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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. Well, My Anycubic Mono X finally arrived today, (2 days late after a 1k miles side trip around southern California) along with it's accompanying Wash & Cure Plus...... Unfortunately, the 1 kg of resin that was supposed to be delivered with it didn't arrive.... I hope Anycubic is as good as the reviews say they are and they get it out quickly.... So until then, I'm still waiting... Will say more when there is something to say... {chuckle} EG
  2. 2021 SP3 There's a newer version out there now...
  3. I'll be talking about it Craig, once it gets here and I've had a chance to set it up.... Still need to finish my Solidworks courses... (as life allows) But I think I'm making progress..... For example.... A Sunseeker Predator 108 in Solidworks..... I think I'm learning something..... I'll keep everyone informed... (and stop hijacking the thread)
  4. It was a combo deal direct from Anycubic... got the Mono X and the Wash n Cure 2 as well... The build cube is 7.5"w x 4.5"d x 9.5"t ... The Elegoo Saturn has the same build cube volume... DLP is the coming thing, FormLabs is already out there with it for commercial use... (at a commercial price tag as well, well north of $4,000) but it will eventually get here... Mine hasn't arrived yet, It shipped from Chino CA, the Anycubic warehouse, shipped by FedEx, after almost 1K miles and a weeks time it arrived at Lodi CA ..... (20 miles down the freeway) {chuckle} Currently is is in Happy Valley OR, and two days late.... I hope it gets here before the next millennium passes.... Your work is impressive my friend, that wheel looks nice, and you printed it in clear, probably gonna be asking questions eventually... I'm a complete 100% newbie to 3D printing.... It's gonna be a trip....
  5. Here are the two instructions, it is plain that they obtained the F-4E by adding new parts for the nose, an extension for the gun section, a new radar fairing and nose tube.... F-4J (pdf) F-4E (pdf) Essentially the same model assembled in the same way with extra parts for the E version....
  6. Just to make sure.... Here is a comparison of the F-4E profile with the FG.1 profile .. (FG.1 is the Royal Navy's F-4C/J) Clearly the nose is 6 feet longer..... (the most noticeable variation, there are others though on close examination.... Probably the best site for detailed scale info on the F-4's various profiles is this.... Wings of Pegasus.... Great site for modeling various aircraft....
  7. Truth of the matter is, these kind of announcements are made from time to time, and never come to fruition..... But I will keep my eye out... every one knows the deficiencies of the Phantom II Models currently out there now, even the vaunted Tamiya Phantom has it's own accuracy issues... (there are a lot of rivet counters out there still) I think you would need 18 or so individual kits to represent the entire design chain... When has that ever happened to any subject? It's what keeps the aftermarket business busy... Most of the time we are lucky to get one or two variations on a subject and are left to our own devices to make them accurate to what we want to put on our shelf...
  8. I know it is, You know it is, Everyone who is familiar with the various F-4 variations know it is brother... You also mentioned it earlier in the thread.... What I was referring to is the Revell F-4E is derived off their earlier F-4J molds.... So the Sparrows are the same molding my friend... That is why they fit like a glove.... I sure wasn't alluding that you didn't know what your talking about... I sincerely apologize if it felt that way....
  9. No problem Dan, it's what we do here... I would go with the info from that discussion as they probably have a thousand times more info than I do.... I know enough to know that there is no definitive info on what the colors were specifically so no one can say your wrong, which one of the authors says himself.... (although he did confirm the BMF and Grey colors on most of the Russian aircraft in Russian service and that the BMF applied was really painted BMF not actual BMF) Also, that although there were rules and specifications for painting one must remember that it was left to the best judgment of the people in the field to mix the paints to get the specified colors..... Which means you can pretty much come up with any color combination if you don't have the specific ratios used... The authors and researchers also covered that issue as well... And I just found another source and has some very grainy shots of a Russian aircraft in Korea sporting a paint job that at least in greytone pattern is similar to the one posted by Popeye..... And that's the problem with postwar, (WWII) soviet aircraft coloration, there just isn't sufficient images commonly available to make color decisions on and B&W greytone is nothing to ever judge colors by without documentation..... I would go the same way it appears you have already decided, from the best info available... Thank you for the link, it's leading to even more info for my archives....
