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Everything posted by CPDDET

  1. This was my mod. 150 grit paper with 3 pieces glued to each of the 4 wood blocks. The triple sheets give the needed stiffness. Can't recall exactly where I got this idea, but it was a reliable source.
  2. Seems that if the plastic is flexable enough it should work great. I know I had instruction on modifying the sanding drum. I think it was published by Syren but I'll have to dig around, at times my organization skills are lacking.
  3. I modified mine the same way as shown here. Great improvement in results.
  4. Welcome aboard!
  5. CA glue? No worries about having the paint adhered to the wood? Just curious, I'm always interested in the thought process and techniques of experienced builders.
  6. Nice to see you're back in the shipyard. Great little jig with good results.
  7. Welcome aboard!
  8. Welcome aboard!
  9. Well, it's a hobby and not a quest. I work on my model as time allows and when I'm in the right frame of mind to commit to quality work. And those 2 things don't always coincide with each other.
  10. Looks great! I know what you mean about life getting in the way. I haven't made it into the shipyard for weeks.
  11. Welcome aboard, Joanne! There are a wide variety of models to choose from. Everything from ancient Egyptian, to tug boats, to warships, to well known Hollywood boats like the African Queen. Whatever you choose there is help available at this site.
  12. Welcome aboard! As I once was told: it's only wood and can be repaired / changed in a variety of ways.
  13. Remember, your build log may help another. No matter how many logs there are of a given model the techniques used to build them will differ. And passing on this information is the idea behind this site.
  14. I've found that having multiple was of accomplishing a task is best for me. Take saws or clamps for example. One size dosent fit all. Especially when working in small, tight areas. But to each their own.😀
  15. To measure accurate angles for cutting material. Sometimes on a model, sometimes on a drawing. Just another tool to use when other measureing tools aren't applicable.
  16. I'm experimenting with 2 apps. There is a learning curve. 1. Smart Protractor by Smart Tools Co. 2. Protractor by Keuwlsoft Both are for android and available at the app store.
  17. Everyone is here to assist, welcome!
  18. Welcome aboard! I beleive there are many other paper modelers here who you can share ideas with.
  19. Welcome aboard!
  20. Welcome aboard!
  21. Welcome aboard! Nice model you have there.
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