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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. i would say upper part ( not know the name) should be way smaller in diameter comparing to massive bowsprit . it looks almost the same on pic. I rescaled original diameter when making mine. id be lazy but its up to you V.
  2. Rich yes its 1:96revell plastic indeed. On that photos i got new mobile phone with quite aparently useful and pretty nice macro feature so im trying to use it here and there. i must say it magnifies it hugely. cant wait taking ornamentation down with it . Dont worry Rich modeling should be fun ! so there is no pressing or anything. sure i got better after two quite a years but fo example i will never return to soldering as i danaged my hands skin. but recovered hopefully fully. but it took a year and it was nasty. so i made some irreparable mistakes and i ahould have started with easier models. but well here we are. almost painting Glory ! gosh. im playing with an idea id like you to see my glory in person so when is ready without masts i wll probably send her to you guys to inspect her in person well im not sure how crqzy that idea is but ...anyway. have a good weekend my friends.
  3. Thanks Rob, yes that was trickiest part. I tried to follow plans and natural curvature of hull below, although i regret a little bit i should lean them even more inside in the middle not striaght but i Can live with that. Im opened to aby comment or observation although iwpuld not be Happy reworking it. But IT surely doeant look like Michaels sharp turn off coverboard rather like between his and flying fish very long convex Curve. Seems we have it identical more or lesa. I Will check on IT more tmew, Im curious what Rich Has to say. Evening them was not easy so i focused on that to make sure there IS no ugly bump in the line. V. My fleet mammoth and his little sister from same year.
  4. ...Bulwark stanchions angles were smoothered and rounder ( as much as All wooden corners...) So i did try to be honest to this idea... I didnt copy any method looked how its done by model expo but invented my own process how to firmly fasten them. Helped by stringer as my usual friend here...filled holes ať the end. IT was beautiful day ....looks like waterways Will get color soon ! I mušt say there IS something astonishing following almost original process ...so much to learn and so far entire Boat IS wooden. Wow. When i stand a person in scale IT was Mammoth! Thanks for watching comment etc...Everyone have good weekend ! V.
  5. I aplaud Rob. Well observed and truly believably executed. in your tiny scale this is mastery really. you getting dressed her by jevwellery already , soon to be ready go dancing
  6. Exactly Rob. Noone knows what future brings, and with covid Madness i Can be thrown workless lazying in winter maybe i Will get joy to make plates who knows. Fór this im leaving coppering off my back...but im sure when i paint half black IT would be hunting le to get done test of the hull AS Well ...Will see...
  7. Yeah, I would never accepted copper red myself Once i discovered lovely muntz 😉 be IT Liverpool shipped or American one ..
  8. One could think there IS not much to do now...hell yeah. My package arrives tmw.and i faired waterways to round angle with 320 grit, and almost built Up stern All the way. She starts looking Smart isnt IT? Here IS the progress...
  9. Rich, my friend. Appreciated the effort, i really am, but Guess what? I have brass sheets left from cutty sark that would maybe covered entire glory. But im ageing i guess. I cant imagine púť myself into making each individual plate again and even smaller. Not anymore. Besides. Its All different if its tápe and strips. Not pieces. No anyway, its still christmass Topic in my čase lets FOCUS whats Actual shall we?
  10. yours are fantastic. yes i didnt calculate cost yet so i will come to that point later. but its always with me. i sometmies rather pay than pay twice sith nerves wracking bad outcome etc. i hate that somwtimes more than money left. i was almost thinking of paitnitng hull to mimic muntz but it would be proabably very plain poor aproach ...so i stick with coppering for now. but its thing of next 3 or for months. i want to focus on bulwarks and rails - ver important and lst structural form to complete hull and sgio apearance...for now and that wont be simple task but im looking fwd to it. than i will paint hull black and rest. fingers crossed.
  11. delay. My lumber provider reached out to me that messed up between adresses so actual bulwarks section is on hold. what now? i will apply shellac on hull as primer. after painting black up to copperline, i decided to postpone coppering itself tothe winter snowy months. i decided im not up to Robs taping procees and i dont have experience with it. closest to real thing with no exagerated rivets in 1:72 i found premade copper plates from amati. i will most likely do that. it looks like free weekend. till next. cam wait for bulwarks stuff. that will be tough but i hope fun part.
  12. Today i was playing with stern. Tried to make scarf and platform for main and monkey rail. Its still shabby looking - need fillers and thin strakes but pretty much definite shape. Molding Will go where the step IS... Thanks for watching etc...
  13. Rich i wont have more next week than just sanded hull smoothly without rails...if thats enough. i ordered wood for bulkheads just about now... Than from there i will try to finish bulwarks...and later coppering and rails with laser cut samples of ornamentation and nameplate and that would end this yea of actual working on model for me for now. i will go back to computer looking at cabins and elarning things from Rob in that regard. V.
  14. im starting up with bulwarks Gentlemen. need to order wood but... do you know thickness of stanchions and how far they are from each other please? i cant find an info about that. Thanks a milion Vlad
  15. Rob I wholeagree that replicating usage is tougher than clean aproach. Therefore i would never attempt it. abut I already learnt from you - finished quickly dirt whats under copper line
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