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Robert Taylor

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Everything posted by Robert Taylor

  1. Hi Bill Here is the Link for the Occre warranty Spare parts form. If you have or you accidentally break any parts or they or you lose parts no matter how big or many fill in the form in your language and kit ref no which is on the instructions along with the part ref and how many you need and Occre will replace and send them to you free of any charge 👍🤺⚓. https://warranty.occre.com/form.php
  2. Sorry for the late reply Bill, for some reasons I don't get notifications of all replies on MSW. Thank you very much for your kind words. Wow that's a lot of questions lol so I will try and break down my answers to each one in order. First of all like you I hadn't built any wooden models but also have years of working with wood experience just not on this scale. Like you I scoured a lot of models and also kept coming bk to the OCCRE'S Endeavour. I didn't want a ship build with very little detail, but also didn't want to bite off more than I could chew with a 3 decker and loads of gun ports, these were the 2 main reasons plus like you I really liked the ship and its history. Prett much most things are done straight from the kit, which I must say is top notch in the way of wood quality. Some of the parts I did change like the blocks (which were plastic in mine which I think was a slightly older kit but contacted Occre who replaced these with wood blocks and deadeyes free of any charge which is another reason as their customer service is absolutely brilliant) rigging thread, etc.. I also replaced the brass wire for the deadeyes with Mantua chain plates which were much more realistic and easy to use, the brass wire is not the best very hard to manipulate especially when making small articles. I also re measured and made my own sails as the ones with the kit, while good quality lacked the correct detail size and we're slightly too big imho. Along with other improvisations my thought process was even though the kit is highly detailed I thought I could add more and make it more custom made while keeping things as close to historical accuracy as possible. I did have too purchase aftermarket items such as better quality rigging thread, sail cloth and cloth flags, belaying pins and more blocks and deadeyes ( both walnut). I hope this helps your understanding Bill and that I haven't missed anything out. BTW I have just started my Soleil Royal as a side project as my work room needs refurbished so it's mainly all painting atm, however as I say SR will be a side project as I intend to start another wooden kit when everything is done. All the best Robert 👍 🤺 ⚓
  3. No problem O.B.one glad my build can help you in some way or another. Your build looks to be very small will be very interesting to follow and see how it turns out. Happy modelling my friend.
  4. Thank you very much for your kind words I am by no means an expert, just enjoying a hobby while learning and pushing my skill boundaries or at least trying to.
  5. OcCre 1/54 Endeavour FINISHED! After 13 months work on my Endeavour(my first wooden kit), she is finally finished. It's been a great kit & build. I have improvised in a few things like my 17 Hand sewn sails, 550 Reefpoints/gaskets, 55 rope hanks, 50 belaying pins, 40 chainplates , Rigging instructions conforming with the AOS ENDEAVOUR book etc... now after 1100 clove hitches, 164 Deadeyes, 250+ Rigging Blocks, 12 Heart blocks & god knows how many miles of thread, she is now ready to set sail. Wishing Everyone all the best in this great hobby of ours, and keep building those works of art. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed building her. Slainte Mhath Everyone 👍🍻🍻🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓
  6. Well due to Health issues and work commitments, Christmas and life in general I haven't been near my Endeavour in 2 months. I have only just got bk to her last week, so this is a short update on what I've managed to do so far. I have chosen to disregard the kit sails and hand sew my own as I felt some of the kit ones were too large and lacked enough stitching detail. So here is my First Hand sewn sail finished for my Occre Endeavour This is the Main Topsail with its 120 reef points attached. I have also inserted 0.8mm modelling wire in the sides so as to Billow the sail when it is rigged thus no need for a water/glue paste mix to hold the shape. Next sail up for Hand sewing will be the Fore Topsail which will also have approximately 120 reef points attached. Happy modelling everyone and a very apologetic and belated Merry Xmas and New year.
  7. Occre Endeavour 1/54 WIP update Its been 6 weeks or so since my last post, on and off with health issues which seem never ending atm, but I can now say that 90% of the rigging is finished with the exception of rigging sails and bowlines, threat of the sail rigging is in place as you can see from clothes pegs tied to these to keep them separated. Shrouds, ratlines, backstays, rope ladders, lifts etc etc... have all been finished. I have also added the 3rd backstay for the Fore and Main masts that weren't in the kit plans but are in the AOS Endeavour book. The Next stage I have 3 options as follows..... 1, Make and hand sew my own sails as some of the ones in the kit I feel are out of scale(too large) and lack correct amount of stitching detail. 2, Use the Sails supplied with the kit. 3, Do not use any sails and tie up the rigging that is installed for the sails to finished her off. Happy modelling everyone staysafe and take care. Slainte Mhath! 👍🤺⚓🍻
  8. Hi James I painted the wood of the Hull on my Golden Hind I used Revell's Matt 85 Brown which actually comes out a lovely Golden brown colour. Hope this helps James All the best Robert.
