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Robert Taylor

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Everything posted by Robert Taylor

  1. Hi Bill, Firstly I must say that this set of sails I bought, but they were expensive thus my decision to make my own. Secondly I can see from your instructions your kit does have blocks with it regards to the bowsprit sails etc.. so it may just depend whether you want to swap them for wooden ones or just paint them, I would just paint them like you have decided mate, saves a lot of unnecessary spending as I have used the plastic ones with this kit. Normally sails will be attached to the running rigging which should be of a tan or brown colour thread, not the standing rigging which is usually black thread, so if you have not started your running rigging you may need to check bk on your rigging instructions to when to do it stage by stage. P.s. Just send me over your private jet and I will happily come over to help you out ✈😉
  2. Hi Bill, Very similar to my own, being a Revell Kit. In mine I have followed the instructions and have blocks rigged to the yards, but I have also still to rigg the blocks to the sails. In most cases I think it's more down to the individual preference whether sails are just rigged with thread or if you want to add rigging blocks for mor authenticity. Here's a pic of my instructions albeit the blocks that come with this kit are clearly I identified. And another pic of blocks I bought and tied to my Golden Hind kit I finished 3 months or so ago. Myself I prefer to rigg blocks to the sails and take it from there.
  3. Hi Bill, Yes only sew the modelling wire into the sides, top and bottom get sowed as normal, as top will be rigged to yards, and the two bottom corners will probably have blocks sowed onto them to be able to have them rigged, depending on your preference or the instructions in from your kit.
  4. Nice on Bill, yes I have heard of the Kentucky Derby albeit I am not a horse racing fan. Haven't been to Dornoch myself but have been to John o'groats and wick many years ago. Did you spot Nessie at all 😉 and have ever been looking for "The Haggis" 😉
  5. Yes it definitely is. Although I have never tried the Pva glue way, I have watched at least half a dozen videos on YouTube, and i thought to myself that there had to be a less messy time consuming way to billow sails. I've known how to measure and sew since I was 7years old and that's why I decided to do it that way with modelling wire.
  6. Hi Bill Another cracker in that USS Consitution. On the Sails part I would suggest also when you use the plastic ones as templates, add an extra 1cm or so all round, this will act as the flaps which you fold over and sew thus keeping the Sails to scale size, also it gives you the space to insert the 3mm modelling wire to billow the sails before sewing up and finishing them off.
  7. Enjoy Bill, that's the main thing. Just wondered have you ever made your own sails before?
  8. That looks Fantastic Bill, what make and scale is it? Don't fancy doing all those sails lol.. I've heard a lot of good things about the Heller Victory and Soleil Royal 1/100 kits, I would love to have one of those preferably the Soleil Royal but my budget just now doesnt reach that far and I do have a lot of Galleons in my stash waiting to get built. Also heard that both of those kits usually take between 1-3yrs to complete, obviously depending on how much time you can spend on them, but with both having over 2000 parts it's not surprising I guess.
  9. Nice one Bill, key is just to take your time, no rush mate. Any more questions don't hesitate to ask. Btw The Cutty Sark and I think the Victory are two kits I haven't built. I kinda prefer more period Elizabethan galleons, even Carracks and some of the Heller kits are cracking.
  10. Enamels all the time, while Acrylics are to a certain extent easier to work with, they are brittle and easily scratched unless you want to double or triple your work by putting a clear gloss or lacquer finish o top. To me Enamels incorporate all of this in one go, ok slightly longer drying time, but long term made to last. I try and use Matt enamels all the time as gloss ones are the worst for drying and mixing sometimes, so where I can, i try and substitute one for the other as long as it doesn't take away that original look. Hope this helps Bill 👍
  11. Hi Bill, That's ok, i don't mind you asking questions. Yes the sails in my first log is the same ones I will be rigging up for this kit. I also inserted 3mm modelling/jewelry wire in the sides only before sewing them up, so I can bend/mould them so that it makes the sails billow out. A lot less time consuming and less messier that pva glue on cloth etc.. The Kit is all hand painted, it's all I have ever done, as usually Galleons is all i ever build and with these kits you can't really airbrush much, the time you do take to set up paint &airbrush then mask pieces off, you could have painted by hand. I also don't own an airbrush, which is kinda weird as I was a spray painter for 10yrs. Everyone has their own opinion on airbrushing regard finish etc.. but for me i think its lazy. I guess it just depends on what Kit and size your making too. Hope this helps Bill 👍
  12. Hi Bill I made my own sails using a cream coloured pillow case, just a mix betwee cotton and linen, using the plastic sails with the kit as templates, then hand sowed everything. Also the paint colour scheme I thought long and hard about as I definitely thought it needed changing from the kit instructions, took me a lot longer than I thought. I knew what I wanted to do with the hull, and a little of the galleries but most decisions were done stage by stage per the instructions. Sometimes you can have a vision in your head but it's not till it's in front of you that you can decide for definite sometimes. I also done a little rengraving of the architecture on the galleries too. Like any model though you can paint it whatever way you think suits.
