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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Visi First thank you so much I do like your input and comments. The rigging rope that I used was a dark fawn + the wax that I used, did not like the idea of white rigging rope . I put the kit's rope in the bin before I started. Visi just let me know OK. That is what this forum is about. Again thank you. Denis
  2. Hi Brian No pressure "a" thanks mate ha ha. I hope you have noted my age ha ha, Time is not on my side OK ha ha. But will do my best. Denis.
  3. Hi Geoff Thinking about it , it is more like 3 years. The rigging and making the sails has taken about 1 year ??. Denis.
  4. Hi Brian Sorry I did not keep any hours building her , but it has taken well over 2 years. Denis.
  5. Hi Max Thank you so much my friend for them words. Now are you going to help me paint the office/hobby room before I start the "RW" just joking. Again thank you. Denis.
  6. Hi All All the rigging is now finished. All cannon doors are fitted to port side. Most of the cannons are fitted. Just the anchors to rope up and the stand to paint ( will make do with the stand till I get a better one ). Hope all will be finished on Monday ha ha. Denis.
  7. Hi Brian I will do the best I can. I don't think the admiral is looking forward to it though , will have to send her back to England for 6 years ha ha. Denis.
  8. Hi Max Re decks and planking. I think it looks OK as it is but if I had to do it all again I think I would prefer to plank it myself. Denis.
  9. Hi Andy You have done a beautiful build of the SOS. It is a credit to your skills as a model builder well done. Denis.
  10. Hi Vince You are doing a fantastic build of the "RW". Yes you deserve Lieutenant Commander and more. Denis.
  11. Hi Max Thank you my friend for them words. I am pleased someone can take some ideas of the build. Yes you can live with out dogs , but life is not the same is it. Denis.
  12. Hi Max Thank you. I do hope you will build an Euro kit soon. I think the kit is of good quality , as I see it its 50% kit and 50% scratch build. Denis
  13. Hi Edwin Thank you also you are to kind. Will send you an e-mail to day. Denis.
  14. Hi Frank Thank you so much for them words. Very pleased it is just about finished . The rigging and sails I think has taken about a year to do. The admiral said I have to re paint my office/hobby room before I start the "RW" :( . Denis.
  15. Hi Popeye The admiral was looking over my shoulder when I was typing it out. Some thing sharp was in my back ??. Denis.
  16. Hi Alistair Thank you for the kind words. I don't know what I will do with the SOS yet , may just give it away. But the wife said she wants it in the lounge. I am looking forward to starting the "Royal William". Denis.
  17. Hi Popeye You are a good man and thank you for them words. Denis.
  18. Hi JesseLee , Visi and Vince. Thank you all. I still have the cannon doors and cannons to do on the port side. Denis.
  19. Hi Brian Thank you so much that means a lot to me again thank you. Denis.
  20. Hi all Just some more photos of the rigging. The worst of the rigging is now over . The rest of it should be easy. Denis.
  21. Hi Keith Loving your build. Have a safe and good trip back to London. Denis.
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