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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. no worries Folks, i know myself i rather dont work when I feel i have enough or i dont feel enjoyment of it. When there is something to post i will but its clear that i wanted to complete hull in one pace of intensive work which was done so i will be slow from now on. if not i would have worked on itfor months. its also clear there is muxh more tedious work by nature of built process i follow and size as Rob has to endure so im not trying to keep with Rob in any means. things are moving on slower or faster depends on mood. i will have less time now sure. but everythings fine yes painting and copper plates, and stern decorative rail will be what i will try to finish up to end of year.
  2. Thanks Rich. much apreciated. im noway near to 3 D printing her. id have to 3d draw her first myself - i would not pay for it. looks likeley in winter time when i have more time sitting behind pc.
  3. Rob thanks for your opinion. it helped down the road. Well if its solid all the way down i ll do it. i started preparing some other works but i forgot few. I seriously think i will not mast or rig her, only hint of mast sticking in. at this scale its hust enormous amount of work and time. maybe after few years. what i want to accomplish is focus on building and those upper rail detailings etc.... and im looking forward to put color on her...and plating. ...
  4. Dear Folks i decided to postpone figurehead. as chaotic as I am, i maek sure your effort to help wont wane as I will return to it rpetty much all the time, but i do t want any result shorter of spectacular, so i decided opposite route. - to make or have madevinstall figurehead last. i decided to pain boat forst and install laser cut bow ornamentals , nameboard, paint waterway ...i contacted my laser guy and i am sure you will much love this chapter . something about painting. im going to apoly thin coat of dark liberon shellac on her to keep or prevent raising of grain as much as possible and over the top i will apply fiebing black leather Dye for balc kcoat. ´aybe some wax on the top. i believe all moldings are black as well at this point only top cover of fancy rail is white. Rich is entire sheerline white on 1869 ? or even golden? Thank you very much for that. i have to istall first those rails holding rope blocks ... going to it. V.
  5. I am anxious and hesitant to start Rob. Im not convinced i have ability. i envy your work with even smaller outcome. I basically think myself it is soo small it should be done properly drawn in 3D program and 3 D printed as most of figureheads of this scale are made in boxwood these days. i personal y think it is torture at least to make viable form of her but there cannot be word about detailing. atm i holding in hand revell cutty sark in 1:96 scale. i can tell it is such small that i am about t osay there is almost no piint making it. i would say apyour outcome is far better in this respect. i will still play just for the fun. but shat i want is detailed figurehead which i will proably at the end end up drawing in 3 D program a d have printed as 3 D object. i was even playing with buying snd modifying some resin greek goddess...but they are atill way way bigger....i dont wa t to elt you down Rob but please dont expect anything plausible from me. im not up to it. however i like Richs drawing as there is pretty much everything it should be in such small scale figurehead. not more details ...V.
  6. thanks much, and not to worry Rich i will make it solid easily. just sanding off from those bulwarks and gluing solid wood . V.
  7. pretty Rob. when i see this kind of patience I seriously think , damn, i wish someone just wanted to finish my boat. I dont have patience nor entusiasm or wish for this kind of work starting from gearing and masting up. up to build a body and houses and i am pretty much done. in case someone found anyone to finish my built glory fo himself just turn him on me :)) or in 99 percent maybe ill just leave her as she is painted with buildings and thats it. v.
  8. I cant believe IT. Top of the fancyrail. Im so done. Exhausted. But she IS done. Ať least second big most important super difficult milestone. I Will také IT very easy from now on so there wont be Updates fór weeks or months probably. and except ofvl paint and figurehead. I Wish i could find premade deck somewhere. Will see. I have broken computer so no more adjustments fór bow ornamentals. will be laser cut. Im looking forward tremendously for those. I still need to repair some bow things..but overwall drawings materialised. Im in awe how much Lena angles and photofgraphy distorts. Especially stern. Anglijg and focal length. IT Can be full and short as inichaels drawings and Can be sleek and shallow as well. I believe we hlave All recreated probably as truer Glory of the seas as possible though.
  9. This is view I was longing for for almost two year now, and haunted my inner weird fella to try building it. sweet Congrats Rob. Rich nailed it as well. in that photograph there was it...we retured to it uncounted times....
  10. Rob, ill try modeling out of selfdrying clay....i think its too small for carving. way too small...at least for me. but atill bigger than yours. 32 mm in length/ tall. 1 &1/4 of inch.
  11. Good observation Rob. definite mistake i made. i will try to unglue front bit of molding. but i will also have to add little piece on molding so there will be joining gap. ill try to make it invisible. still far cry from that as Ill have to contact my laser cut guy for ornamentals...trowing towell in boxers arena = accpeting challenge as we use to say here...
  12. Ok gentlemen. towel trown in ring. Greek goddess. only if i know how to make her :)) challenge accepted but....only going to start thinking about it. im going to soak myelf in ideas. till i come up with something to discuss than V.
  13. Rob, frankly, im not really sure what solid monkey rail means. I had really though tíme to think Bulwark and Columns sizes with calculating space for rails as i almost so so reached top of bowsprit and little above. This monkey rail IS tad little Higher at stern side a little narrower ať how. Just to fit in nameboard. but finally im Happy overal. IT was really challenging as i had to Keep sheer angle always samé as buidling Up from IT ....there still IS plenty to revise as navalhood plate goes under molding so i Will have to repair that part - i just forgot , but i want to finish this All procedúre in one to and have long long deserved break before i paint. V. Also there get s one " mistake" to fall IT such- you figured probably that main rial should be samé thickness more less than sheerline mold but i had to Made IT tad thinner to make monkey rail wide enough and to Keep rest in good corelation sizewise....
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