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Valeriy V

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Everything posted by Valeriy V

  1. Thank you, Yves, for your appreciation, but I have not yet reached a high level artist. I aim for it. This high level of metalworking is shown here: http://www.ship-model-today.de/fotoreport.htm http://www.ship-model-today.de/towa2 http://www.ship-model-today.de/aelv http://www.ship-model-today.de/balun
  2. Thus, you consciously chose the risk of using black metal. Let's hope that there will be no problems. No problem, you can quickly get ahead of me in this technology.
  3. Alexander, I am pleased to watch your work! What metal do you use for soldering?
  4. Pleasure is usually at the beginning of the project and in its completion. In the middle of work - overcoming all kinds of obstacles.
  5. Jean, this does not apply to the hull and large parts of the ship. I hope in the process of building a model, you will see everything.
  6. Thank you Popeye! It is possible to learn how to solder in a couple of months, it is not as cool as it seems.
  7. Yes Eberhard, your historical photo brushes aside all doubts about the grids. My photo was taken on the same gun as yours but later.
  8. Joe, I'm glad to help. We all learn a little from each other here.
  9. Perhaps these lattices were made quite recently, but the real ones could have a different look.
  10. Joe, of course, this method simplifies and facilitates the installation of frames. With regard to the twisted keel, it is still easier to prevent this from twisting than correcting it later. According to this technology, the casing is impregnated with epoxy resin and a large shrinkage of the resin occurs during drying. So she leads to twisting deformations. Using the two halves of the model can be guaranteed to avoid such deformations.
  11. Eberhard, with great pleasure, I looked through your entire log. Your work on the metal above all praise. With great interest, I look forward to your continuation.
  12. Druxey, thank! I use a variety of soldering irons from 30 to 100 watts
  13. Deck aft housing. Since the deck has round of beams I had to solder housing directly on the deck. Housing frame assembled
  14. Dear Alexander , thank you very much! I admit that I am very embarrassed by your high appreciation. I hope that my further work on Varyag will not disappoint you. With my admiration for your work on the Boeir Yacht Valeriy.
  15. Chris you're right, it was hard to do. It’s like cutting yourself. But the wound heals quickly ...
  16. Thank you, Nils! I try to solder the parts carefully, so as not to waste time cleaning the tin.
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