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    texxn5 reacted to gjdale in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    That's a shame John - the work you had done looks really nice. Do you have any dimensions available for the real thing, so that you can calculate the scale size of the components? I'd suggest trying Boxwood for your next attempt, and yes, Jeff can mill it for you to whatever size you want.
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    texxn5 reacted to Charley54 in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Really nice work though John. What you did looked really outstanding. Heck to me the one in the real ship picture looks almost to large, although I am certainly no expert. I guess its just a reaally big skylight.
    You know, maybe its the picture, but to me the bottom looks closer than the top.
    I admire your dedication. My skills are a long way from accomplishing anything like this.
  3. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Captain Slog in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Hi John,
    I forgot about the Tryworks, not sure if you are aware but there is an article in the download section about building this 'brick' by 'brick' http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/furniture/Tryworks_Building_Guide.pdf
    I followed Dragon65's (who did the article and I think he was a moderator but I don't think I have seen him on MSW2.0) build in MSW and it was very impressive.  I downloaded all the photos of his build.
    For some strange reason I really want to build the workbench/chicken coop but don't know why
  4. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    After I came back from my dentist visit for a follow-up check on the double implant in my left upper jaw I spend a few hours in the dockyard doing some small stuff.  Everything looks very good in the jaw btw.  Could possibly get the crowns early January next year Hip, hip, hip, hurray!!!!!
    Oaky, First I cut the stern crew escape hatch and loosely put it in its hole, then proceeded to the bow and made the triangular antenna brace slash net / cable cutter brace.  All it needs now is to secure it at the front end and make the net / cable cutter and solder it on.
    I also finished the dingy loading beam.  It can now be lifted up and swivel.  The pics below will explain it.  I had to remove the hatch doors though, I'm replacing the paper hinges with metal ones.  Sounds like not much work but it was all very time consuming to make it look right.
    Here are the pics. 

    These are the parts for the forward end of the dingy loading beam.  I forgot to put an ExEcto knife blade in the pic for scale comparison so I annotated the pic instead.  What you see here is still rough and needs to be dressed yet.  The little tube goes into the deck right behind the con and that little "thingy" above it fits inside.  That 5 mm piece is soldered to the end of the beam.  A .8 mm holes will be drilled in these pieces for a .8 mm "bolt," which is a small brass nail.

    This shows the beam installed with the swivel parts laid out where they go.  

    Here is the finished beam installed and ready for action.  I drilled a .8 mm hole in the bottom leg of the T beam and soldered a small bracket to the aft top end of the beam for a clevis to hold a pulley on a hook.  This tackle will go to the top-aft of the conning tower to raise and lower the beam and to let it swing. 

    This shows the bow antenna / net / cable cutter brace.  Here it is not yet soldered together, which is now done.  It needs to be secured in the front by cementing a .8 mm brass nail into the wood of the bow.  Then I have to make one more piece of teeth to solder to the top brace.  This is made from 1.2 mm brass tubing and the legs are 1 mm brass rod.