  9. Hi Pete First of all Deepest apologies for the waiting so long for am answer. I am not sure how this MSW system works as I haven't had a notification as to your question as I have been on here several times since your question. If I remember right I used a mix between 3cm and 5mm blocks mostly 3mm, these I purchase from "Cornwall Model Boats" a company here in the UK which I thoroughly recommend as they have an extensive range of kits, fittings and accessories for kit building. Hope this helps Pete All the best Robert
  10. Occre Endeavour 1/54 WIP update Standing tall and proud her rigging has begun....... with all lower deadeyes in place it's now spaghetti junction time...😉
  11. Occre Endeavour 1/54 WIP update. Been adding more Deck detail in the form of Anchor Bouys, Fish Davitt hooks, Cannon shot, Cartridge Bags, Barrels, Cannon Arnament tools in the shape of Sponge, Rammer, Ladle and Worm. Along with more belaying pins a Belaying block points for rigging. Swivel guns are all mounted as is the Lantern and Rudder chain. Starting the deadeyes which I am changing to chain plates to conform with the actual plans rather than the brass wire in the kit. I have also had to disregard the Deadeye strops as they didn't fit well with the caldercraft deadeyes I use, so I am using 8mm Black modelling wire to which I add a hook on the end to take the chainplates. Progress has been slowed somewhat due to my health atm, first being a chest infection the next being Carpal tunnel syndrome which is affecting myself now off work and struggling with modelling as any conserted pressure has swollen my wrist and forearm. However trying my best through the pain barrier. Happy modelling everyone all the best of health and staysafe. 👍🤺⚓
  12. Occre Endeavour 1/54 WIP Update: Its been 6 weeks or so since my last post with 2 of them being on holiday. Obviously took a few time outs as well through tiredness due to work, life and ship building balance. Fore, Main & Mizzen masts are all complete now and have been stained and painted along the way, including the Gaff and Flagstaff, all of which are only dry fitted to the ship atm as there is work still to be done on deck and around the Hull. The Lifeboat is finished with a few extra details, and has been rigged to the spare masts. Next stage will be Fitting the Gun posts then painting and fitting the Swivel Guns. The Gun mounts will need the holes slightly drilled larger so the guns fit. After this I will be adding some more deck detail before I can permanently fit the masts one by one in preparation of the start of the Standing rigging. All in all I am pretty happy with my progress and that satisfaction you get when you see your ship coming together. Also a big thanks to OcCre - Ocio Creativo First Class Customer service which has supplied me with a few parts that I needed along the way. Happy modelling everyone staysafe and take care 👍🤺⚓ Slainte Mhath 🍻🍻
  13. Hi Hamilton Pulling a chair up to watch your build on this with a lot of interests I have been eyeing this kit for over a year and have just recently managed to acquire this kit at a very low price, but one which wont be built for a while as I am working on one kit just now with a possible 2 others after that. All the best Robert 👍🤺⚓
  14. Occre Endeavour 1/54 WIP update. The Bowsprit is finished and permanently fitted with all relevant rigging blocks, heart blocks, cleats etc.. as well as the Yards. The Davitts, Booms and Anchors which I already made have now been fitted and rigged up. I have left the chains off the Anchors for now so as to give myself enough room to remove Anchors when I eventually add the swivel gun posts and guns which I will be adding at a later date thus ensuring no clumsy accidents breaking them while trying to work round about them. There will of course be touch ups and minor alterations near the end. It's not perfect but I am happy with it. Probably the hardest part in this was the bending of the brass rings around the Oval Bowsprit as there is a lot of tension in the brass which makes it hard to conform truly to the shape required. Next stage will be making the Foremast in between this I will continue to make the life boat as well. All the best everyone Happy health and modelling Rob 👍🤺🤺⚓⚓
  15. OCCRE ENDEAVOUR 1/54 Update! Hi Everyone Its been a while since my last build post but there has been a lot going on regards deck detail. Cannons, Pumps, Windlass, Bell, Fore Hatch Cover, Davitts, Steps, Ladders, Skids, Chess-trees, Capstan, Binnacle cupboard, Wheel, Tiller platform etc.. all permanently fixed. The other Davitts and Booms have been made but I will be building the Bowsprit next so I can fit these all correctly at the same time as well as all the cleats. All in all it's been a very very enjoyable learning curve, and I am pretty pleased with the outcome so far considering it's my first wooden build. Next stage as I say will probably be making the channels although like the post/swivel guns, I wont be fitting these for a while yet. After the channels I will be building the Bowsprit so I can fit the other davitts, booms and cleats for the Bow and the rest of the ship. Happy modelling everyone All the best and Staysafe and healthy Rob 👍🍻🤺🤺⚓⚓
  16. Hi there I used Occre Sapelli wood stain for the deck furniture. But I am also using a number of Occre wood stains for various bits n pieces about the kit. The only paint I have used so far is the Blue on the top half of the Hull, which Revell 56 Matt Enamel. Hope this helps.
