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Gan Do

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  1. Hi Harlequin, can you cast your mind back to doing your transom. I'm having troubles bending the moulding for the deck edge & rail. Neither soaking & plank bending jig nor scope iron heat worked. I was wondering if putting a lengthways slit on one face might work. I'd appreciate your advice as yours looks fine. I also somehow stuffed up the quarter deck levels & as you can see had to improvise with some extra steps. Oh! Well. Such is life All the best G
  2. Hi Harlequin, I'm building Bellona and am following your work with interest. I took a decision to stray from the instructions and sort of start from the inside out. To complete everything on the main deck with both poop & quarter deck in place seemed illogical to me. So now I'm just finishing off the quarter deck pillars and belaying rack so here's question.. As far as I can see the instructions & plans call for a single hole to be drilled in both fore and aft post for future rigging but your photo seems to show 2 in forward port & Starboard post (I can't quite make out your aft posts). Am I missing something or is this your innovation & does it apply to all bits calling for double rigging? All the best Gan
  3. Hi all, I'm on a mission. My great great great grandfather was a sailor and served on 5 ships from 1787 through 1793. He sailed to Australia on the Scarborough in the first fleet. He moved to the HMS Sirius, HMS Supply, a hired Dutch Snow called Waakzaamheid then returned as one of the 5 first free settlers to Australia on the Bellona. I decided to build them all. Nuts I know. So I've finished the HMS Supply & moved on to the Bellona. Imagi e how cranky I was after buying the Corel kit when more research turned up another Bellona. An East India company ship that he really sailed on. Bugger! Oh, well I've started now so I may as well enjoy it. Any advice greatfully accepted. Thanks Gan Do
  4. Thanks Peter, I figured it all out about 5 minutes after I posted. I really hate all that brilliant brass. I'm thinking of ageing it all with vinegar then painting bits like the ones that represent wood like these one. Thanks again. G.
  5. Peter, I'm at about the same stage as you on Bellona. Just putting in part 24 (bosuns locker?) but instructions call for 74 & 75 to be added. I'm blowed if I can figure out what they are. Any ideas. G.
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