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Robert Taylor

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Everything posted by Robert Taylor

  1. Hi Steve Thanks for your kind words. Not to sure what you meant by way of Standing rigging on this kit as it is in Black, however I deliberately done the ratlines in a natural beige colour to offset against the Colour scheme I improvised on and totally changed regards to the kit instructions. I have recently completed my Next kit the "Royal Louis" - Heller 1/200 which I again have heavily improvised. There is a Log on here with regards to the whole build. All the best Robert. 👍🤺⚓
  2. After 8 Months of loving this build, heavily improvising and pushing my capabilities, my 1759 ROYAL LOUIS - HELLER 1/200 is FINISHED. 5 months of building the kit and rigging her up and 3 months to Hand sew 20 sails and add reef lines, Bowlinesand Braces, I can honestly say I feel burnt out, strained but very happy. It may not be perfect or historically accurate but I have pushed my own capabilities to the max, I still have a lot to perfect and learn, if I can. But for now I can sit bk and enjoy her as I hope some of you will. Happy modelling everyone and keep building and enjoying our great hobby and Art. All the best and #staysafe Rob 👍🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓
  3. 1759 ROYAL LOUIS - Heller 1/200 WIP UPDATE Jib sail, Fore Topmast staysail & Foremast staysail all sewn and rigged. Next stage will be to cut and sew Mainmast Topgallant & Topmast staysails as well as Mainmast staysail then rig them up. Rigging all the staysails first as it will give me more room to manoeuvre when I go to rig Fore, Main & Mizzen sails with regards to their own rigging and eventually the backstays. Happy modelling everyone #staysafe 👍🤺🤺⚓⚓
  4. 1759 ROYAL LOUIS 1/200 HELLER MODIFIED WIP Update. All shrouds and Ratlines finally finished along with scratch built animal pen lifeboat sails and rope shanks for decking detail. Next stage plan will be measuring, cutting and hand sewing 21 sails then rigging them with blocks to rig to the yards. After which there will be more rigging of the ship with the likes of braces and backstays etc... Trying to do my utmost within my capabilities to bring out the best in this ship at this scale. Happy modelling everyone #staysafe 👍🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓
  5. A bit of Improvisation scratch building for the Royal Louis - 1/200 Heller while I take a break from the ratlines. These parts aren't in the Heller kit, but in the Mamoli Royal Louis kit. It's an Animal pen for the likes of chicken and pigs obviously for officer consumption. This is installed at the back of the Poopdeck. I just thought it would be good since that part of the ship is quite bare on the Heller kit. Made from stirrers you get from coffee shops and similar other places. Painted with Humbrol Matt 94 Brown Yellow, Revell 84 Leather Brown and weathered with Humbrol Dark brown wash. Also a bit of detail Improvisation on the life boats. All the best #staysafe Robert
  6. Hi Ian, I am still learning too, just got bk into modelling just over a year ago, hadn't built anything since I was 12, 41 years ago. Just depends what time you have on your hands outwith work and family etc... everyone is different in that respect, it not a race anyway my friend, patience is the key and to do the best with your abilities, I am by no means an expert and never will be, but I do the best I can through my own abilities. Happy modelling Ian #staysafe 😷👍🤺⚓
  7. ROYAL LOUIS - 1/200 HELLER WIP Update. Finished the Ratlines on the Foremast, and have improvised and added extensive rigging to the Bow and Spritsail as far as I can atm, as I will be adding home made cloth sails later, so will be adding more rigging after this. Next stage I am rigging 36 pairs of deadeyes for the Main mast, then it will be running rigging, Shrouds and ratlines again. Just as a matter of curiosity I counted the amount of knots I tied for the foremast ratlines, 466 in total no wonder you get tired and need to take breaks now and then. All the best everyone and Happy modelling #staysafe 😷👍🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓
