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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. How did i make grooves. I must say i still somehow struggle with molding grooves. Finally i think i found a way that satisfyingly brings baswood almost to 95 percent od boxwood with no fuzzies. Well IT Will never match IT but.... How did i go. 1. Slight TRIM of edges with 270 grit. 2. Thin line with scraper. 3. Widenijg line with thicker point of scraper. 4. I Made sharpened Stick of hard Wood but blanded tip of IT. I run IT as last and here are the pics. Those are pretty macro so by eyesight there IS basically no fuzz. I mušt check how others do IT but fór the moment im Happy. There IS one smaller 1/3 grooves and one 2/3 fór the glory sheer.
  2. Rob, sometimes writing is not perfect thing for communication specifically if one is not extremly cautious when putting words - myself i mean. I didnt find humor in oversight but in Rich way of using words and commenting ... ( in an easy humorous tone I suspect.)....no offence meant. V.
  3. Rob, there IS certainly no need to be sorry. Yes i scrape with old artesania latina scrapers. Modified. Im finding Way how to scrape even those not fitting in...v.
  4. Complete look Up from waterways, sheerline, big Columns, pinrail, main rail, fancy rail and cover....without fancy rail inlays and upper cover decoration on mold. Layerv upon layer.. Ať this point i start thinking She was overdecorated. Nope, Ohh i love it. Starting fancy rail inner decoration...
  5. What i like about life IS IT gives me a good laugh sometimes. In agood way . Its perfectly norl we sometimes dont päť attention to details etc. By the way Folks you May check progress on inner bulwarks V.
  6. This IS how IT Will be.. So many gaps to fill around Columns...its already line upon line ..but IT looks quite a lot real to me. I Made main rail mold scraping pattern ...thick and thin strakes... Main rail and thinmer pinrail below attached. Im trying smallish molding on monkey rail how IT Will look like. Not sure...looking from above when top cover Will be added there wont be visible a tímy bit on topgallant rail but from deck perspektíve pretty much .....what you think? V.
  7. Hello, Some update here. Basically, after tremendous work , body od the ship IS practically finished with Minor work to do finishing planking stern counter. I must say it was really challenging journey for me, i wouldnt complete IT as my first or second model no Chance. I must say im so Happy i didnt use any tool for bending - was not necessary! Fór the way i did IT. At this point glory profile IS finished Up to the monkey rail....m id like to stress few adjustments. I widened fcastle and poop rail Columns for simple reason - topgallant cover must sit on something thicker than or 1.5 milimeter surface. I plan to start with decorative moldings tomorrow so hopefully there Will be a lot to commemt ( gopefully not swear anyway i plan to use Also miniatures molding on fancy rail for same very reason - widen surface to sit the top on IT...I made little sanding toop to sand famous 8 planks Strike IT Worked. Sheer profile from inner side already decorated. I know i know that pattern. I Will try better....anyway, i ditched idea of expensive boxwood. IT Will be painted so Well Worked like Wood makes almost same output with fraction of cost... Fingers crossed as adding pirails main rail and monkey from the innner side. Few pics from now. V. Oh as you Can see i practically almost destroyed bowsprit at this point - Will have to repair IT. No Chance i could work on stand. I have to hold the Boat many times , turn IT vigorously when sanding i coundnt work otherwise. and sometimes crash IT....
  8. Rob I cant emphasize enough how beautiful your work and outcome is. I admire it very much in your scale is simply wow. . amazing to look at her just beautiful. V.
  9. Rich have i mentioned how much i like your artistry/ drawing? if not i do again. its really something. so clear with littel shading. if you are for it and patient enough with me im so looking forward to time when we discuss cabins ...and there is plenty of those artistry oh .... steel endidng of rail is surprising to me did they copy cutty sark ? joking it was probably fancy modern eelgant feature of late 18 century throughout continents apparently. gosh i have headache those inner moldings believe or not make 1 milimeter in my scale ! now it is impossible to make line in middle ( i bet no problem for Rob ! but im not that good in miniatures so i will try what can i do. ) it looks astounding on paper.
  10. Oh yes.thanks Folks. No need to apologize Rich, besides i didnt work on IT yet. I see clearly now that main mold Has only two ! Ornamental Lines, one below IS pinrail attached. Samé topgallant. Looks All settled now. Thanks much.V.
  11. Rich this would be very great as i constructed it the way it would g oalong from q deck to poop. it seems Michael did included those little moldings in his book or drew their position ! superb. im not sure yet how or if to include those as those would be miniatures. should I try ? V.
  12. Thanks much Rob, i must say this monkey and rails part its most difficult so far. Challenging to keep all measures true and curvature and so on... still made few small mistakes i will elaborate on later but overall its not so shabby i hope. i will add more pics tomorrow. V.
  13. Amazing. I found another tricky hidden ornamentals detail showing that glory was really overwgelmed by ornamentation. There IS another couple of small molding from immer side od monkey rail which IS clearly visible when looked closely at photo. Its really something . Sorry for quality of drawing i Also magnified detail. I have one question my friends - pinrail follows All line along bulwarks or IT IS just in places around masts? Sorry my english IS terrible. Thank you.
  14. Rob, i found a new way im no longer cutting curvature as teplote pre - drew by pencil but i use thinmer strikea so IT bends naturally only by the eyes. ...if that what you are asking...
  15. Rich, Rob You are helping me a great deal thanks a milion. I already have those numbers in head by now, its very useful. I must stress one thing though. There are compromisses in build and those include there instalments, not in measures but in style. There Will be less than 8 miniatures strakes but 6 little wider - butvthose are still in my scale ratio as main planks are Also wider than original. Hovewer I definitely want to maintain aestetic and form structure with 2 6" outsided planks from hull. I always jave to Keep eye on sheer line profile from back to bow and install on IT strakes with samé thickness so i could sand Bulwark Columns correctly... When it comes to moldings decoration, Im not there get. I want to Keep IS as beautiful and faithful as possible doing IT with boxwood. As ornamentals are from both sides of main rail and top rail, im installing middle wood to that i Will glue molded strakes from both sides. But IT wont be soon i dont have such Wood but found a suplier in hrany so ...far from IT yet. Gopefully i Will complete rails this week and poden structural form od Boat hull Will be pretty much completed.this IS today progress. I run to one issue though. Forecaatle bulkheads appear little Higher than shpuld be so i have to cut those and lower them a bit nothing tragic. Here IS the progress. Always thanks for looking in etc....i took magnified photo by my macro feature from book to check molding detail
  16. George I was looking at planksheer on plan myself not sure how to replicate it. i didnt know how untill i tried to experiment. at the end i fou d out i can run 2.5 mm strip to proper angle and fix it temporarily with thin wire not gluing. once fastened i run precut horizontal pieces along so that i glue one and than i make a gap by sticking false dolumn and follow next border with glue pushing it firmly towards column - iat the end column is difficult to take out and another to insert which ensures snug fit for angled clumns. so far im pretty satisfied it works perfectly. V.
  17. great idea George. I wish you patience and firm nerves. but outcome will compensate the effort. V.
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