  17. Thanks for those kind words and the upgrade information. I have quite a lot of these upgrades in the plan already as I have improvised a few plastic sailing kits already using these same methods you talk about including Peterson's Rigging period ship models as well as I have sticks of Amati rigging thread and Caldercraft blocks and Deadeyes to hand in different sizes. All the best and thanks Dave Robert 👍🤺⚓
  18. Hi Everyone Its been a while since my last update. This is where I am at with the Endeavour. Not perfect by any manner of means but I am happy with her so far. Just finished the rails so letting them bond properly overnight before I stain them. The hatches, skylight and tiller are obviously only dry fitted. Its been an enjoyable and learning experience building her so far, being my first wooden build I am under no illusions that there is more tests to come as well as thinking out of the box. Wishing everyone the best of health and staysafe. And most of all keep modelling and building. This hobby and Art of ours is just brilliant and a great rest bite from all our working lives. Happy modelling Rob 👍🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓
  19. H.M.B. ENDEAVOUR 1/54 Progress update. Its been sometime since my last build post due to work hrs, and life in general halting any building. Bow and Stern Reinforcements built and sanded down to the contours of the ship. 2nd planking Finished, Painted and stained in appropriate areas. Top sheer strakes crimped, painted and affixed. Next stage will be brushing a second Occre Sapelli stain coat to the lower Hull before tackling the Rubbing strakes which I have already crimped. It may not be perfect for a first wooden ship build but iam happy with her so far. Happy modelling and staysafe everyone 👍🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓
  20. Hi there sorry for the late reply the support stand is made by OCCRE as well purchased online from "Hobbies" here in the UK.
  21. Endeavour 1/54 Construction update. All Bulwarks have been fully installed, lined, and brushed with Oak dye to compliment the Decks. 4 sets of stairs have been made 2 small(for the Rear deck, but not installed) and 2 large(Large ones have been installed to the Main Hatch and Fore fall Scuttle. All steps brushed with Oak dye. Hatches for the Fore fall scuttle, Main Hatch and small rear stern Hatch have been built, installed and brushed with Occre's Walnut dye. The Ringed Plank covers for the Main hatch have also been built, installed and again brushed with Occre's walnut dye. Deck Finishes for the Fore and Aft deck cut, brushed with Occre's walnut dye and installed. Bow and Stern Reinforcements have been cut, shaped and installed. Progress now will be slowing dramatically due to work sadly. First layer of Hull planking finished and stern Reinforcements installed. Next stage to install Bow Reinforcements then cut and Sand everything down to shape, with a bit of filling here and there. Lots and lots of Sanding.... Not to bad for my first wooden model and first time planking a ship.
  22. ENDEAVOUR 1/54 Early days in Construction False keel built, Ribs in place, Lower deck Caulked, Planked and installed, brushed with Occre's Oak dye. Beams cut, brushed with Occre's Walnut dye and installed. Next up Main Deck planking and Caulking. Merry Christmas & All the best for 2022 #staysafe Everyone & Happy Modelling. 👍🤺🤺⚓⚓😷😷🎅🎅
  23. Well I've put this off long enough, with a much needed break after my Royal Louis and now off work till the 6th January, it's now time for the next kit on my workbench. After watching so many videos and trying to gather as much info as possible, This will be my first wooden kit in the shape of OCCRE'S ENDEAVOUR. A ship that has an Enormous Historical story and a kit once finished, will look beautiful. There is an Anticipation and nervousness about this for me, taking me slightly out of my comfort zone, but again pushing my capabilities. I have worked with wood before many times, but not on this level or scale. Patience is key as always, checking and double checking, dry fitting etc... There will be challenges ahead, and the need to think outside the box, but most of all patience and enjoying the build and learning are foremost. Happy modelling everyone & #staysafe 😷👍🤺🤺⚓⚓
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