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    jaerschen reacted to EdT in Young America 1853 by EdT - FINISHED - extreme clipper   
    Young America - extreme clipper 1853
    Part 86 – Middle Deck Inboard Planking
    Heavy members – standing strakes – 10” thick by 12” deep are fitted over the waterways and bolted through every frame timber to further reinforce the connection of the deck structure to the frames.  These members are joined along their length by hook scarphs as shown in the first photo.

    These members were also bolted down into the waterways but I omitted these bolts because they will be covered by the next higher planks. 
    In the next picture some of those planks are being installed and holes are being drilled for the standing strake bolts.

    Note that the top strake being installed is notched for a drop plank to account for the widening planking band where the hull flares out at the bow.  The next picture shows a higher strake being glued in – wedged down to close the joint.

    Standing strake bolts have been installed in this picture.  In the next picture, the next section of that plank is being glued – wedged and clamped in this case.

    I did not bother to jog the planking joints in this work, because hanging knees will hide this detail.  Long planking strips were used and their joints placed under a knee location.
    The next picture shows the completed planking – except for treenails – at the starboard bow.

    The gap above the top plank is an “air strake” – left open to ventilate the space between frames above the keel.
    The next picture shows the larger of the two fresh water tanks ready to be rigged into the opening in the decks.

    In the next picture the tank is placed temporarily in position.  The top of this tank will be just below the main deck planking.  A smaller tank located just forward of this one has yet to be fabricated.

    I did not go overboard in making these tanks.  They will be difficult to see at best.  I used the wood blocks shown earlier, some file folder and a ponce wheel for the rivets.  After assembly the paper was impregnated with dilute shellac and finished with flat black enamel.
    The detail of the actual tanks, like many other things, is a bit of a mystery.  Webb’s Challenge had rectangular iron tanks so I followed that design.  I based the design for these on pictures from the JL Mott catalog from 1886.  Mott was the foremost New York ironmonger from 1828, making a large range of iron goods well into the 20th Century – a likely source for these tanks.  The catalog featured cast and wrought iron sectional tanks.  It is likely that these large tanks would have been of the wrought iron type – probably lead lined.  They were built up to the required size in formed modules.  The top and bottom manways are speculative.  No nozzles yet.
  2. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from harvey1847 in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Thanks so much for nice comments Christian, Nils and Daniel. And also much thanks for the likes.
    It's always a great motivation.
    I have re-drawn all the frames from original-drawings Daniel. That was the reason of the long break because I must to force myself to do it
  3. Like
    jaerschen reacted to druxey in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Well done. The lofting was obviously correct and your workmanship excellent, Juergen!
  4. Like
    jaerschen reacted to harvey1847 in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Congratulations Jürgen!
    Did you re-draw all the frames or just the main frames?
  5. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    beautiful build Jürgen,
  6. Like
    jaerschen reacted to AnobiumPunctatum in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Really wonderful progress, Jürgen.
  7. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from Don in Naval Cutter Alert by AnobiumPuncatum - Scale 1/36 - POF   
    Hello Christian,
    I fear to that I can't be a great help for you. But it's nice to see that your project is going on.
  8. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from Jorge Diaz O in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello Guys
    Here's a little update of my build. I install the aft Cant-Frames at the moment. You can see my practice of the following photos. I hate it to do the same for several hours. That's why I decided to produce a Frame, install it and than produce the next Frame and so on. At this way I had a bit of change.

    To saw out the parts I use a band-saw with a special saw band for slightly curves.


    I hope that the next update is showing the finish of the frame build.
  9. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from AON in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello Guys
    Here's a little update of my build. I install the aft Cant-Frames at the moment. You can see my practice of the following photos. I hate it to do the same for several hours. That's why I decided to produce a Frame, install it and than produce the next Frame and so on. At this way I had a bit of change.

    To saw out the parts I use a band-saw with a special saw band for slightly curves.


    I hope that the next update is showing the finish of the frame build.
  10. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from Jorge Diaz O in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    here the photos of the current progress. It's halftime of the frame build

  11. Like
    jaerschen reacted to ChrisLBren in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Hey Group,
    Still plugging away on the fenders and I'm about finished with them - photos soon.  
    I'm considering finishing the WVH - she has sentimental value to me.  The first step would be to sand off the wipe on poly - paint the hull tallow below the waterline, and apply my tung oil/ bitumen mix to age the planking that will be not painted. 
    I've changed my mind so many times about my next project - so who knows (smile). 

