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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. Well the Jetstream as predicted for midnight tonight.... Heading straight for the northern gulf coast of Florida... It may shift in the next few days, but that is dictating the track at the present... It's acting like a huge vacuum pulling at and intensifying the low pressure system... If it's not a cat 5, it will be... EVERYONE STAY SAFE... PLEASE...
  2. Yeah, I ran into that doing my research... Everyone's got an opinion, and theirs IS the way... {chuckle} And, because they posted in on the internet it is the "Best" way.... But, we have experienced veteran modelers here on MSW, and we know that there are many "Best" ways of doing things, find the one that works for you brother... I know you will...
  3. Well, if you want the old oxidized aluminum finish, you can try it by hand.... (I know airbrushes are the "in" thing)... I know old school, over a rattlecan flat black primer.... Depends upon the look you want, new and freshly issued or well used flightline trooper, combat vet... The possibilities are endless brother...
  4. Yeah it does, and the gloss provides the reflectivity... they both look good but that 1/32 bird has the look of a brand new bird just off the assembly line.... simply beautiful.... Well done..
  5. You too my friend, stay safe.... I went thru one of those early fall hurricanes way back as a younker, inside the house the wind was whistling like it was a train whistle roaring by, lost a lot of trees, those big willows, tipped out of the ground like they were growing out of mud.... Thankfully the one in the back yard didn't go over... Scary stuff....
  6. It depends on the final look you want, most of the sprays give a flavor of new metallic with varying grades of shine, although I've been impressed with a few of the sprays that have been coming out... For shiny aluminum, gloss black undercoat with a thinned aluminum overcoat, for an oxidized aluminum finish dark grey gloss with a bit heavier coat of aluminum... Me I will still do it in RnB... But that's the old school way... I'll be following brother...
  7. Yeah the best laid plans and all that, Just stay safe my friend....
  8. There is something going on in that real life photo that is making the grey underside of the wing virtually glow with light causing the turbosuperchargers exhaust to be a lot darker than it usually is, On your model you can take it a bit darker but not much, looks pretty good from where I sit....
  9. I've always said, daylight tells the tale... The sun never lies... I think you've nailed the faded OD finish, gonna look the part that's for sure... US OD Green is the chameleon paint, it can be any number of shades depending on light and angle... Well done, I wouldn't change a thing....
  10. WnW 1/32nd Scale I have the Late F2A and will be raiding two WnW DH9a "Ninaks" for the Liberty engines, the DH9a's have a fuselage fairing over the engines so they can be built without the engine inside, they just show the exhausts on the side... Will have to find some appropriate exhaust manifolds to install on the Ninak's... Right and Left handed 6 cylinder manifolds should work, two each... {chuckle}
  11. Well I've got the Liberty engines coming and the F2A, and yes when serving with the fleet assigned to Utility Squadron 1 attached to the USS Wright in 1922 they had Chrome yellow upper wing and Hor. stab surfaces with star with red dot insignias.... YEA TEAM!!!! She can be built as a yellow wing... Chrome Yellow photographs dark in the early film days... Overall navy grey with a black hull bottom, Silver doped lower wing + underside of the H stab, Chrome Yellow top of the upper wing and H stab... Should be pretty....
  12. Will do brother, When I start getting my head back into modeling I'll give you a shout.... And I will have the Catapult files sorted by then as well... (Unless you want them now) There is another thing I leaned about the Felixtowne F2A's... The chief designer of the F.2A, John Porte, had co-operated with Glenn Curtiss for many years and Curtiss had great experience in designing and building flying boats. He was the guy that worked with Curtis on designing the H-12 earlier... His company Felixtowne gave a license to build the F2A in the US as the Curtis H-16, in fact the RN flew more Curtis's than they did Felixtowne's but this allowed Curtis to sell the H-16 to the US navy... In British service the Felixtowne's only lasted into 1919 until they were retired for good, but they served in the US Navy well into the late 20's... They were anericanized though using Liberty engines... So it's enitrely possible to have a yellowing Felixtown F2A disguised as a Curtis H-16, all we would have to do is substitute to a pair of Liberty engines for the conversion... During the war the US Navy flown versions pretty much only flew in the US and didn't arrive in England until the war was over, but the RN flew more of them than they did the F2A.... I haven't found a pic of a Yellowing version yet which is my new research mission... (and to find a Liberty engine in 1/32 scale)
  13. Yeah I have the Kittyhawk Kingfisher and the Big Ed for it...The Catapult is the P-6 Standard US Navy catapult... It is a 3D print model, a bit basic but can be printed in any scale you want it in... It was a free download from the net but I don't remember where, I've had it for a while... I've combined the DOCX build log files into a single PDF so you can see what it is.... I remember it as free and there is no attribution in the file so I'm pretty sure it's public domain... I've uploaded it below for whomever wants it... I haven't checked the STL files for errors yet, but I will if anyone likes what they see and wants it... US Navy Standard P-6 Catapult 1933-52.pdf
  14. I have the WWII catapult (3D print files) for my kingfisher, I was thinking of doing mine as a bird off the Arizona when she was a yellowing or off the Washington when she was three color blue.... The Catapult is the same whether the center deck one on the old battleships or the newer deck edge ones on the fast battleships... That's quite the collection of flying boats.... a biplane yellowing? {chuckle} just kidding... (there were no yellowing Felixtowns) the Felixtown was a British built derivative/development of the Curtis H-12 flying boat... (cause the Curtis company could not fill the RN's orders fast enough besides the guy that helped Curtis build the H-12 was an Englishman and when the war broke out he served in the RN and developed the Felixtown line of FB's directly off his experience and knowledge of Curtis's designs......) They look almost identical, you would have to do your research to figure out where they were different... (the hull, the F2A hull design became the standard for all flying boats built anywhere)
  15. AS will I be watching, I have about a dozen WnW and others to eventually build...
  16. Kool pic, nice shot as well... But I was wondering, how you gonna model that flat tire? {chuckle} I'm down for this one brother....
  17. There is just something about Silver & Black with Yellow, Red and Green details that just work.... They combine to make beautiful looking aircraft... Well done Mike, and another yellow wing for the collection...
  18. The buckboard is probably the easiest and it's mechanicals cross over to each of the others so in the end there will be fewer questions, The Conestoga is probably the simplest of the bunch but is heavier and larger... in a scale of simplest to most complex, Conestoga, Chuck, Medicine, Buckboard, Buggy, Concord & Pumper... When you get done with all seven you will be a master at the craft...
  19. Nice looking spit there brother... the spit was my first large scale plane way back in the day, it holds a special place...
  20. You metal finish is in scale and look good, at a bigger scale you would have to get finer with it but it's a nice result for getting your feet wet in BMF's... The presentation isn't bad either, not too many do in flight displays anymore.... Well done...
  21. Tamiya P-51D/K in 1/32nd scale... and yes it looks very good...
  22. It's gotta be a Volks-Luft 2146 thing... {Chuckle}
  23. Nice car... Foose is not really my cup 'o' tea but you executed it well....
  24. Sounds good to me, this type of modeling is all about figuring a method to get the effect/look you want, any way of doing it is acceptable...
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