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Everything posted by SHIPSCAT

  1. Carl someone told me wild CATS are worse than sharks or roos mind you roo meat is Ok with oXo hahahahaha. Jo.
  2. Hello Carl Yes what is your next build. Have a look at this link. https://english.aerobase.jp/model-kit/rigid-airship/c002-1-1000-hindenburg-lz129 Jo.
  3. Hello all The top planks have been completed on both sides, started sanding down but still have some dark spots to try and sand out. I will try and be careful not to sand through the planks. I have one or two gaps, well make that about 30 haha, I think I may leave them as it will look like an old ship, anyway it is only the top part of the hull. Should I fill the gaps or not, will do what you all say. If it doesn't look any good I will have to paint it. Next up is the planking of the lower part of the hull, that I am not looking forward to doing. Jo.
  4. Hello Mark Any time of day is Ok for Sam and Carl🍺. Jo.
  5. Sam well you don't expect me to believe that do you, you and I know you went over your prepay limit 😉😉. I was going to paint the bottom green and varnish above, but it all depends on how the sanding comes out. Jo.
  6. Carl I worry about you like your mother would, I know you and Sam are mates but don't get into his nasty habits he is trying to give it up you know. What is ROFLMAO ????. TTFN Jo.
  7. Hello Carl I'll give you kitty cat hahahahahahaahhhhhaaaaaahha. Sam has had two weeks at AA (alcoholics anonymous) if you know what I mean 😉 hence his comment "planking like a pro" you do have to feel sorry for him don't you haha. Jo.
  8. Hello Sam Ha ha I was not drinking the hard stuff when he gave me the drill, have you weighed them things they are heavy well for me they are, I am just a skinny thing. Planking like a pro hahahaha, well you must be joking or is it you just had a hard night on the bottle again. I did wash the glue off with water but when I took the clips off the glue had gone round them, will sand them down. Doing the other side today well starting it anyway. Jo.
  9. Hello GIRLS and Boys 😀. I have planked some of the top part of the hull. As per normal the last two have twisted at the ends. I have one more plank to go on then do the other side. The holes they tell you to drill, I am not sure if they are going to work or not as when you plank the deck the planks will just about cover them up ??. Yes I know it is a bit messy it is due to the glue hiding under the clamps but I will sand them down later, they should be Ok. Jo.
  10. Hello Carl well it took you some time but better late than never 🤣😹. Jo.
  11. Hello Mark and Vossiewolf. Yes I used a file to clean them up and enlarge them a bit, as the bottom of the holes should be at the top of the walnut strip. My next job is to put a 2x3mm walnut strip on top of the 2x2mm strip of walnut so this one will cover the holes by 1mm, will do this when I have finished my work for the boss. Thank you for your advice and help not forgetting the likes. Jo.
  12. Hello Vossiewulf No I did not I just used the 4mm drill, is that why they are all over the place. Jo.
  13. Hello all After the first planking the next job was drill some holes. Well as I don't have a large drill I had to go and beg the man next door (good job I cooked dinner for him and his wife last night 😀) so he loaned me his cordless DeWalt drill. When he handed it over I just about dropped it on the concrete footpath, walking back home (well staggering is a better word ) I thought how am I going to drill holes with this thing, but drill holes I did JUST, sorry they are all over the place. I now have to phone for a Taxi to take it back ♿. Jo.
  14. Hello shipmates Well this is the next instalment of the little IL Leudo's building disaster . I have finished planking the other side + filling and sanding. I thought it looked Ok till I seen the photos, so looks like more sanding 🤢. Tell me how smooth should it be before I put the second planking on. I don't know what has happened to me as I am thinking about what ship next to build, am I ill and should I go and see my doctor ??. Jo.
  15. Hello John Thank you. Will send that PM as soon as I can. Jo.
  16. Hello Greg is correct, I ordered two bottles of medium Zap, one was so thick it would not come out of the bottle the other one was Ok. I sent the bad one back to the shop and they admitted it was an old bottle. Jo.
  17. Hello Carl I have work to do first then onto my ship, so the answer is no. I think it just needs filling and sanding down again, will send you a PM now. Jo.
  18. What a boring play/film that was, you had to be out of your head to understand it 👽. Anyway I have work on the other side and I have blood on my finger tips 💅. Jo.
  19. Hello from the wrecker's yard. Ok I have finished the first planking, sorry that's a lie all I have done is add the planks to the filler to make it look like I have filled the planks 🤣🤢. Bit more work inside the red circle. Jo.
  20. Carl just pat me on the head and give me a cuddle and I will be OK. A drop of milk will be Ok also. Jo.
  21. Hello Carl I am shocked, Mr Sam needs to go and get his eyes tested, Cats don't BARK, I thought he knew I am a SHIPS CAT 😾, but by christ I have sharp CLAWS meow, meow. Anyway I am a nice cat purr, purr, I just need a cuddle and a pat on the head. Nice work Carl meow, meow. Jo.
  22. Hello Carl That should read GIRLS and boys don't you think 🤣😈. Did you hand paint the ship or airbrush it, nice work my friend. Nice to see you back working on your build. Jo.
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