  8. Another Superb reference book in The Anatomy of Nelson's ships great find for only £4.60 all in.
  9. Just arrived another 3 reference books in the shape of the "Anatomy of the ship " series.
  10. ROYAL LOUIS - Heller 1/200 WIP Not had much time of late for working on my Royal Louis due to work and other projects Running rigging done for the Foremast. Rigged the Foremast deadeyes now rigging the Shrouds. Yes it's a long process but very satisfying and therapeutic seeing your kit slowly coming together they way you want it. Happy modelling everyone and staysafe 👍⚓⚓🤺🤺😷
  11. ROYAL LOUIS - 1/200 HELLER WIP UPDATE. Improvised on poor kit Rigging instructions, Standing rigging now done, finished with all Walnut Heart blocks, Deadeyes, single and double blocks. Next stage will be the Running rigging, again which I will need to improvise on. I will also work as I have done before per mast, regards to Running rigging then Shrouds and ratlines for that particular mast then move on to the next mast and so forth. Happy modelling everyone 🤺🤺⚓⚓
  12. Imho Rigging Period ship models is Excellent and a definite must have. 120 pages, Each rigging procedure with detailed large drawings. An absolutely superb book.
  13. These are the New books on my shelf so far after looking at reviews and after a pre overview of them on Google.
  14. Thanks for those kind words, yes the plastic ones that came with the kit were really poor, to thin, and soft and weak, they would never have stood up to any rigging whatsoever. I will need to develop both Standing and running rigging by myself, as the rigging instructions in the kit are pretty simplified if not basic, such is the way with a lot of kits. Thanks again and hope you are keeping well, #staysafe. Happy modelling 👍🤺🤺⚓⚓
  15. ROYAL LOUIS - 1/200 Heller WIP update. All Masts,Yards,Bowsprit and Flagstaff measured, cut, built, painted, weathered and mounted. Deadeye platforms mounted with supports. Fighting Canopies/Crowsnests altered for rigging. Next stage Standing rigging.....
  16. ROYAL LOUIS ARMED & READY update - HELLER 1/200 Decks all fitted and weathered along with Capstan, Stairs, Rudder and fittings. 120 Cannons now mounted with tiebacks on all 5 Decks. 74 Cannon port Arches mounted as is 66 Cannon Hatches. Royal Louis Figurehead and architecture fitted and weathered. Transom and side Galleries all fitted and Weathered. Bowsprit cut and mounted, modified from Dowels. Next stage will be to Measure, cut and modify dowels for All Masts Yards and Flagstaff.
  17. Update on my ROYAL LOUIS 1:200 Heller kit. 32x 36 pounder Cannons (Main Battery) 34 x 32 pounder Cannons (2nd Battery) All loaded. Main Deck weathered and installed. 60 Deadeye straps installed. Next stage assembling 32x 24 pounder Cannons with tiebacks and installing onto the main deck. All in all coming together slowly, reading between the French and English(Download) instructions, as of yet no real problems at all apart from having to wash every part due to mould release so as to give proper paint application first time around. Still swithering whether to paint waterline same light wood colour as Upper Hull then weather it, albeit the waterline does not have any wood grain mould effect on it, but I have lightly sanded it down to give a Matt finish rather than painting it white. Long way to go, an enjoyable build taking my time. Happy Modelling Everyone Staysafe 🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓.
  18. Starting my New Build of 2021.... The "ROYAL LOUIS" 1/200 - Heller. The Drawing of the Hull, the distribution of the artillery and rigging were drawn from a description of the ship's lines by Comte d'ESTAING dated 25 September 1772. The building plans were prepared by the famous Naval architect MR, OLLIVIER. The ROYAL LOUIS was a first rate ship, it was armed with 120 cannons, including 32 x 36 calibre guns each weighing nearly 5 Tonnes. In 1779-1780, ROYAL LOUIS was a lead ship of the Blue-White Squadron, which was part of the so-called "Comte d'ESTAING" America Squadron. Prep work done to Hulls inside and out to make the paintwork more applicable. Cannon carriages started, 4 different sizes, 40 done only another 80 to go, then on to the Cannons themselves. This will be the most time consuming painting within the kit itself, even more so than the stern gallery architecture. 648 parts plus alterations, Big job ahead, quite probably replacing the masts with wooden ones as well. Happy modelling everyone Staysafe and take care 🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓
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