    Here is another view of that structure.  In several of my previous posts are actual photos of that structure you can look at for comparison.  No need to add them here again.
  5. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Wow, a great amount of visitors to my dockyard, thanks everyone for dropping in and for your "like" votes.  Hey Sjors, I'm running low on pop corn, the machine needs replenishing       
    @ John (Lad), thanks John for your very kind comment, yes, she is coming together!
    @ Wacko Joe, thanks and pics are coming!
    @ Mark, isn't it amazing what a little paint can do    The only way I figured to simulate steel plating is with heavy paper.  So far it's working for me just fine.  Even when looking at it close up it looks like steel plates, except for the absence of rivets.  But - - - we'll have to forego that I'm afraid.  Too costly.
    @ Daniel, yes indeed, caution is in the order, even with this model, they are sharp!  How do I know?  Hmmmm, cut myself    I don't know how effective they actually were in penetrating through barriers.  
    The example you looked at for a paint scheme is of the model of the O 21, which was build a little later and of another class.  They may have switched from red to black at that time.  According to the model that the ship builder made and from what Gino den Ridder told me it's red from the keel to waterline 7, then a forest green to the deck line and everything above the deck was light grey.  As I mentioned before, the red will appear dark brown in the water to blend in with the Indonesian coastal areas.  The green would blend in with the tropical coast lines and the light grey with the sky.  This was a minelaying sub to serve in the former Netherlands East Indies, so most of it's time was spend near the coastal areas.  In any case I'm following the paint scheme as she was in 1939 when my father served on her till January 1941.
    The net / cable cutters are hand made and soldered to brass flat stock.  very tedious work and prone to cutting my fingers and hands.  
    The "blue rust bucket" is actually a plastic container my wife uses for garden debris.  It comes in handy as a paint stand 
    @ Popeye, yes, I'm very happy with the way she's turning out.  Thanks for the "Peanuts" cartoon     So, now we know that poor old Charley Brown has a kite eating tree and a kite eating sub!  Bwaaaa, haaaa, haaaa         Sorry it wouldn't allow me to click on like.
    @ Sjors, thanks for liking my paint job, appreciate it.  And painting your fence?  No sweat, just supply a bed, three meals a day and a few pints of beer - - - and you buy me the plane tickets     
    @ John (texxn5), thank you john and yes, we can now devote time for "stuff" above the deck line.  And yes, I did hoist a very cool Leffe to celebrate.  Just watch out with that skylight on your ship, I can peek in   
    @ Popeye, Tom Sawyer?  Was he not that little dude who went fishing in the Mississippi River watching the Delta Queen go by?
    @ Ian, thank you.  You feeling tired watching my progress?  Now you know how I feel after a day in the garage, I am standing and walking around the build, no break, except for lunch and chores for the Admiral.  And that at my highly advanced age - - - - -              
    @ Augie, hey, nice to hear from you!  Thanks for your comment.  I think that my father would be pleased as well if he could see it taking shape, he loved that boot.
    @ Mobbsie, give my regards to Sjors and Anja and ask where my plane tickets are so I can paint their fence        
  6. Like
  7. Like
    texxn5 reacted to popeye the sailor in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    "........looks like a Tom Sawyer moment to me!"   :D
    I found something for you Piet....enjoy!!!

  8. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from mtaylor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Hello Admiral Sjors,  yes it is tomorrow, and no pictures.  This part of the build is turning into the most tedious and frustrating thing I've done so far.  It took me about 3/4 of yesterday to figure out how I was going to build part of it.  Very tedious, so the pictures are delayed a bit.  I'm happy with the solution, so I would rather get "the wrath of Khan, ooops I mean Sjors" than make it look "sloppy"......
  9. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Wow Piet, congratulations my friend.  What a great milestone.  The primer was a clue, but the red is the prize.  Pop out the Belgian Ale for this one...I'll bend an elbow to ya a little later in the day.....Really fine.  Now enough celebration and check out the view from your satelite......the grin is being photographed.....I somehow see mines in your near future....Proost!
  10. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Captain Slog in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Hi John,
    Its because of all the deck furniture, fixtures and fittings on the CWM that this is likely to be my next build 
    Anyway been following your progress and you did a great job on the hurricane shelters etc and looking forward to more.
  11. Like
    texxn5 reacted to gjdale in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Hi John,
    I'm no expert on photography - far from it in fact - but I suggest you try taking your photos without flash. Either have some really good room lighting, natural daylight, or just a longer exposure time (might require a tripod). This might get rid of those disturbing white flecks. Worth a try anyway.
  12. Like
    texxn5 reacted to DSiemens in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Looking great John!  Yea those blaring flash bulbs cause all sorts of problems.  I find if you hold a napkin or other piece of paper in front of the flash it works as a poor mans diffuser.  The flash will still work it will just have less intensity.  
  13. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Sjors in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    It is tomorrow......
    Where are those pictures !!!!!!!!!
    I'm waiting.......

  14. Like
    texxn5 reacted to ryesbeemer in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    If anybody building the Mayflower wants close-up pics of the ship, let me know. I work on Mayflower as a docent and would be happy to take any pics wanted. However, we will be down rigging in two weeks for the winter. After that I work in the marine shop restoring many parts.
  15. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Sjors in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    The Dutch rules the world           
    Great paint job Piet.
    My fence needs a paint job...Interesse ???????

