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Robert Taylor

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Everything posted by Robert Taylor

  1. Small update on my Pyro "Santa Catarina do Monte Sinai" Decking finished and weathered, some Cannons added to Hulls as per instructions, also detailed painting inside ship finshed and weathered. Now to start the the building process to move on to the next stage of adding more Cannons, as well as hatches, Awning, Masts and bowsprit. I will try and make Yards for the masts as the ones with the kit are moulded to the Sails, as I want to add cloth sails as well which I will be hand sewing. Taking a lot longer due to 12hr shifts at work, but have been able to do 30mins-1hr here and there.
  2. Hi Jeff any suggestions on a decent set of head mounted magnifying lenses, just wanting to avoid poor cheap stuff. Regards Robert.
  3. Thanks Jeff, Yes I tried using a free hands magnifying glass, but I didn't feel comfortable with it, I don't wear glasses normally, only for reading very small print, so I suffice with using them, but using them and a magnifying glass confuses the problem re brush distance to subject and etc, I am more accurate just using my reading glasses. However very early stages still and touch ups and the likes will obviously get done in time 😄
  4. Been held up with shift changes at work so I've had next to no time to start this kit. I've spent more time thinking about the colour scheme as the Box instructions and the 16th century painting are that far apart that its caused me a few headaches. I have only completed the stand and 1 side of the hull painting due to this but I suppose I've got started in some direction. And I thought painting triangles on the Hind and Revenge were time consuming these ones on the shields are only a couple of mm long very intricate on such a small scale hull.
  5. Hi Louie You are correct in that case, this particular flag being the "Lord Warden of Cinque Ports" I bought my Cloth Flags after sails from HISmodel as they look so much better than paper ones, just a shame you can't get Cloth flags for every kit out there. Best wishes Robert.
  6. Hi Bill More or less correct, I usually paint all my parts first, Hulls and on sprues, before any assembly, anything after this is just little touch ups if needed. I think it's better to do this with Galleons as there are usually a lot of intricate painting to be done which isn't very feasible if the assembly has already been done or at least it makes it harder to do imho. Hope this helps Bill mate
  7. Hi Everyone. My Next build I have opted to go for out of my stash is Vasco Da Gama's Flagship Carrack the " Santa Catarina do Monte Sinai" on his 3rd Voyage to Portuguese India in 1524. Although a smaller kit with the hull at 26cm with bowsprit and stern mast added the full length will be 41cm approx. This kit with its beautiful architectural moulding(photos below) has has the potential to be a little cracker. Albeit this is will take some time as there is a lot of very small articulate painting. I am also going to try and make New yards for the masts so I can make cloth sails for this, as much as the plastic moulded sails/yards together have good detail on them, I much prefer cloth ones. I will also have to experiment with the colour scheme a bit as actual original carrack colours seem to differ a bit every time on a different website and from the kit instructions which aren't very good. I will also have to re examine the rigging as the instructions again aren't great. I guess this will probably hold as man challenges as a bigger kit, but I really wanted to do this kit as I love the history of it and it's a step back from the normal a bit. Hopefully I will be starting this in the next couple of days if not the start of next week 👍🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓
  8. Thank you so very much, the best of health and happiness to you 🍻👍
  9. Hi Bill, Not sure at the moment as I have quite few to choose from in my stash, I may go for a french one or an early carrack, undecided at the moment mate. Any help you need and if I can I will help👍🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓
