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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Real Nice , so IT looks like some antique Columns, i Will try to apply those into IT. V.
  2. Thanks much Rob. Personally myself, i would see no point doing this painful slog. . i would paint it for the most part to mimic ooutlines thats it. as you say, in overall rigging perspective, its different visual approach. to go for. I do it with aim of no masting at all... to get those cabins as highlight... and i am surprised i learnt so much sicne 1:24 cutty. i struggled back then and did slopps work on such huge scale, im amazed shat is possible with 1:72 on clipper - though i work with boxwood leftovers from winnie now which i part of the reason. asking for opinion. should i paint it? i would like to leave soemrhing wooden on the boat and this seems to me quite valuabl assertion.... ive been thinkg lately.... i kind of regret i did paint all interior deck bulwarks not leaving a piece wooden....as it is primaroly wooden boat... than i ddi regret a bit that i painted hull fully in blac knot left a piece of wood natural than i did regret for a minute that i cant leave even bottom wooden as it is not worked out such neatly it is supposed t obe coppered so im getting elft of space for wood....on the other side...if once i opted for paint - that paerly white cabin could look proper nice - even rails are painted...oh i can make another rail with natural wood at least.... its hard with me :)) well at least deck planking will be wooden...hooray
  3. Thanks a lot for vlauable comment Rich. I Will adresa those indeed. Mli Dunno maybe try click follow and it will púť you notifications...:) V.
  4. Thanks Rich, i had your view as well till one more observation to stir the topic.... that we might not be certain yet . Its actually oppsite on Flying fish. ! for first hatch. longer is bow to stern. this might be cargo loading thing but i measured Michaels drawing in across hull picture, agowing across section and it looks like upper is 12 and lower 14. not 10 - 14. it would be wider i think.
  5. nice work on crriagehouse Rob, it is positioned slightly outward moved from poop deck forward right? i have a question folks. doyou how is first hatch positioned? Michaels book says 10 x12 ft and below deck 12x14 - from drawing it looks to me that longer side should be faced athwardship and shorter in bow stern axis positioned, is thar correct? thank you V.
  6. Great stuff Rich. i will have hands full during rainy autumn days...:) what a beautiful knee ornament...
  7. Ornamentation IS now completed with nameboard. I Wish you could see it in person as 2d photo cannot grasp 3d reality of ship itself with those tiny details. Name itself IS so tiny in reality i tried to maintain size and position of letters. Ať this point i must say even i used printed template underneath im happier with hand drawing over IT far more than any laser cut could provide- there IS machine perfection in machines but i prefer Human effort ať least mediocre. Its like in every aspect of even real houses whatever builders - mass produced perfect shapes are standard set to the point being charmless - no one Will ever asking who Made this or that? I notice similar approach or trend in modelmaking AS Well , where machine perfection IS praised atop. Personally i refrain lately from this approach, IT ls nothing easier than drawing ship or ornamental something in Vector program and give command to laser machine - - i Can say that confidently. Its very difficult hand model something as old chaps did in bygone éra masterfully... With template underneath Its truer to original approach as well this IS as close AS possible to original pattern even in this still small scale for clipper. some of those draperies are hair thin. ! This IS probably my finest modeler effort by far. Im satisfied with this . Thanks for viewing etc. V.
  8. thank you Apreciated Rob. you know it. exactly my thoughts. looks easy but it was pretty difficult as there is everything twisted in angles or around axis...
  9. Good day. Some progress still going on ornamentals as I had to order and wait for thinnest brush available, 000. Its hair point. I think i finally found satisfactory way (ať least fór me how to tackle the thing. What do You say? I dont have firmest hand in the world though... I Will add third mold strake below. Thick substance of golden color Made IT stand out from black surface.
  10. thanks Rob. hell i knew someone will catch that ! great observation. lets see if i can squeeze 3 grooves in bottom mold on stbd side.
  11. congratulationsRich. im really impress. i will vet it framed and hang in my room. V.
  12. Hello. I Made false deck & masts holders & started navalhoods and co. In reality its in scale small even fór laser cut so I abandoned idea and painted IT around template. Only started yet...thank you fór viewing etc...
  13. Amazing guys. The thing is, how to translate those beauties into scale. Even in 1:72 scale its such small that its impossible to mimic it. Two things to add. Foundation of the xarriagehouse od definitely bigger than on svetoch. Its visible by comparing roof thickness and foundation thickness Up to the Doors from photographs starting from deck level ... And second, i must say how i like hand drawing of Rich - far more than any computer Vector programes.there IS something really charming and alive in drafting by hand , that zeroes and ones never match. I Can imagine IT urges one to Rush to the carpenter to make those things out of Wood. ...
  14. I think also this would be very unnatural for carpenters to finish window frame in very top of panel thus not being able to insert windows wooden frame into panel ! as upper panel is of totally different construction - roof panel . i would claim is should be littel lower endidng window , I hope you take it as part of fruitful collaboration. its fantastic anyway.Vlad
  15. Rich, as much I love your second draw on details - i see you updated roof layers to brilliant outcome - I immediately felt something disturbingly different is on it and I dont think updated windows design is better , on contrary. i would say it follows doors curvature...and angles sharply as on first sketch...although there is shade on upper aprt on photograph .it can be spotted in window glass reflection of the boat. very upper corner can be seen....is there any clue that led you to redisigning windows top curvature to round profile? It would be natural to keep same shape also on doors insertion etc...
  16. Thanks Rob, exactly as you wrote. its was reall slog, impossible to cover by tapes, just slow and precise brush strokes..im so glad its over . 3 days. 3 more greish hair on my head :))
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