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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. Nah, it's a B-24 with a hull...
  2. Way to go Lou! Perfect! I forgot all about that, makes great 4" hose in 1/24th scale....
  3. They don't recommend it brother, and from using the thin version rather than the standard version, I've had no need to thin it... and it dries completely clear.....
  4. Keep plugging Mike, it works great here..... the parts in the pic were done with the thin version, applied with a needle to the point I want it to be then place the part. Go slow, it isn't instant grab like cement or CA but in five minutes it take and in 30 is solid enough to not move... I'm impressed with it....
  5. 3" braided line = 1/8th inch braided round dress shoelace, have to figure a way to get them flattened for storage in the back in the truck...... interesting problem.... I would think that 3/16" or 1/4" bias tape should replicate flattened hose very well....
  6. I remember as a kid trying to do that camo in sponge, never could get it right.... Outstanding.....
  7. Well another small update, coming along slow but making progress... (already know some things I would do differently) Main deck details, they have to go on now cause with the superstructures in place I wouldn't be able to fit them properly.... Pardon the pics they aren't the best quality but they give the idea..... K Guns and reloads.... (the Gwin during this period did not have K gun loading racks so the reloads were mounted to stanchions where the davit could pick them and drop them into the launcher) And the rest of the deck details.... Still need to paint them, probably should have painted them first before gluing them on. I left the stern smoke projectors and depth charge racks off for closer to the end of the build, the fantail is pretty clear on this ship so later shouldn't represent a problem... Fewer things to knock off or break.... And I'm absolutely learning to love this Gators Grip glue... It sticks to painted plastic!!! Solid as well..... Well some detail painting, all those details have a base color of 5-O Ocean Grey, with the flat surfaces 20B deck Blue, time for the 00000 liner to come out.... (I haven't used one in over 20 years, I hope I remember how) Onward...
  8. Well that is Tennessee sippin' whisky, maybe she expects you to be sippin' for a while...... {chuckle}
  9. Probably not, they are very small, low resolution images... (probably 72 DPI) way too small to digitally redraw.... Most cad transfers are done at 1-1 scale, it is much easier to do that way..... The Best software for doing this is Autodesk's Raster Design, (an add on to autocad) It's designed to take existing scanned paper drawing images and convert them into cad drawings.... Been in used for several years now and has all the tools needed to take out any scanner distortion that is added to the drawings in the conversion process, and yes there will be distortions...... Happens to all scanned drawings.... It is still a trace over process though, just that Raster Design is intended to make the process as painless and easy as possible......
  10. Here ya go.... https://artesanialatina.net/en/ideas-para-regalar/3469-stage-coach-1848-wooden-model-heritage-collection.html The instructions are available from Artesania Latina as a pdf download... click the tab labeled instructions.... Merry Christmas... EG
  11. Ok just making it back to the comfy chair.... stole some of the wife's homemade Peanut Brittle, 1/4 inch thick and tasty, her five pound fudge, and Cherry Bars... (really had to steal the CB's they don't last long around here) I don't have any of the fruit cake, it's on the centerpiece of the table and she's guarding it, not till christmas.... The Admiral can cook when she wants to, baking is her specialty..... Pass the plates around my friends.... enjoy... And merry christmas everyone...
  12. Oh I've always been a sucker for RAF birds assigned to USAAC units... Something 25th or 345th BG's maybe? Guess I'll have to find another comfy chair.....
  13. I have my friend, I have.... you must understand, shoes are necessary, models are not.....(according to the war department, the admiral is sympathetic though)
  14. It is a 2002 Eagle model, kit produced in 2006 so it is still current production, both model and real life.... Simple and pure laziness....
  15. Actually, it's just being lazy, there are plenty of examples rolling around......
  16. I understand fully, but I think you've got it handled Patrick.... Ambitious project.....
  17. They draw a lot of eyes, and when cleaned up or even restored they are very pretty, but not too many people have the money to afford the upkeep..... Boat stands for "Break Out Another Thousand" ..... FIRE Truck stands for "Fully Involved Retirement Expense" Truck.... Not a whole lot of people want to own one so an old retired pumper can be had real cheap.......
  18. Because they are trying to fit the most common colors in the paint manufacturer they chose to list in the instructions..... and if this is what is happening, it is an oldie but a goodie.... Today they do a much better job as trying to get a decent look...
  19. I agree, always test new techniques first before committing them to a display piece....
  20. You remember one that was a shareware hot seller, Pacific Aces I think it was called, came on a 5.25 floppy...
  21. Parking it right next to an F-101, that's appropriate.....
  22. Open or closed cab Kurt? 700 series I believe... They can be had for around 1,500.00 if someone really has to have one...
  23. And the same to you Chris, and don't go drinking all the nog, save some for the rest of us.... {chuckle}
  24. Yeah it is a nice kit, I have a friend that does that to every model he builds, screws it to a plank, all wheels, they don't move that way but occasionally he bumps one moving it around and has to fix all the landing gear at that point...... As long as he keeps them out of harm's way, they seldom get damaged that way though....
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