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  1. You are going to hate me for this but as an Alfa owner with a 45 year history (currently own a 65 GT coupe) and also have several Pocher kits, please please get rid of the imitation wood dash panel. It makes the car look like a replica kit car. No Alfa spyder was ever made with that. All panels were painted black or silver or in some cases the body color.
  2. Hah! I also reverse engineer classic car parts. Last job was replacing Tucker cylinder heads cast in aluminum. No I did not do the casting.
  3. Everything you always wanted to know about pickle or sodium bisulfate. https://nancylthamilton.com/techniques/soldering/on-pickle-crock-pots-and-baking-soda/
  4. If anyone of you need help with metals in any form I am here to answer all questions I am able to.
  5. Yes 1886. K.U.K. Navy or Austro Hungarian navy. had an uncle stationed at Pola.
  6. I have just joined. I am retired bench jeweler with 45 years of metal working experience. Soldering,forming,casting,etc. At the moment I am building a 1986 torpedo boat,the SMS Sperber. The hull and structures are printed but there is a lot of other metal work involved. Photo shows the rudder and skeg is made out of copper sheet. I have also cast some stanchions in 1/25 scale for the boat.
  7. Image of the torpedo boat.
  8. Hello fellow builders,modelers. I am in the process of building a 1/25 scale 1886 SMS Sperber. The model is printed on a Prusa printer in sections. The hull sections are 7.5 inches and there is 9 of them. The hull is done and primed. The drive train is being installed. It has been a long project with many re visions. The rudder and slag is made out of copper sheet.
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