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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Folks, i have some exciting news. got in touch with guy owning 3D printer regarding figurehead. I already sent him the model. !
  2. its gorgeous Rich, and very helpful for us. i still dont get purpose of side doors when front is fully opened though...it would be hell of a panelling but definitely worth it.
  3. catching up with progress gentlemen, Rob, very nice skylights as well as gorgeous Richs drawing . I can jump on those working. from the book photos with dancing around them, i noticed glass on lower side of skylights and i dont see that on pics... am i false ? looking fwd to wheelhouse V.
  4. Hi, Few Updates from past work.... Stanchions are still in progress as i have to diminish those according to scale.... Thanks for watch etc...
  5. it sure will be . Spare some strength for long cabin - thats madness i can tell you already as im digging into it..... suddenly captain cabin looks quite simple to me...:) my gosh....
  6. Not ordinary childhood in extraordinary time and country i would say. One of that kind I would love to sit front of fireplace and listen for hours...
  7. all well Rob i got quiet today as well. Planet earth wont get exploge tomorrow so there is no reason to rush. speaking of my country, many cooler and rainy autumn days to come ...to be spent in workshop
  8. thanks Rich . well german language is really difficult from what i can tell.i can feel you oh... i lived and worked in ireland back in days and later with american coleagues for couple of years. but language is live thing and its brushes away when not used...Ive been out of real practice few years now. but im glad i can still use it. well, english is what greek used to be in first century...global language. and thats great. i like it how it is. certainly better than mandarine chinese or german for same matter.
  9. This IS testing how fcastle could look like.its weighted Down by some stuff yet...you Can see walnut All thru rail over top ( not yet varnished covering planks above. There IS Also thin line of Wood underneath joining both Cabins tops. That oné IS white on Michaels photo which casts great contrast with walnut above. Im surprised how big are the cabin underneath. Those are not yet there... I Made contrasting panels are those okish? Poor those if white 😂.
  10. Thanks Rich, i hqve one question though. Is there any chance fcastle inward bqiidingw and deck facing side were varnished?
  11. Rob yours are 6 mm on rail mine vetween 7 and 8. Roofs are twice as high. Rich, Rob dont withdraw yourself from watching the scale! i encourage you dont feel put off. its helpful in many resort most of is - every repaired work is pain - and some cannot be done! peopl tend to see things always bigger than they are in reality. there are things to be rather avoided to build than to mak it off scale.....its helpful in every sense ! teaser... im working on forecastle folks. much to enjoy. Another natural lvarnished wood to compliment the aft... there is walnut all profile step - corner timber, stairs, and inset cabins with paneling facing amidship. pic facing aft- forward in michaels book with that boy hang on sails shows beautiful view on left side of fcastle.... i made 20 ! columns for toof railing today. enough for one day. i must praise myself.... V.
  12. After unsucessful search to fing proportionally perfect one I decided to make my own balustrades for carriage house rail. This IS prototype...now 40 another oooh... I cant say its turning AS its half knife sanding paper half drill with drilling bit used by side part....its simplified but proportionally was the goal...
  13. Rich , yeah, there definitely IS slight very very subtle Curve , from engineer perspective of narrowing stern aftwards expected and obvious. I Can tell your i Will live with fact that i jave roof striaght. This IS for makeup guys and i am sure you Will love it. My friends thought that IT was real houses when i showed him a pics.... I finished carving knees to see what trial assembly completed house looks like - pls note curved roof assembly and temporary mast Stuck in ...
  14. Thanks Rich, interesting that door IS twin color as mine haha. I cant getveye off such top notch carpentry indeed. Imagining those lads where doing IT by simple tools its mindboogling... SIné progress on roofing. I started revisions as Updated some things towards reality... Made groove to platform as IT was 17 century before....not easy to step on by men...i hope It added nicely ....started roof structures....some prelimenary testing...
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