  12. Like
    jaerschen reacted to ChrisLBren in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    An update !  Ive committed to setting aside an hour a night 5 days a week - and Ive added the fenders and ships ladder. The fenders were tricky to get right - I used an old planking iron to get the correct bend to fit flush with the hull.  
    After i add the channels, I suppose i need to start thinking about some sort of stand - open to suggestions - Im bummed i didn't predrill the keel to accept rods so i can use brass pedestals. 

  13. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from fatih79 in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello Guys
    Here's a little update of my build. I install the aft Cant-Frames at the moment. You can see my practice of the following photos. I hate it to do the same for several hours. That's why I decided to produce a Frame, install it and than produce the next Frame and so on. At this way I had a bit of change.

    To saw out the parts I use a band-saw with a special saw band for slightly curves.


    I hope that the next update is showing the finish of the frame build.
  14. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from wangshuoliurui in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello Guys
    Here's a little update of my build. I install the aft Cant-Frames at the moment. You can see my practice of the following photos. I hate it to do the same for several hours. That's why I decided to produce a Frame, install it and than produce the next Frame and so on. At this way I had a bit of change.

    To saw out the parts I use a band-saw with a special saw band for slightly curves.


    I hope that the next update is showing the finish of the frame build.
  15. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from AON in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    here the photos of the current progress. It's halftime of the frame build

  16. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from AON in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    here are photos of the progress before the long break.
    You can see the first attempt at the first photo based on the MSW drawings. Afterwards it was clear to me that the Frame-Drawings were not suitable for a single frame build.

  17. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from Stevo79 in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Here the next photos. There you can see the Ballard-Timbers.

  18. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from Jorge Diaz O in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello guy's
    I will start my build of the Triton again.
    Christian (AnobiumPunctatum) and I are started our builds in 2009. But we built the hull in single frame and not in double frame based of the original drawings (Christians idea). It was originally planned to use the MSW frame drawings. But I realized during the build of the fore cant frames that the MSW frame drawings were not suitable for a single frame build. That's why I had a break for about 4 years. Now I pencilled all the frames new and would like to continue the build of the frames. After the frame build I'll use the MSW drawings for the remaining build.
    Now there are some photos from The keel, stern apron etc.

    More photos are following soon
  19. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from NMBROOK in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello Guys
    Here's a little update of my build. I install the aft Cant-Frames at the moment. You can see my practice of the following photos. I hate it to do the same for several hours. That's why I decided to produce a Frame, install it and than produce the next Frame and so on. At this way I had a bit of change.

    To saw out the parts I use a band-saw with a special saw band for slightly curves.


    I hope that the next update is showing the finish of the frame build.
  20. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from EdT in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello Guys
    Here's a little update of my build. I install the aft Cant-Frames at the moment. You can see my practice of the following photos. I hate it to do the same for several hours. That's why I decided to produce a Frame, install it and than produce the next Frame and so on. At this way I had a bit of change.

    To saw out the parts I use a band-saw with a special saw band for slightly curves.


    I hope that the next update is showing the finish of the frame build.
  21. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from fatih79 in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    here the photos of the current progress. It's halftime of the frame build

  22. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from Dubz in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello Guys
    Here's a little update of my build. I install the aft Cant-Frames at the moment. You can see my practice of the following photos. I hate it to do the same for several hours. That's why I decided to produce a Frame, install it and than produce the next Frame and so on. At this way I had a bit of change.

    To saw out the parts I use a band-saw with a special saw band for slightly curves.


    I hope that the next update is showing the finish of the frame build.
  23. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from NMBROOK in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    here the photos of the current progress. It's halftime of the frame build

  24. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from dvm27 in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello Guys
    Here's a little update of my build. I install the aft Cant-Frames at the moment. You can see my practice of the following photos. I hate it to do the same for several hours. That's why I decided to produce a Frame, install it and than produce the next Frame and so on. At this way I had a bit of change.

    To saw out the parts I use a band-saw with a special saw band for slightly curves.


    I hope that the next update is showing the finish of the frame build.
  25. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from druxey in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello Guys
    Here's a little update of my build. I install the aft Cant-Frames at the moment. You can see my practice of the following photos. I hate it to do the same for several hours. That's why I decided to produce a Frame, install it and than produce the next Frame and so on. At this way I had a bit of change.

    To saw out the parts I use a band-saw with a special saw band for slightly curves.


    I hope that the next update is showing the finish of the frame build.
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