  10. Thank you very much, I am touched that it brought back Happy memories for yourself.
  11. My English Man O'war Queen's Flagship Finished! Its been another labour of Love in difficult circumstances these past few weeks. I do have 40 figures for this kit, that I may add some at a later date if I decide to. All relevant comments are welcome as to what I could improve on or missed out, I am still a novice as to Historical accuracy although this kit doesn't relate to one Specific ship from history. Happy Modelling everyone and all the best of health and happiness to you all #staysafe 🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓
  12. Thanks Guys your kind wishes are much appreciated. I have been taking time out here and there to keep myself positive, so I have been going forwards with my kit I have added a few architectural features with some more to follow, I have decided not just to make this just a Man O'war but also the Queen's Flagship also with more armoury, even though this kit isn't based on any one historical ship accurately. On the down side I need to cut and remake 2 sails, rookie and impetus error on the Mizzen and Bonaventure sails, as I have sewn them inside out thinking the yards were on the other side of the masts. I'll will post pics once the ship is finished. Happy modelling guys and once again your kind thoughts and wishes are well appreciated. ❤❤❤❤
  13. Hi Jeff and Ccoyle thanks for your kind words, regrettably it is past that stage in terms of health, now entering "End of life stage" lots of problems re diabetes amputee and cancer.
  14. Hi Everyone Due to a Family member being seriously ill in Hospital, progress has been slowed down to bits and pieces but still managing an hr here and there. All ratlines are now complete, as well as the Anchors, more running rigging done to Mizzen and Bonaventure masts, still more running to do before rigging the sails, and attaching Rudder and lantern to the stern of the ship. I will also be attaching a few aftermarket architectural features some of which are on hold as waiting on new stock. There is now clear skies at the end of the storm. Happy modelling everyone! 🤺🤺🤺⚓⚓⚓
  15. Hi Bill No the wire should hold it all in place, nevertheless even if it did fold on the top and bottom sides not wired this would be sorted once rigged to the mast yard thus straightening it out to it's natural postion.
  16. Hi Bill First of all thanks for your compliments on my ship. To answer your first question is fairly simple, when you have inserted the wire on the two sides of your sail and sowed it up to secure it, it just a simple process of bending the wire inside from the middle to your preferred shape, the wire should hold in that postion, doing this on both sides gives you the billow effect, then just a case of rigging the top of the sail to the mast yard and securing the bottom corners to the lower mast yard or appropriate fixing point if you are doing the large lower sails, then if needed bend the wire a little more to billow the sail to your desire. To answer your second question depends on your preference, I certainly do draw in the lines on the cloth (in light pencil) that are on the plastic sails, maybe not as many, but so the sail still measures up to scale, then I stitch on top of all those lines to give that authenticity of hand sewn sails, I usually do this sewing before I do the wiring as the sail is a lot easier to work with. Hope this has answered your questions Bill. Happy modelling 🤺⚓
  17. Jeff, I don't understand you plugging that half hole. This is important as there is another deck level to be built in which has a full hole where the Mizzen mast goes straight through, but the mast doesnt stop there, it stops at the hole you have just filled, so in order to keep the mast strong and steady it fits into this half hole, you'll need to cut that out again asap. Regards Robert.
  18. Bill, The picture of the Sail I submitted at the end of my Golden Hind is a completed kit. I may have bought those sails, but I had to insert the modelling wire down the sides without bursting the stitching which was very tricky, then rig the sails up to the ship. You can go to my log on here for my Airfix 1/72 Golden Hind kit, which has all the appropriate photos and stages. Robert.
  19. This set of Sails I actually bought separately, albeit they are expensive, about the same price as the kit itself. I only bought them because they were printed with the Elizabethan designs. Unless I can get printed Sails for other kits I have, I will make my own sails in future.
  20. Bill, I am still learning as well, but I have decided that anything I can't do authentically, I will find another way to do it and still making the ship look as authentic as I can without anything being shabby or poor. Sometimes we need to cut our cloth accordingly to what we can and cannot do in all aspects of life. I too love building these ships, the architecture, the rigging, the sails and of course the historical aspect attached to each one, bringing history to life is a labour of love for me. I have my late father to thank for that, as we always watched the old swashbuckler films when I was child, and that's when I started to build these kits albeit with a lot less patience then lol..
  21. No probs Bill, that's kinda why I done my sails before I actually started the kit, to see whether I could do them well enough or if I would need to fork out money for them, as the plastic ones just wouldn't do it justice.
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