  16. Like
    texxn5 reacted to popeye the sailor in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    love the paint Piet......you must be very happy to have hit this milestone!     wonderful work!
  17. Like
    texxn5 reacted to harvey1847 in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Beautyful bow Piet!
    I would´t like to be in front of her diving around... It looks so agressive and pretty at the same time. Anyway, I thought you were goint to painted lioke the one you show us in the first posts, green, black, grey. Those cable net cuts are hand made or you photoetched them?
    Nice blue rusty bucket !!
    Best wishes Piet!
  18. Like
    texxn5 reacted to mtaylor in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Looking great, Piet.   Hard to believe it's all wood and paper under that paint and not actual metal.
  19. Like
    texxn5 reacted to WackoWolf in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Beautiful paint job, she is getting there a little at a time. Keep the pictures coming.
  20. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Jim Lad in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Now you're really cooking, Piet.  She's looking great!
  21. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Thank you all for dropping in, enjoy the fresh popcorn and some good belgian ale.
    @ John (texxn5), hmmmm, yes John    I have X-ray eyes that bounce off of the satilite and see you smirk'n   
    Well, today I dressed up the net - cable cutters I cemented on yesterday and prepped the boat ready for painting the bottom.  
    I took her outside to paint, weather was nice and warm, some sunshine and very little wind.  I masked the the hull above waterline 7, that's the one with the dock bumper or wale.  This was mainly done to keep the overspray off of the white primer.  The paint I was originally going to use was just the wrong red so I bought a "rattle can" of RustOleum Satin Paprika.  I is not quite the same as the color photo of the model but it's close enough.
    The reason for a red bottom is that below water it appears more like a very dark brown.  At night all red colors appear black.
    After I removed the masking paper I let the boat sit outside to let the paint dry and went inside for lunch.
    After lunch I made a few pics for the profile thingy and took the boat back into the garage and put it on the build board.  I shouldn't have to remove for some time now and can proceed with the stuff on and above the deck.
    I cut two round holes in the deck structure for the escape hatches and cut two 17 mm brass tubes for the hatch tubes.  One more to go just aft of the deck launcher and between the tracks.
    Talking about tracks, I completed grinding the flanges away from the four pieces of N gauge tracks that will be cemented forward of the con.  There are still some long ones to tackle that going aft.
    I also made six of the torpedo loading access hatch doors above the deck launcher.  There will be three on each side.  The rest going aft will be simulated between the rails like the rest of other hatch doors except those at the dingy "hangar."
    Well, that was a productive day and am pleased how she is turning out.  Can't wait for the con to go on but must exercise patience 
    Okay, here are the pics of today's work.

    This is a close-up of the bow net /cable cutter. There will be a "steel rod" structure at the bow for the antenna support and there will also be an extension of the net /cable cutter on top of the center steel tube.  There is still a lot of small detail work to do.

    This shows the small horizontal net / cable cutters on the side of the hull.

    This pic shows the masking for the overspray.

    A shot of the now freshly painted bottom of the gull.  

    Another shot of the freshly painted bottom.  At the bow and stern I painted it a little higher then the intended demarkation line of the red bottom and the green top.  Reason is that I can now feather the small sections to prevent a masking line under the green.  The demarkation line will be at waterline 7, which is at the dock bumper or wale.  That line will be level with the waterline from stem to stern.  Thus some of the red you see here will disappear under the green.
    You can also see the mushroom anchor at the keel close to the bow.

    I placed the painted hull in front of the garage door for some nice shots of the hull 



    Here you see the six hatch doors between the tracks over the deck torpedo launcher.  They are ready to get their hinges put on.  Further to the bow you can see the forward exit hatch tube. This thing is just stuck into the hole, it still needs a ladder, hinges and the pressure door before I can permanently cement it in place.  
  22. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Jim Lad in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    No pressure, Piet, no pressure ......... but.
  23. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Hmmmmm - - - - I'm waking up the woodworms in my skull to help me out, nothing else there but sawdust.  No pressure - - - says he with a straight face too, and yes, all yuns LOVE to turn the screws on to this old - - - uh oh, there is that dreaded word again - - - befuddled ex Dutchman     
    Well, as I said before, I am thinking about it - - - - - as he is pulling what little hair he has left from his head     
  24. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Sjors in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Ohhhhhh, ooopppsss,  I missed that que Augie....you are absolutley right.....Beware the Wrath of Sjors.......kinda like a Star Trek charecter I think.......perhaps The Wrath of Khan.....
  25. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Sjors in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Hi Charley, yes the skylight is moving right along.  I have the base of it constructed, and tomorrow should be completely framed out.  Then I have some detailed areas to build for the "fillers" the final assembly and painting and mounting.  Might get lucky and have it finished tomorrow.  I'm quite pleased at how it's working out so far.  Photos will follow when there is something to see, probably sometime tomorrow, and then when it's finished.
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