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Posts posted by texxn5

  1. Hi George, I do not intend to cut and trim it, only to sand certain areas with a belt sander and keep it relatively rough and irregular, highlighting the light and dark areas on the outside surface, with the flat sanded surface to the bottom. I did this to make a mantle at a previous house with Mesquite wood. It is a real unique look and irregular....not the normal base for ships. It'll look a lot like a dark moderate sea with some wood colors coming out of it.

  2. I dug the wood slab for the base out of the garage and photographed it. It is a slab cut from the side of the restored Morgan's Bowsprit. The photos show top, bottom and roughcut Bowsprit from the Dupont Shipyard in Mystic, Ct. This is not finished yet and will be a couple of weeks yet. I have to get a belt sander for finishing it. It is 57"x15"x2". My understanding is that the tree this was cut from was a knocked down tree during Hurricane Katrina in '05 and given to Mystic Seaport to use on the restoration and preserve a 100+ year old tree. Quite a few truckloads of trees came to Mystic.




  3. I almost forgot the Flags....Got them done today. The American Flag w/26 stars and the J&R Wing Co Flag (they owned the ship for over 50 years) on the Main Mast. Now she's done...I also fixed my scratch on the hull. The flags have a piece of aluminum foil inside them and I am going to attempt to gets some furls in them hoping the foil will hold them in place???? They were tricky to make since they are not part of the kit.




  4. Hello Lester, you don't know just how much your comments mean to me. Without your assistance along the way, this journey would have been much more difficult and probably no where near accurate. We've known each other since early in the build and your comments critique and working knowledge have been invaluable. I'm sorry we missed each other in Ct. this summer but we'll be back again in the not to distant future. Thank you again, my friend, I'll have some good pictures shortly for you to give to the Wing's. I'm glad that I was able to be a part of MSW as well as starting my own website to document the process for those who follow.



    today, I finished the Cutting In Stage and got the boats mounted to the ship. I have a couple of touch ups to do, as well as the base, but the model is completed. Tomorrow, hopefully if the weather cooperates I'll take her outside and take some natural light pictures. All details on the whaleboats is on my website, but here are some overall pictures. I can't believe she's finished....April '13 got started. In shock - not real yet! .lol




  6. Managed to get the Fore Mast Braces completed, and moved to the Main Mast Braces. Finished the Main Topgallant Yard Braces. This leaves three sets of Main Mast Braces to complete the Running Rigging. This then leaves the Cutting in Stage and rigging the whaleboats to the Davits to finish up. Based on how I've been progressing, the Braces should be finished tomorrow, with the rest in the next few days.


  7. Hello Tony, thanks for the input. Glad you're enjoying the pictures. Today I made a list of what is left to do so I can check them off as I progress (also so I don't forget something). Looks like 16 lines for Braces, cutting-in stage and lashing the boats down to the Davits and then the base. I'm working on the first set of braces right now so we'll see.

  8. Hello Chance, good to see you back. I try to take as many pictures as possible. As they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words". I don't post them all here, but instead try to show a broader picture of where I'm at and then if someone needs details or is working on a point I've covered they can refer to my website for the details. This way I don't bore people who only wish to see an update and not how I got there.

    Thanks and good luck with yours. You should start a log here on MSW.




  9. Hi George, yeah, I'm used to cameras with lots of functions, but this is only my second Nikon, so the symbols are different...just a slight learning curve. Like you say, most of this stuff I won't ever use. I never learned all the functions of my last one, but I did get 14 years out of it, and if I hadn't loaned it to a guy it would probably still be ok.

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