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About Klaas

  • Birthday 10/18/1955

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  1. Just to let you know, and hope this log will not be deleted in the cleaning up of this great forum. My build will restart soon,i had to stop due to a medical issue, not worth mentioning.
  2. Wow!!!! This is one to follow, just as i did with the HMS Cumberland!
  3. Alexandru, Congratulations with this beautiful model. Thank you for sharing this build with us. Regards, Klaas
  4. Thank you all for the compliments!! I am still working on my guns, the rigging takes a lot of time. I will show the result when this part of the deck is finished.
  5. What can i say.......... There are no words for this, i just love it!!!
  6. Thanks for the compliments and likes. I have been busy rigging my first visible gun, it wasn't easy to get the result i wanted, but with this one i'am happy Now i can make the rest of the tackles. Left turned rope for the breeches and right turned rope for the tackles
  7. First the things i have changed: The brass lists on the hull are changed by wooden ones. Sanded a "H" profile down to a "U" profile to get a better fit the rest Changed the bellfry and everything around it, including the galley's chimney. According the books it should be square, so i made one out of wood and coppered it and make it look older. I have a drawing of the Original ship and i saw there that the chimney should be square Changed the bowsprit (with thanks to Palladio for his fine example) Some pictures of the cabins (they are still under construction) Building the staircases outside the model because they will be seen trough the "open" quarter deck I think all the ships of the line had a "cote of arms" (with thanks to Doris for her example!) The hull is coppered and painted.... Coppering was a long lasting job, it took me the summer of 2015 to do it, but i am happy with the result, although i had to start all over again for a few times I am now busy rigging the guns. Left turned rope for the breechropes and right turned for the tackles. Therfore i use the blocks and hooks from Chuck and the rope from Morope.
  8. I am running around this forum for a few years to learn, so its time to start a log about my build of the HMS Agamemnon. Started 2 years back, and since i am a slow builder i can show you all a collection of pictures to where i am at this moment. The hull isn't finished yet. My build took so long because i changed a lot on this ship. My decks will be opened like on a navy board model. First i have to climbe on board to make more pictures from what i have all changed More coming soon
  9. Looks good Hennie! I am building the HMS Agamemnon aswell, i will start a log soon
  10. I was having the intention to build the HMS Surprise once, but when i see this, i better start knitting...... Just awsome!!!
  11. I agree with everyone!!!!! Please show us the pictures, i followed this build on a other forum, and it's trully amazing
  12. I keep my mouth shut........... just looking and learning. Better than looking television.
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