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    texxn5 reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    OK, ok.  But I'll have you know that getting this angle threw my titanium back out of alignment.  Strong memo to follow

  2. Like
    texxn5 reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Thanks everyone. 
    SJORS -  don't need a pillow.  Took care of that problem 30 years ago   .  May need earmuffs though  
    JAX-  Stay patient.  This is where I usually start screwing up.
    BEN-  We aim to please:

    I'll be trimming off those port and starboard ends as soon as I figure out where the hull planking falls ---- it overlaps the ends of the counter planking.
  3. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from lambsbk in USS Constitution by lambsbk – Revell – 1/96 - PLASTIC – With Fiber Optics   
    Glad to hear that you will be able to see some of your fantastic work.  The lights are a great idea.
  4. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Jim Lad in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Planks, planks!  Now we're getting somewhere!
  5. Like
    texxn5 reacted to realworkingsailor in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Very nice Augie
    Let the plinking begin in earnest.
    I mentioned it to Ben a while ago, but Polyscale has a whole range of acryic washes (if you can still find them) one of which is a "basswood" colour. It might be something to consider below the wales to mute some of the differences in tone on the various strips.... should the need arise.
    Just a thought
  6. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Jaxboat in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Nice jig for the counter planking curve, Augie  . Ben's log and warnings kept me from doing it wrong (thank you, Ben!  ) but yours is an elegant and simple  solution on how to ensure the curve is exactly correct. Thanks for the tip.  Your build looks great. Now you can look forward to planking about an acre of hull. I am almost through completing all of the wales planking. Ben told me it was lots of fun but I think he may have been exagerating :P    . And I haven't even begun spiling the lower hull  !!!
  7. Like
    texxn5 reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Time to get started planking.  We are 150 hours into the build.
    The stern lower counter is a good place to begin.  It has a rather significant curve throughout so I thought it would be best to edge bend the planks prior to installation.  Toward that end I made a simple bending jig from a piece of 1/4" hardwood by cutting a curve to match the plans.  Planks were soaked for about 15 minutes and put in the jib to dry overnight.  As the planks are 1/8 x 1/16 basswood, four planks could be done at a time:

    Eleven planks were installed, notching those that form the outline of the 4 gun ports.  These ports are two different sizes and will receive hinges and rings down the road.  After planking, the counter was sanded smooth and given a coat of Minwax pre-stain then one coat of stain consisting of 30% Minwax Golden Oak diluted with 70% Minwax natural:

    The overall result is not bad and gets me back into planking mode.  To complete the counter I need to apply some wipe on poly.  I considered treenailing the counter but have decided not to do so at this point.  I'll revisit that after I complete the planking of the hull above the wales.  Once that's done I'll also decide on the adequacy of the color --- I want all the planking above the wales to be darker than the lower planking.
    Now we get to the real work.  I'm glad winter is just about here.
  8. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Blue Ensign in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I had a little progress this weekend.  Yesterday was time to clean the dust dirt and lizard s@#$ off my two classic cars.  That took all day, but the end result was sure worth it.  Also took them out for a short drive since they hadn't been out in 3 months.....was nice and about 75 degrees out.  So this morning I got the Fluke Chain Bit, and the Forehatch built and mounted on board.  Not much, but as Sjors and Augie say, any progress is .... progress.  I'm going to bypass building the Tryworks for now, hoping for some more pictures before tackling it.  I will now move aft and build the rudder, tiller, wheel, and hurricane house next.  Not sure the order of those yet, but they are all related back there.  So here we are now, and I'm working on the hurricane house first.  More pictures later.

  9. Like
    texxn5 reacted to mtaylor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Good to hear you made it back home and into the shipyard, John.  Fantastic work going on with the furniture.   Very inspiring.
  10. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from mtaylor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    The head is finished and installed. ....open for business!
    next is the foc'sl companionway...

  11. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from mtaylor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    a couple of more....sorry for the focus, my camera seems to be acting up and it's so smart I may have to watch the DVD to figure out what's wrong....

  12. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from mtaylor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I've done a little work on the head.  This was fun.  The plans show it as just a structure......but I improvised and included the hole and I will leave the door open so you can see inside.  All I have to do is mount it to the ship and finish the door.......then "The Outhouse " is complete. 

  13. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from mtaylor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Sorry for the focus.....here are the installed parts on the ship...

