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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. im sure almost everyone finishing Winnie will have hard time to resist Speedwell. in my opinion is just a perfect in size snd ornamental beauty kind of cross for those skipping and little regretting not trying english cutter or missing its lovely rigging - smaller than winnie, which is for instance without rig understandably. that would be years to finish planking above wales will satisfy both worlds. look of finished ship with full hint of frames below . i clap hands absolutely.
  2. Well Well. Few notes. I feel this Will be tough to watch and swallow for Chuck, i want to say no likes for me folks. I Can tell im Happy scratch modeling IS over and im looking fwd fór next preciusly laser cut chapter. Even with laser cut chapter i never imagined chapter 7 8 would be such difficult and demanding. Slow slow IS sure approach. Pumps look so simple but took me entire day even to assemble them together. Knees are slow work to fit and notoriously boeing fit and sandfit and sand. I utilized Few very Minor details differently fór the fact to cover some perfectionsor imposibility to make myself in pumps like edges cover with black band. Nothing to like here. Im ať the fence of thinking Chuck Will exclude me from this workshop hope not. One important mistakes i Made silly of me i run pump wire trhu Columns, in Rush i started to drill Holes of decorated Columns. By the tíme i realised i have even caps Made ready IT was too Late. As i watch later it doesnt také away fine impression but i was really pissed... Regarding first forecastle Beam. I didnt know how to get Column under the Beam so i Worker out Few workarounds. But its not winnie anymore so i Guess i Will scrap IT and move Columns under beam . First be should be straight clean. Im sure Chuck Will like that correction. Arrgh... As cabins walls....yep cartoonish. But i lost balls to try making Windows myself... Especially when i dont have ones laser cut and I destroyed so Many of those. I did best to fit them snugly to walls etc. And i quite like outcome... ..... Thanks for Patience and probably rather skipping or not watching this "scratch" chapter. But im fine with how it Turned out finally . IT was hard to make those myself by hands. From next i to fresh with Chucks precious pieces. V.
  3. youre going like a train Chuck, we barely keep up watching. Amazing installment, wheel is a beauty. cant wait to order chapter 9 and maybe will wait for chapter 10 as well to save double customs overseas. i have feeling chapter 10 will be ready in few weeks with this pace. white spokes for me indeed
  4. How IS things Gentlemen? After spring and pause im back to winnie starting chapter 7. This Has Been on work for some time. As i had already beams cut, i thought that this Will be only chapter i Can make without precious laser cut pieces..Wellsome of them..and IT Will add to my skill improvement and much more pleasure than laser char removal....besides.. Chuck IS encouraging us fór this approach here and there add well.. i Will see how it goes....decided i Will tackle chapter from scratch, i see raised eyebrows but not in entirety. Doors Will be laser cut. I dont want to spoil winnie so when there are pieces not Up to solid look i Will probably redo. But i Guess center bits are pretty easy stuff, AS Well as collumns . Its far tougher than laser pieces modifying to get approximate result and IT Will never be such beautiful but my winnie IS cripled in many wany ways already. I Will be glad if Chuck IS honest here and if something IS Bad IS Bad. Started with stove - i aimed for effect of copper stove already weathered by many years of smoke. Thanks for watching Advice etc. Sharp eyes wont Escape to notice Few things are adjusted to as laser minicut IS impossible by hands i regret a bit that upper plates on stove are little smaller than should be not following edges of stove nearer..but IT was hell of a work though
  5. Congrats to deck Matt. We are on par now here. I brushed dust off winnie and m about to start again after almost year of pause with chapter 7. Slowly :)) V.
  6. Looking fwd to Robs mAsting rigging sails. Then glory Will shine in her spectacle from boots to the cap! Im heading to my year put aside frigate along with winnie group. But eyeing here. V.
  7. Great catch Richard. from vague eyeing it pretty much correaponds with Crothers American clipper "bible." by the way, your plan arrived. Thank you very much indeed, im pretty excited but i want to share photo if it on display it deserves on my wall. V.
  8. yes its true. I think I didnt take that into consideration. I think i was a bit wrong here. . Im more convinced now, and think her bottom of stern is definitely rounder than i thought.. and surely rounder than upper rail. thanks for your remarks. V.
  9. Wow Chuck, watching continuation on the bow is super exciting. just beautiful. i remember that part was difficult. I cant wait to take out my winnie after almost year sleeps my gosh she is almost empty comparing with what is there on deck. Winter months seem pretty excting, watching is enough:) . back on track with great gang of folks. cheers, Vlad
  10. Good stuff Rob, but still. From photographical perspective I would still be reserved to draw conclusions for various reasons - im not 100 percent certain to which extent is curve took from that view accurate. it looks of course very round this way. but there are two dramatic aspects that may totally mislead us and we know nothing of them. 1. seems photographer is very near waterlevel. but - presumably not far - but glory looks very tall - so two options are on tabe - was photographer very nearby * therefore he must have used very wide lens ! dramatically changing perspective or he might have been far and therefore use ! normal or rather long lens and in that case your assumption would be eprfectla correct.... i cant say now many feet or meters is photo taken from - if someone made such experiment with existing vessels and sterns of various curvature from same angle distance etc...that would be epic..... it does look very roundish but i can tell quite confidently ! it can be pretty steep from other view. for this I personally call this photo Most decieving and almost hellish or cursed in a way of taking assumptions :))
  11. Many thanks Richard. Regarding sketch no not yet. But I think I may have few items at post office from last week as per notice so I plan to go this week to pick it up, presumably one of those might be as well it. i will inform in return. Vlad.
  12. Hello Rob, yes i found tíme today i swapped incorrectly a wide rail and installed properly thick one. i must say IT changed view considerably. I Will continue slowly further installing proper planks on long cabin and hatch opening on Wheelhouse etc...
  13. Lets hope folks there wont be same neglect or no interest for modeling her as there was of real ship itself in her late years. i hope we are not last ones McKay surely doesnt deserve that
  14. Rich, this photo can be measured from left to right but from top to bottom it is useless dont forget that. its extremely distorted from top botom vise perspective it would give you only very false picture. but for whats you measure its ok i think. speaking of stern , nothing is late, im proud of mine its 95 percent of this picture - accurate depiction of this flat. nothing to be reworked. or? I am now reworking top rail to male it properly thin so it will look exactly as on the photo. i will post pic later
  15. Great stuff Rob, and knowing yout mast and rigging treatment it will be all pleasure and praise to watch. as i know myself You will even hook me up to follow on mine .
  16. Rob I like it enormously. you made ornamentals stand out at your scale, even that tripple strip not to mention gorgeous figurehead. i have still to finish anchor hole. how the hell you could paint those ornamentals, im sure under loupe. just wow.
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