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Everything posted by DCIronfist

  1. It's funny when I first looked at the gap it was huge but I when I look at the pictures on here does not seem that bad I wonder if Sjors is editing my photos somehow lol :)
  2. With your help Sjors it will come together :) how may I ask did you get your foredeck on right?
  3. Yes I could read the log as you say except it went down in the great crash of 012....I can look at the pictures though lol no biggie with help I will get there :)
  4. Ouch sorry Sjors but that does give you more time to build if you are so desire :)
  5. Ok a pic of the fixed bulwark and will be covered with strakes. So I lined the foredeck and the back piece Ok and I have a nice gap in the front where the plywood would not reach and looks like its going to be fun trying to get the foredeck to 3 mm below the bulwark......
  6. Looking very good....I think you are well past bieng new to this and now are semi pro or pro :)
  7. Ok I pulled the trigger and glued the bulwarks on today....will see what we have on Friday
  8. Amazing what the difference and colors that come through....nice job :)
  9. I'd like to throw in my compliments as well :) looking good
  10. Adriaan, it was on the last page of my instructions so I thought I would pass it on. :)
  11. Thanks again all will check on it tomorrow Hey Adriaan if you write Occre they will send you a plaque.... :)
  12. Ok shaping these bulwarks are a royal pain in the @$$ Spent a lot more time trying to get them to shape no glue yet so we shall see........ Thanks for the explanations and patients
  13. The broken repair went well and no there is no evidence on either side of the cracks so I have to soak them and get them to the shape once more so hopefully this time I will not break the same or a different spot lol. Well going in prepared for it to snap so am ready lol.
  14. Ok so I got my missing pieces from Occre 10 belaying pins ( whatever those are) and my 5 strakes just in time for me to start that soon. They also sent a plaque with my name and the ship so now I have to finish lol :)
  15. Hopefully when it's time will not be too tough to shape (fair ) them and the rest. :)
  16. Ok spent a while cutting out some basswood filler pieces and glueing and holding them in. Have to get creative when trying to hold the pieces in so clothespins and rubber bands will hopefully hold them......that's all for now :)
  17. My glue starts at the excited stage and gets worse from there :)
  18. Welcome to my learning corner Wayne. Ok so I wood glued my cracked bulwark and clamped it together... Thought a step ahead and put a piece of scrap paper on the glue side of the clamp so I do not glue the clamp to the ship. I will give this some time to dry and check the progress later maybe tomorrow. I think I'll give it the 24 dry time perhaps I will put in the fill pieces I've been putting off due to the mess I will make with those lol
  19. Thank you everyone for the encouragement ( really needed some right now) I will attempt to glue clamp it and sand it smooth. I only planked it first because the directions had me do it that way. I am sure this is not the last thing I will break, bieng the oaf I am, but with friends here I will get through each trouble. I will attempt this tomorrow when my shift is over( if the night runs are not too bad ). More info to follow soon.......
  20. Ok I'm on the edge of completely giviving up today......I soaked the bulwarks a couple minutes and then tro to bend around the curve and am rewarded with a crack sound. I look and sure enough the plywood had craked at the bend.....here I am just trying to get the shape and man there is just no easy way to hold the shape......some pictures follow have not glued anything but not sure what to do about my cracks and the shape bieng not quite right........perhaps in a few days I will be better equipped mentally to deal with it........
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