammy likes it she is a lady I respect and take notice of. Denis.
  15. Hi Brian That is a good idea but cannot change it now. Will do it on the "RW" if I live that long to finish it . Denis.
  16. Hi all I did have a problem with the name plate. After getting it back from the engravers I thought it looked a bit plain so I put some tassels on the end of it, it looked ok but I was still not happy with it. A friend Visi, said insert the plate into a wooden frame but it was too late as the name plate was glued to the stand but thank you Visi for that. I then asked a very dear friend of mine Sammy what she would do, she is an arts and crafts expert . Sammy said I think you should incorporate some part of the ship, that made a lot of sense to me. The only thing I could think of was the brass strips that go round most of the SoS.. This is what I came up with thanks to Sammy. God brass is so hard to get the joint correct but this is the best I can do. Denis.
  17. Hi all Well as you all know this build has taken 2 years +. I have to say it has been a very enjoyable but challenging build. Can I take this opportunity to thank you all for your comments and support that means so much to me more than you all realise. But most of all I would like to thank two people. Vince for all your advice and help over the years. Bindy for putting up with all my e-mails to you when I was just about to give up so many times it was your words of encouragement that got me back to building the SoS so thank you so much. I will post the last photos of the SoS by the end of the week. Denis.
  18. Hi Kevin Yes it is sad that it is just about finished. Will try and do better with the next build. Denis.
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