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Everything posted by JerryC

  1. I have an Amati gondola in progress, it is an ongoing adventure. I also purchased a Gilberto Penzo gondola that I’m looking forward to. I think the Penzo gondola will be a lot easier to assemble.
  2. I’m still not moving forward. I’m in a bit of despair. I still cannot fit the bow and stern can’t frames to fit. I just joined jup with the South Bay Model Shipwrights. I’ll take the kit with me to the next meeting on the 13th. Hope to get back on track. I haven’t given up yet, but I’m disappointed with the way things,are going at the moment.
  3. I’m still wrestling with the cant frames. It’s slow going. It’s all put there together, take them apart, rinse and repeat. I’m learning as I go, which is a good thing since my order for the osberg ship is in the mail. The lessons I have learnt should make that assembly much easier. I also have been cleaning up a pair of Altec lancing voice of the theater speakers. Much more forgiving.
  4. The can’t frames are still giving me grief. I’m thinking about dismantling the frames and sticking them into the jig and touching them with a little CA.
  5. The replacement parts are looking good. there will be a bunch of thickness sanding to do. The clearances are tight. I noticed it on the jig and now I’m seeing it on the frames To the jig.
  6. My replacement parts for the shallop arrived today. Time to get my nose down to the grindstone again. The break gave me some time to move forward with the clay Feldman/lumberyard Lexington.
  7. That sounds like different colors to me!
  8. Personally, I like treenails. I have a set of vanda lay treenail making tools and have spent many hours making sawdust while producing a bunch of treenails. I used a bunch on the hull planking of the mantua Trotamares, which I then painted. Can’t see them, but I know they are there.
  9. If you’re looking for a kit to bash to create the ship in the photo, this might be of interest:
  10. While waiting for frame parts, I’m assembling some other stuff. I’m getting the hang of it. There are a lot of subtle locating notches that require attentionI had disassemble this one twice i was aligning the pieces at the top and losing the notches.this one needed to be fixed three timesthis one still needs to be cleaned up and the hoops blackened and fastened. I think I’ll have to go and get some CA for that. I don’t think PVA is appropriate and epoxy would be too messy. I’m thinking of draining it walnut, only because I have a can of it sitting around.
  11. I just posted about a planking problem and stuck it in the books, monographs topic is there a way for me to move it?

    1. ccoyle


      A mod will take care of it for you, no worries.

  12. I’m trying to assemble the Clay Feldman Lexington kit from Dlumberland. I’m working on planking the quarter deck and am stuck on the tapering. I tried to do it with eyeballing the taper, but the results were not spectacular to say the least. I had to rip it all out and am starting over. Any suggestions for managing this operation? I have my stock all ready, I’m just having trouble managing the tapering. I did one using a binder clip and sandpaper and it looks ok, but I can’t see doing that 24 more times.
  13. You might try ironing it. You can always re-do it if that fails.
  14. Regarding the faceting the model shipways whaleboat kit includes a piece of cove molding for cupping the planks
  15. I just ran across this topic, looking for a way to taper deck planks, and when I tried to look at the booklet, all I get is the first page. All subsequent pages are blank. I’m using an iPad with current software.
  16. Yes, I did unglue them, but I was unclear about the process and tried to shape the pieces with files and sandpaper. I should have fixed the jig.
  17. I figured out where I went wrong. When I put the main jig together, there was a tight fit between the tabs and the slots. Not a real problem, just required a little adjustment, mostly just sanding the tabs a little. on the jigs for assembling the cant frames, the bottom narrow legs were too thick to fit in the form. So, I opened up the slots in the jig. Bad idea. With the legs fit into the jig, the frames didn’t line up with the center pieces.the legs were too low to mate with the center pieces. When the new pieces arrive, I’ll need to block up the slots in the jig.
  18. I emailed Pavel and he will send me the parts that I need to redo the cant frames. I only have to pay for shipping!
  19. I think it’ll be easier to deal with your misspellings that most of the substitutions spell check throws in there!
  20. Well, I’m stuck now. I sent an email to Pavel to see if I can get some new parts to fix my problems with the can’t frames. Until I hear back from him, I’ll be making barrels and decking and lee boards. Just a bump in the road!
  21. There’s trouble in river city, and I don’t mean pool. These frames just don’t have enough can’t to fit in the jig. All the rest of the frames look good. I’ll be doing some debonding and see if I can salvage them. I should have paid more attention to Ohla’s video, would have saved me the aggravation!
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