  10. Tamiya's first 1/32nd F-4 was in '95.... Academy just released a new tooling one this year..... It's definitely not a Japanese or Italian product, it felt American in it's assembly... It was like assembling the Revell F-4E without the chin gun..... Wait a sec.... Yep it's a Revell, 1972 new release, F-4J Phantom Kit H-188.... I'll be damned, That's why the '74 F-4E's sparrows fit so well... They are the same kit.... {chuckle} Strange thing is, back then Revell always molded copyrite info inside one of the fuselage halves, I specifically looked for such and it wasn't there...... Someone must have cleaned it off when they took all the parts off the sprues cause it just wasn't there.... Well, now we know.... I built the F-4E way back in the early '80's that's probably why it felt so familiar and went together so easy, I had already built one before... In fact the lack of a chin gun is how I decided it was a "J" model.... My rookie model childhood is coming back to haunt me.....
  11. Thanks Mike, seems like when I'm not really trying everyone thinks it's the bees knees.... It's much appreciated my friend....
  12. I just picked up an Anycubic Mono X at a decent sale price, delivery Thursday... (I hope) From what I'm seeing here looks like the right machine....
  13. Here are some historical schemes..... Second one down is a good historical scheme in which some photographic evidence from the era is available to establish it as a real scheme....
  14. Hi Dan, the basic lowdown on Mig 15 Camo is kind like this... Russian: Overall aluminum, they didn't paint them usually (there are exceptions I know, mostly grey) Chinese: Mostly aluminum in the early years, Green over Grey mid years, (Korean War) and Green/Grey and brown in later years..... Vietnamese: Green & Brown camo... All had Grey undersides except for the BMF birds.... There were many other that flew them and the colorations are all over the spectrum for them... you would have to research, Example: Egyptian would be sand yellow overall Pakistani would be Green & Brown.... (with grey undersides) Generally satellite countries used them as received.... Generally bare metal or grey overall is how they are usually perceived best representing their era which was the '50's.... Your bird specifically looks like a mid life bird to me, (second generation) So in general, putting a BMF on it now would remove all the spectacular work you've already done... Light greyish tones are the ticket in my humble opinion.... That would give you a late 50's early 60's Russian or Chinese bird.... Beautiful job, the almost polish smooth finish you've done to the base coats, the finish should be spectacular....
  15. Hey OC, you gonna cut the grooves between the cobbles? {chuckle} (they were there)
  16. Spent a good bit of my youth working a Vermont dairy milking barn.... No hip waders or gas mask either..... Not a job for the faint of heart.... AND you learn the difference between a shovel and a spade real quick....
  17. It's easy to do on a windows machine, open it in viewer, (Windows native) hit the rotate button, and close it... Nice job on the ship.... looks like it belongs in a museum...
  18. There you go Harley.... Beautiful Model!!! Love the water setting.... She's at Home....
  19. Lessons learned and sometimes re-learned.... I've had a lot of these "boot oneself in the butt" moments in my model building career, they make one a better modeler in the end.... Fantastic recovery my friend....
  20. Ohh Yves, I've already have been second guessing myself..... Lord Mr. Ford, what have I done.... {chuckle}
  21. Amen Craig, When it gets perfected and accepted take a moment to think of how many construction workers it is going to put out of work.... And how does one evaluate the values of houses built this way... A much more efficient and cheaper method of building residential and light commercial buildings..... It's going to change the world......
  22. And just in case anyone is having doubts if 3D printing isn't the latest and greatest thing... Check this out.... 3D printing is going life sized.... Coming to a neighborhood near you... (eventually)
  23. The work you guys have been doing the last few weeks caused me to drop off the edge.... I pulled the trigger on a printer and just received the notice that it's on the way care of Fed Ex..... I've been on the edge for several months now from pulling the trigger.... I hope I'm not racing down another rabbit hole..... {chuckle} Nice work Alan, definitive proof that perseverance pays off....
  24. With a multi dispenser on the centerline loaded with Mk-82's.... Best CAS aircraft ever built....
  25. Yep, they created huge bow waves, even at lower speeds, your description of "plowing" the water is correct... Essentially lifting it and throwing it to the side.... Exactly like a farm plow turns the soil... The waves they created at any serious speed could easily swamp a cutter that was too close....
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