  13. Yes that's more or less true, I found the kit is an actual mix of both English and Spanish Galleons, it is of course the same kit as the Spanish Galleon but for a few alterations, and the Spanish Galleon kit came out before the English one. It's not an actual model of a particular English Galleon, only in parts.
  14. Progress update on my English Man O'war 1:96 Revell. Slight change in plan, rather than doing all the ratlines first, I decided to do the standing rigging as per mast, then the ratlines for that appropriate mast, a lot easier to work inside to outside of the ship albeit it is still a long process. I have also painted and rigged the rest of the Bowsprit as well as the Figurehead so that is more or less finished now, just rigging up the ratlines for the foremast. Next stage is the main mast.
  15. Yes these are the rigging instructions from revell, and I think a lot of them are OTT. Sadly I do not have access to accurate rigging instructions(if anyone has accurate details at all of any ships from this period) I will just have to go with the flow and try and adapt the more OTT instructions. I would also say this kit is not based on any whole English ship, only in parts. The kit is probably more based towards the "Spanish Galleon" kit from Revell as this came out first, this is essentially the same kit apart from a number of altered parts, so I would assume they have not changed the rigging instructions either.
  16. English Man O'war Revell 1:96 update. Foremast, Main mast, Mizzen mast & Bonaventure mast all reinforced built and painted, in place and rigged to stage. Now rigging the deadeyes for the ratlines that will be rigged before moving on to the 2nd level.
  17. Hi Steve, I would love to do that, and move on to wooden kits, but I dont have enough space to set up a lathe etc.. I am using the kitchen table atm as this is the only space I have, no spare room or Shed/workshop. This is my only option unless i make them by hand with the aid of Rasps and Files. Regards Robert.
  18. Hi Bill As I decided to change the colour scheme I scoured lots of different colours and makes, this one stuck out for me, its... Revell Matt 84 "Leather Brown" Regards Robert.
  19. Revell 1:96 "English Man O'war" update.. Sanding preparation, Reinforcing, building, painting & Rigging of the Bowsprit. ⚓⚓⚓🤺🤺🤺
  20. Thanks Jeff, took me ages to decide on the colour scheme, stop, start, stop, start, abandon, start, stop, start.... Never thought it would take as long, guess I was just used to going along with kit colours or minor changes.
  21. Update on the Progress of my take on Revell's 1:96 "English Man O'war" Its been a long 2 weeks or so since my last post because of various other factors and problems outwith my control. I have now Improvised the Colour scheme which took longer than I thought to decide on piece by piece, as well as doing improvising on some re-engraving of the design on the sides. Gallery sides and balconies all done and fitted with the stern. Also doors, windows, bayling pins, ladders all painted and fitted as well as the shroud stantions. Will be leaving the Anchor, Long boat and Rudder which are painted to near the end before fitting. Next up will be dealing with the Masts and part rigging, but since they seem to be done on a cheaper plastic, I will have to at least sand them down(maybe reinforce them inside as they are in 2 parts) before I can apply paint properly to the part. All in all its been along 2 weeks outwith this kit, just glad to get bk on it and getting the buzz again. Happy Modelling everyone Take care and #staysafe ⚓⚓⚓🤺🤺🤺
  22. Thanks Jeff mate, long way to go, I've got a vision of how I want it to look so hopefully it will all come together.
  23. Hi Folks First update on my take on my English Man O'war in a while. I've decided to change most of the colour scheme on this model as I feel Revell's doesnt have the feel of any Authenticity about it, so hopefully I can do it justice. Cannons assembled with tie backs, Decking and Hull painted and all assembled thus far, still a long way to go, with Colour scheme to be decided for the sides of the Quarterdeck and Poopdeck respectively. I think so far the most time consuming thing apart from the Sails which I previously spent 2 weeks hand sewing, has been deciding which colours to use and which are going to blend in, instead of it looking like 2 halves of ships stuck together like Revell's original plan. I have a few surprises to add Decoratively after painting, well that's the plan lol... we'll see what happens and where this ship takes me. ⚓⚓⚓⚓🤺🤺🤺🤺 Happy Modelling everyone #staysafe
  24. I don't build wooden models for the simple reason I have nowhere near enough space to have a workshop etc I've been looking at wooden kits in particular "The Revenge" which if I could would have plumped for the "Occre" Revenge, but that's just my option. That said i will be following the progress with adoration. This ship and the Golden hind are 2 Airfix kits I've built before, and they bring back very fond memories, the Golden Hind in fact I have just recently built again and posted on here. Anyway Keep up the great work Johnathan, really looking forward to future posts ⚓⚓🤺🤺
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