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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. They didn't start teaching that till after we were long gone.... That was back when they wanted us to use our heads for more than a hat rack.... Now they are real frustrated that we do... And that is just deplorable I tell ya.. {chuckle}
  2. Been there done that, you know what the Admiral says, "if your not having fun then what is the point?" Do what makes you feel good in the long run brother.... we all understand....
  3. I would suggest the point of an indelible black gel pen.... maybe a millimeter in size? Cover them right up real quick and never come off....
  4. They would be bigger cause they were paraffin wax based lamps, the base was a big giant wax pot or candle holder... Much like a whale oil lamp but with much heavier oil... they were bigger cause they didn't put out much light, barely enough to see the step into the stage.... But, they would burn all night without tending and last for several days before refilling.....
  5. Depends upon where they were used, if on the post road between Boston and NY they were probably painted in shellac paints and polished to a very high gloss... (for a higher class crowd) Out west, painted in whatever colors the line used, not polished with bare wood oiled.... They all used gold leaf lettering in the usual fancy script style and again depending on where they worked lamps on either the front two corners or all four corners... No glazing but in areas that were subject to dusty conditions they usually had canvas dodgers to cover the windows.... Another thing, western coaches used either a four or six horse team where eastern coaches used a two or occasionally four horse team..... Western coaches weren't as ornate as the eastern coaches.... they were more utilitarian....
  6. I was wondering how they were going to form the convex curve of the coach sides, you going to steam the veneer or lay it dry?
  7. They look fine my friend, Excellent in fact..... Sometimes accident is a better artist than all the skill in the world... Sometimes it is best to roll with the flow....
  8. You can't get it thru desertcart.com.au? https://www.desertcart.com.au/products/7862466-krylon-k01050007-premium-metallic-gold-foil-gloss-8-ounce Pretty pricey I see but they offer less expensive alternatives as well... Then there is this one which claims they have it in stock.... https://www.caprioleshabbychic.com.au/Krylon-Premium-Metallic-18-KT-Gold-Spray-Paint-8-Oz
  9. Thank you very much Ed, Missed ya around these parts.... Of course I haven't had the time to really pay any attention though...
  10. Thanks Papa, Well, there was a bit more work to it than that I'll admit, but not much.... It went together real easy...
  11. Back in the '80's I had occasion to experience this effect, the T-birds were flying at the McChord open house.... The viewing stands extended from the base of the tower in front of the south hangar northward along the runway.... There about 10 yds between where I was standing and the hangar door..... The diamond formation had just cleared the low speed pass from north to south and was exiting the area, nothing at that point causing the crowd to look around to see what was next.... BOOM! #5 came out right over the hangar over the crown and busted all our eardrums, he wasn't supersonic, but he sure sounded like it.... He pulled up into a vertical climb and disappeared... Very impressive.....
  12. If I had had an AF rig (F-4E) I would have did a spiffy paint job brother... but I just went with what I had.... As far blood on the model goes, the Admiral has a saying, It's not mine till it's drawn blood... (most of mine have some form of personal contribution in it somewhere) This one is no different.... {chuckle}
  13. Thanks Lou, Much appreciated! She is definitely a space taker..... I was thinking of making her wheels up and hanging her off the ceiling but I couldn't figure out how to represent the exhaust plumes My personal favorite name was the phrase; "Worlds biggest distributor of Mig parts" {chuckle}
  14. Thanks Gary, It was an amazing aircraft.... There was a development model that was adding newer turbofan engines to the airframe with water injection which would have made it a Mach 3 aircraft... It was rejected by the Airforce because it got too close to the performance of the SR-71, I think the Israelis built a toned down version but it wasn't put into production either... The first real do anything aircraft... The H-13's are suffering from the ultra fine detail affliction, what my minds eye sees compared to what is possible.... I'm working through that at this point and with the wife in her situation I really haven't the time to go into that level of engineering... Probably going to have to turn down the expectations on them... This build was something quick and easy as a way to relieve stress.... They are still coming as are several others... EG
  15. But your battle took place in June, Rye doesn't harvest until late fall, so a little shorter and green would be the choices upper thigh height about 10 - 12 mm... or that's some awful tall rye... I'm sure whatever you choose it's going to look spectacular... PS: I updated that post you quoted with a bit more info and links..
  16. So your looking at about 3' in scale..... Probably "N" scale wheat or hay..... Check this out.... https://www.sceneryexpress.com/Grass-Mats/departments/1051/ From that link you get to this.... https://www.sceneryexpress.com/NEW-12MM-MEADOW-GREEN-STATIC-GRASS-40g_14-oz/productinfo/NH07110/ 12 mm right in what your looking for and it's colored green or golden, late spring/early summer to late fall harvest time..... close to perfect for June in French fields... And this, How to build a Grassinator http://www.pacificcoastairlinerr.com/grassinator/ I hope this helps as I can't find much in the way of tall grass in mats or sheets... Fake Fur is another technique that has gotten good results...
  17. Cool! I'm glad he did change his mind, He makes a good product I would definitely second the motion to get masks from Kenny.... They ARE worth it....
  18. Look like your learning curve is beginning to shallow out.... Excellent, it will get to be even more fun when it's flatlined.... Great deal! Enjoy...
  19. Yeah I know, when I talked to him about getting glue, I asked about masks for my Gwin build he told me all he is doing now is selling off the residuals left over... He may have changed his mind though it's been a while since I talked with him...
  20. Kenny quit making masks over two years ago.... He still makes Gator's Grip glue though....
  21. A suggestion? Thin copy paper, find the font you like, scale to the size you need, print, cutout the individual number/letters, soak in a 50/50 mix of PVA and water, stick it to the side, when dry, clear flat overcoat it....... I've seen it done on much smaller models.... 2nd method? Heavy paper like card stock, find the font you like, scale to the size you need, print, cutout the individual number/letters, use the sheet as a template for spray painting them on.... Numbers/letters in that size are easy with a computer....
  22. You call that grubby, looks downright clean for an old style garage.... The jack look good, and both being up against a wall would be perfect, the only thing I would add is an oil pitcher, 4 qt size sitting on the oil tank and a funnel.... Well done my friend....
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