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About Luekutus

  • Birthday September 25

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    Lorton, Virginia, USA
  • Interests
    Photography (travel, landscape, asltrophotograpy, macrophotography), overlanding, computers (programing, virtualization), zoology, botany, horticulture, history (esp. Rome and Great Britain), exploration, adventure, and home (wherever that is, especially after a long trip).

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  1. @mtdoramike, Nothing yet, but I “retired”** back in August, so hopefully I’ll have more time now. I actually logged in to do some research for adding lighting before I get to the point were some areas of the ship will be in accessible. **Retired = I quit when they wanted us to start coming back into the office post COVID, mostly because they’d transformed the office It what looked like a giant Kindergarten, but also because it looked like my 401k would allow me to.
  2. Oh my! That's absolutely beautiful! Your deck planking puts mine to shame, I'm going to try to make the best of it (when I get back to working on it). Do you mind my asking how you cut the "parts" that were black lines on a thick sheet of plastic? I'm struggling there...
  3. No, I haven't seen that build! I'll look for it. The other issue I had was that I got to the point where I had to start the side rails (gunwales?) on the deck, but the "parts" are basically just printed outlines on a very thick of piece of styrene. I had substantial difficulty cutting those out with a hobby/x-acto knife, so I kind of stepped away before my [lack of] patience got the best of my and I ruined something. I was also a little overwhelmed by model light techniques, and I very much want to have the ship lit from within ( hopefully with something solar-recharged and light-activated so that It just comes on at night). I think it'll look best with various levels of brightness and color (depending on what light), and that's just going to take a lot of thought and planning. Best to figure it out now while I have access to most of the hull.
  4. I've stalled, @BobG. A botanical menagerie, aquariums, terrariums (with termite squatters) — I'm a jack-of-all-hobbies and a master of none! 😖
  5. Very cool thing to have seen @Cathead, and very cool pics! I wonder why the UK doesn't build one too. I will definitely reach for more information out as move further along. @BobG, if you went for in-ice version of Endurance you might be able to get away with less detail.
  6. I bought OcCre's HMS Beagle a little over a month ago after seeing their fantastic build-videos on YouTube. Fascinated by both nature and adventure since a very young man, the Beagle, like Jacques Cousteau's RV Calypso, has always intrigued me. What must it have been like, at 22 years old, to hop on a [relatively] small sailing ship in the 1830s and sail off to the far corners of the world?! I have yet to read Mr. Darwin's account of his adventure, though it's been sitting on my shelf for quite some time. This is my second build log, and my first fully-wooden ship model.
  7. Day 32: The hull planking is, for the most part, complete. I'm generally happy with it considering this is my first model in 40 years, but there a few spots that might need a bit more attention (or so says my OCD). Next up I'll add a few of the hull-detail pieces and then start shopping for paint. I'm debating between flat colors and semi-gloss, but I'll likely go with flat so I can make whole ship look just a bit weathered. I'm worried about starting with the above-deck features as that part will make or break the whole project.
  8. Minor Update: Planking is going slowly, thanks in part to my thrice underestimating the amount of planks I would need. I'm still enjoying this part even though it's getting a little trickier as the plank ends need to be trimmed to fit. I'm hoping that the eventual hull-painting will hide some of my novice-modeler planking sins…
  9. As a side note, I'm probably spending way to much time on planking what it is essentially plastic kit, but I'm actually enjoying this part. I love the feel of the wood after I add a few rows of planking and sand it down be flush with the rest. It's also starting to feel like like I'm making vessel rather than just a model of one… I'm guessing that's normal for this hobby.
  10. I ended up adding nails to most (and eventually all) the visible plank ends, after which I filed off the nail heads, leaving only the nail posts visible. What will ultimately be visible after painting remains to be seen (or not). I think my 1/4 planks are not to scale anyway, so the "authenticity" aspect is already lost...
  11. @yvesvidal, hijack away, my friend. The more info, the better!
  12. As I wait for more planking and CA glue to arrive, I found myself looking my model and wondering about "unnecessary detail". I have a 100-pack of too-small nails (pins) that I bought thinking I was ordering something else, so I was debating using them on Calypso to add a bit of detail that I don't actually see in any photos of the original vessel. Any thoughts on that sort of thing?
  13. @yvesvidal, I think I can say without hesitation that my version won't be any where near as beautiful as yours, but I'm hoping that — from across the room in the doorway of my home office — it ends up looking reasonably decent. How cool it must have been to sail your model! I would love to do that, but for me the RC part was too intimidating. I am thinking about trying to add some (LED) lights, however, to give it some "life". John
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