  14. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from mtaylor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    a couple of the finished parts

  15. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from mtaylor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well, after 6,967.8 miles door to door,  and 24 states, in 90 days, we have arrived back in Willis, Texas (slightly north of Houston) our home.  This has been a fascinating journey through which we have revisited places we have been before, seen old Navy buddies, college roommates, family, old friends and met new friends, visited museums, and wooden ships, national monuments, and then to our ultimate goal to go back to Disney World.  Managed to knock off a few items on the Bucket List, and arrive back home safe and sound.  And also found some good Belgian Ale to top it off with......thank you Piet.  Many thanks to all of you who put up with my rambling and photos of what we were seeing and doing, and many, many thanks to those of you we met along the way......you ALL truly made this an unforgettable experience.  Thanks to the Niagra Museum in Erie, Pennsylvania, and to  Henry (popeye2sea) for an incredible lifetime experience with the USS Constitution,  the Charles W Morgan, Mystic Seaport curator, as well as the ship itself, (and more to come later as I can share with all of you......after the restoration is completed in March), Dave (lambsk) in Charleston and his lovely Admiral Fran, and last but not least by any means Piet (The Flying Dutchman) and his lovely Admiral Gwen and a great introduction to Fine Belgian Ale.....I am very glad that I could share this with all of you.....my extended family.  Next season we'll venture off to the West, and try to cover the rest of the United States and perhaps I can even meet the infamous Augie along the way, and hopefully others since we'll be passing nearby.  Anyway Mates, thank you all, and I have moved the Morgan back into the shop, along with all of the paraphanalia I took along that I never used, and tomorrow or the next day the shipyard will be open again.  And to my friend Sjors....."Permission to come aboard Sir?".....pictures to follow........
  16. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from mtaylor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well, I got the shipyard open again and actually got to do a little work.  Good to be back.....
    I worked on the Pump and Brake apparatus that attaches to the Windlass Bit.  I broke out the trusty Resistance Solder tools, and used 1/16" square brass tubing and some .032" brass rod to form the metallic parts, assembled and painted and installed finally a few minutes ago.  Here is a series of pictures for you know who and to show you guys I really am back......

  17. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from augie in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Yeah Augie, it's going to start getting very busy on the deck..... the chain is more in scale with the real one, MS's is way, way too small....
  18. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I had a little progress this weekend.  Yesterday was time to clean the dust dirt and lizard s@#$ off my two classic cars.  That took all day, but the end result was sure worth it.  Also took them out for a short drive since they hadn't been out in 3 months.....was nice and about 75 degrees out.  So this morning I got the Fluke Chain Bit, and the Forehatch built and mounted on board.  Not much, but as Sjors and Augie say, any progress is .... progress.  I'm going to bypass building the Tryworks for now, hoping for some more pictures before tackling it.  I will now move aft and build the rudder, tiller, wheel, and hurricane house next.  Not sure the order of those yet, but they are all related back there.  So here we are now, and I'm working on the hurricane house first.  More pictures later.

  19. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from md1400cs in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I had a little progress this weekend.  Yesterday was time to clean the dust dirt and lizard s@#$ off my two classic cars.  That took all day, but the end result was sure worth it.  Also took them out for a short drive since they hadn't been out in 3 months.....was nice and about 75 degrees out.  So this morning I got the Fluke Chain Bit, and the Forehatch built and mounted on board.  Not much, but as Sjors and Augie say, any progress is .... progress.  I'm going to bypass building the Tryworks for now, hoping for some more pictures before tackling it.  I will now move aft and build the rudder, tiller, wheel, and hurricane house next.  Not sure the order of those yet, but they are all related back there.  So here we are now, and I'm working on the hurricane house first.  More pictures later.

  20. Like
    texxn5 reacted to augie in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    She's filling out.  That's one helluva chain there!
  21. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Landlubber Mike in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Very nice job John - looking great!
  22. Like
    texxn5 reacted to edmay in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Hello ,I agree the color looks real good,nice job,so don"t knock on wood (might hurt)Edwin  
  23. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in Badger by Landlubber Mike - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Brig   
    Those look nice Mike, a very artistic touch and they'll really look good once they're hanging....
  24. Like
    texxn5 reacted to JPett in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Ahoy Augie
    Interesting point. I wonder if the red used for ships was indeed that same barnyard red.
  25. Like
    texxn5 reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Thanks Bill.  Think I heard somewhere that the red was there to hide any blood that might be spilled during the fray.  Kind of like the red coats worn by the British (and Romans for that matter).  Probably just a romantic interpretation.  But it does beg the question ....... fresh or dried ?????
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